
公司做网站留言板,杭州产品推广服务公司,网站建设新闻稿,福州专业网站制作大脑应对危机的模式危机:印度信用评级信息服务有限公司 (CRISIL: Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited) CRISIL is an abbreviation of Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited. It is an international analytic company which off…


危机:印度信用评级信息服务有限公司 (CRISIL: Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited)

CRISIL is an abbreviation of Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited. It is an international analytic company which offers ratings, research and risk and policy advisory services. Its head office is situated in Mumbai, India. Standard and Poor's (S&P) is the greater division shareholder of CRISIL, therefore, it is also known as Standard & Poor’s company. The MD & CEO of the company is Ms. Ashu Suyash from 2017.

CRISIL是印度信用评级信息服务有限公司的缩写 。 它是一家国际分析公司,提供评级,研究以及风险和政策咨询服务。 其总部位于印度孟买。 标准普尔(S&P)是CRISIL的更大部门股东,因此,它也被称为标准普尔公司。 该公司的总经理兼首席执行官是2017年的Ashu Suyash女士。

CRISIL full form

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Its main objective is to offer self-determining judgments, actionable approaching and effectual results to make markets operates in an enhanced way. It believes in integrity, excellence, accountability, and teamwork. In the present time, CRISIL is offering service more than 100, 000 customers across 86 countries. The business of CRISIL manages from 8 countries which comprise India, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Argentina, Poland, the UK, and the USA.

它的主要目的是提供自决判断,可行的方法和有效的结果,以增强市场的运作能力。 它相信诚信,卓越,责任心和团队合作精神。 目前,CRISIL为86个国家/地区的100,000多名客户提供服务。 CRISIL的业务来自印度,中国,香港,新加坡,阿根廷,波兰,英国和美国等8个国家/地区。

谁为危机服务? (Who CRISIL Serve?)

The complete range of financial service players which ranges from leading commercial and investment banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, private equity players, asset management companies to small companies and investors are served by CRISIL. In making a high-quality investment and taking significant decisions in businesses, it assists its customers properly. The company also functions and collaborates with governments and policy-makers of a country.

CRISIL为从领先的商业和投资银行,保险公司,咨询公司,私募股权公司,资产管理公司到小公司和投资者的所有金融服务参与者提供服务。 在进行高质量的投资并在业务中做出重大决策时,它会适当地帮助其客户。 该公司还与一个国家的政府和政策制定者一起运作并开展合作。

历史简介 (Brief History)

  • In 1987, CRISIL was integrated, encouraged and supported by Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Ltd. (ICICI) and Unit Trust of India Ltd. (UTI).


    In 1989, it turned out to be the first rating agency to rate the Commercial Paper Programme.


  • In 1992, it turned out to be the first rating agency to rate the asset-backed securities and debt instruments of banks and other financial institutions.


    In 1996, it came into a tactical coalition with Standard and Poor's to expand its skills and processes.

    1996年,它与标准普尔(Standard and Poor's)建立了战术联盟,以扩大其技能和流程。

  • In May 2005, Standard and Poor's turned out to be the greatest division shareholder of CRISIL and CRISIL became the Standard and Poors Company.


  • In 2010, it launched Real Estate Star Ratings.


  • In 2011, it introduced education grading, solar grading and Gold and Gilt index.

    在2011年,它引入了教育等级,太阳能等级和Gold and Gilt指数。

  • In 2012, it obtained a UK based company offering analytics to international investment banks.


  • In 2013, it launched the CRISIL Foundation to raise the financial awareness and efforts towards conservation of the environment.


  • In 2014, it rated the first Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities of India and launched the Fund Management Capability Ratings for the mutual fund.


  • In 2015, it for a second time introduced a program associated with environment conservation through employee volunteering.







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