

TDR:时域反射仪/车票寄存收据/定期存款收据 (TDR: Time Domain Reflectometer/ Ticket Deposit Receipt/ Term Deposit Receipt)

1)TDR:时域反射仪 (1) TDR: Time Domain Reflectometer)

TDR is an abbreviation of the "Time Domain Reflectometer". It is an electronic device that operates on time domain reflectometry method to trace defects in metallic cables like twisted-pair wire and coaxial cable.

TDR是“时域反射仪”的缩写 。 它是一种在时域反射法上运行的电子设备,用于跟踪双绞线和同轴电缆等金属电缆中的缺陷。

TDR full form (1)

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TDR的工作 (Working of a TDR)

  • TDR examines and evaluates the reflections of electrical pulses along a conductor.


  • It transfers an incident signal down the cable pair and listens for the reflections.


  • If the cable pair is of unvarying impedance there will not be any reflection and the incident signal will be taken in at the other end of the cable pair.


  • On the other hand, if the cable pair is not of unvarying impedance then a number of the incident signal will be returned back to the TDR which traces the defect after evaluating the reflections.


2)TDR:车票存入凭证 (2) TDR: Ticket Deposit Receipt)

TDR is also an abbreviation of "Ticket Deposit Receipt". It is generally filed or put forward to claim the refund of the fare if a person is not able to travel on the train on the journey. There must be a suitable and compelling reason to file a TDR. Some of the common suitable and applicable reasons to file a TDR are mentioned in the following list, given below:

TDR也是“ Ticket Deposit Receipt”的缩写 。 如果某人无法在旅途中乘火车旅行,通常会提出或提出要求退款的权利。 提交TDR必须有适当且令人信服的理由。 下表列出了提交TDR的一些常见的适用理由。

TDR full form (2)

  • The train is canceled due to waterlogging, flood or any other reason


  • The train is running late by more than three hours


  • AC failure in the train


  • Wrongly charged by TTE


  • Difference in fare


  • Partially traveled; a person gets down at some other station due to illness

    部分旅行; 一个人因病在其他车站下车

  • Traveling without proper Identity Proof (ID)


3)TDR:定期存款收据 (3) TDR: Term Deposit Receipt)

TDR is also an abbreviation of "Term Deposit Receipt". It alludes to an account that carries a deposit for a fixed period. It is also occasionally known as a fixed deposit scheme. TDR provides an advanced rate of interest in comparison to other types of deposit accounts.

TDR也是“定期存款收据”的缩写 。 它暗示了一个有固定期限存款的帐户。 有时也称为定期存款方案。 与其他类型的存款帐户相比,TDR提供了更高的利率。

TDR full form (3)

TDR is normally a short term deposit. Its prime of life ranges anywhere from few months to a few years and the money can be withdrawn only after the fixed period or term has ended. TDR and other related financial products are provided by financial institutions like banks, credit unions, and thrift institutions.

TDR通常是短期存款。 它的使用寿命长达数月至数年不等,只有在固定期限或期限结束后才能提取这笔钱。 TDR和其他相关金融产品由银行,信用合作社和储蓄机构等金融机构提供。






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