
营销方案网站,郑州网络推广专业公司,2345导网址导航下载,智能小程序是什么软件静态架构 软件组件图什么是组件图? (What is Component Diagram?) A Component Diagram breaks down the real system under development into different heights of working. Every component is reactive for the main aim in the entire system and only re…

软件静态架构 软件组件图

什么是组件图? (What is Component Diagram?)

A Component Diagram breaks down the real system under development into different heights of working. Every component is reactive for the main aim in the entire system and only reacts with other particular elements on a need to know basis. The interfaces on the right are defined as required interfaces, which shows the services the component wants to carry out its duty.

组件图将正在开发的实际系统分解为不同的工作高度。 每个组件对于整个系统的主要目标都是React性的,并且仅在需要了解的基础上与其他特定元素React。 右侧的接口定义为必需的接口,该接口显示了组件要执行其职责的服务。

组件图的基础概念 (Basis Concept of Component Diagram)

A component represents a modular part of a system of the diagram that encapsulates its contents and tells whose manifestation is replaceable the states within its environment of the world. In the UML diagram, a component is drawn as four sides as breadth and length known as a rectangle with optional compartments stacked straightly as vertical. A high-level, abstracted view of a component in UML 2 can be modeled as:

组件表示图的系统的模块化部分,该模块封装了其内容并告诉其表现形式可以替换其环境中的状态。 在UML图中 ,将组件绘制为宽度和长度的四个侧面(称为矩形),并带有可选的分隔室,这些分隔室垂直笔直地堆叠。 UML 2中组件的高级抽象视图可以建模为:

  1. A rectangle with the component's name


  2. A rectangle with the component icon


  3. A rectangle with the stereotype text and/or icon


组件图 (Component Diagram)

  • Take stock of everything or anything needed or wanted to implement or run the planned system. For example, for a simple e-commerce system, we will need components or parts of the component that describe products, orders, objective, server account, and customer accounts.

    盘点实施或运行计划的系统所需或想要的一切。 例如,对于简单的电子商务系统,我们将需要描述产品,订单,目标,服务器帐户和客户帐户的组件或组件的各个部分。

  • Form a visual or imaginary for each of the components of the system.


  • Defines the organization and relationships between components having the parts using interfaces, ports, and dependencies together to form components.


component diagram in software engineering

组件图的各部分 (Parts of Component Diagram)

  1. Component:


    A component is a logical unit block of the system of the objects, a little large flow abstraction than classes. It is shown as a length and breadth rectangle with a smaller rectangle in the upside of right corner or site with tabs or the word written or shows above the name of the component to help differentiate it from a class.

    组件是对象系统的逻辑单元块,抽象度比类大。 它显示为长度和宽度的矩形,在右上角或站点的上方带有一个较小的矩形,并带有制表符或单词,或在组件名称的上方显示以帮助区分其与类。

  2. Interface:


    An interface (small circle or semi-circle on a stick) differentiate a group of operations required or something provided by components. A full circle represents an interface provided by the component and uses for the interface between the two systems. A semi-circle represents a required interface, like a person's input as the objects of the system.

    界面(杆上的小圆圈或半圆圈)区分一组所需的操作或组件提供的某些操作。 实心圆圈表示组件提供的接口,并用于两个系统之间的接口。 半圆表示所需的界面,例如作为系统对象的人的输入。

  3. Dependencies:


    Draw dependencies among al the components using dashed arrows.


  4. Port:


    Ports are represented using four equal sites as square along the edge of the system or a component. A port is used to input the system object into it. A port is often used to help to expose required and provided and interfaces of a component of the system.

    端口沿着系统或组件的边缘使用四个相等的正方形表示为端口。 端口用于将系统对象输入其中。 端口通常用于帮助公开系统组件的必需和提供的接口。

组件图的使用 (Use of Component Diagram)

  • Design the components of a system.


  • Program the database schema.


  • Make the executables of an application.


  • Draw the system's source code.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/component-diagram-software-engineering.aspx

软件静态架构 软件组件图





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