【Kaggle微课程】Natural Language Processing - 2.Text Classification


    • 1. bag of words
    • 2. 建立词袋模型
    • 3. 训练文本分类模型
    • 4. 预测
    • 练习:
      • 1. 评估方法
      • 2. 数据预处理、建模
      • 3. 训练
      • 4. 预测
      • 5. 评估模型
      • 6. 改进

learn from https://www.kaggle.com/learn/natural-language-processing




  • 读取数据
import pandas as pd
spam = pd.read_csv("./spam.csv")

1. bag of words

模型不能直接从原始文本中学习,需要转化成数字特征,最简单的方法是用 one-hot 编码。


  • 句子1 "Tea is life. Tea is love."
  • 句子2 "Tea is healthy, calming, and delicious."

忽略标点后的词表是 {"tea", "is", "life", "love", "healthy", "calming", "and", "delicious"}




还有一种表示法,TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency)

2. 建立词袋模型

使用 spacy 的 TextCategorizer 可以处理词袋的转换,建立一个简单的线性模型,它是一个 spacy 管道

import spacy
nlp = spacy.blank('en') # 建立空模型# Create the TextCategorizer with exclusive classes 
#                        and "bow" architecture
textcat = nlp.create_pipe('textcat',config={"exclusive_classes": True, # 排他的,二分类"architecture": "bow"
})# Add the TextCategorizer to the empty model
# help(nlp.create_pipe)
Help on method create_pipe in module spacy.language:create_pipe(name, config={}) method of spacy.lang.en.English instanceCreate a pipeline component from a factory.name (unicode): Factory name to look up in `Language.factories`.config (dict): Configuration parameters to initialise component.RETURNS (callable): Pipeline component.DOCS: https://spacy.io/api/language#create_pipe
# Add labels to text classifier
textcat.add_label("ham") # 正常邮件
textcat.add_label("spam") # 垃圾邮件

3. 训练文本分类模型


train_texts = spam['text'].values
train_labels = [{'cats': {'ham': label == 'ham','spam': label == 'spam'}} for label in spam['label']]

将 文本 和 对应的标签 打包

train_data = list(zip(train_texts, train_labels))


('Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e buffet... Cine there got amore wat...',{'cats': {'ham': True, 'spam': False}}),('Ok lar... Joking wif u oni...', {'cats': {'ham': True, 'spam': False}}),("Free entry in 2 a wkly comp to win FA Cup final tkts 21st May 2005. Text FA to 87121 to receive entry question(std txt rate)T&C's apply 08452810075over18's",{'cats': {'ham': False, 'spam': True}})
  • 准备训练模型
  1. 创建优化器 optimizer nlp.begin_training(),spacy使用它更新模型权重
  2. 数据分批 minibatch
  3. 更新模型参数 nlp.update
from spacy.util import minibatchspacy.util.fix_random_seed(1)
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()# 数据分批
batches = minibatch(train_data, size=8)
# 迭代
for batch in batches:texts, labels = zip(*batch)nlp.update(texts, labels, sgd=optimizer)

这只是一次 epoch

>>> batch = [("1", True),("2", False)]
>>> texts, labels = zip(*batch)
>>> texts
('1', '2')
>>> labels
(True, False)


  • 多次 epochs 迭代
import random
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()loss = {}
for epoch in range(10):# 每次随机打乱数据random.shuffle(train_data)# 数据分批batches = minibatch(train_data, size=8)# 迭代for batch in batches:texts, labels = zip(*batch)nlp.update(texts, labels, drop=0.3, sgd=optimizer, losses=loss)print(loss)
# help(nlp.update)
Help on method update in module spacy.language:update(docs, golds, drop=0.0, sgd=None, losses=None, component_cfg=None) method of spacy.lang.en.English instanceUpdate the models in the pipeline.docs (iterable): A batch of `Doc` objects.golds (iterable): A batch of `GoldParse` objects.drop (float): The dropout rate.sgd (callable): An optimizer.losses (dict): Dictionary to update with the loss, keyed by component.component_cfg (dict): Config parameters for specific pipelinecomponents, keyed by component name.DOCS: https://spacy.io/api/language#update


{'textcat': 0.22436044702671132}
{'textcat': 0.41457826484549287}
{'textcat': 0.5661000985640895}
{'textcat': 0.7119002992385974}
{'textcat': 0.8301601885299159}
{'textcat': 0.9572314705652767}
{'textcat': 1.050187804254974}
{'textcat': 1.1268915971417424}
{'textcat': 1.2132206293363608}
{'textcat': 1.3000399094508472}

4. 预测


texts = ["Are you ready for the tea party????? It's gonna be wild","URGENT Reply to this message for GUARANTEED FREE TEA"]
docs = [nlp.tokenizer(text) for text in texts]
textcat = nlp.get_pipe('textcat')
scores, _ = textcat.predict(docs)


[[9.9999392e-01 6.1252954e-06][4.1843491e-04 9.9958152e-01]]


predicted_labels = scores.argmax(axis=1)
print([textcat.labels[label] for label in predicted_labels])
['ham', 'spam']






1-2 星的评级为“负样本”4-5 星的评级为“正样本”3 星的评级是“中性”的,已经从数据中删除。

1. 评估方法

  • 上面方法的优势在于,你可以区分正面邮件和负面邮件,即使你没有标记为正面或负面的历史邮件。
  • 这种方法的缺点是,电子邮件可能与Yelp评论很不同(不同的分布),这会降低模型的准确性。例如,客户在电子邮件中通常会使用不同的单词或俚语,而基于Yelp评论的模型不会看到这些单词。
  • 如果你想知道这个问题有多严重,你可以比较两个来源的词频。在实践中,手动从每一个来源读几封电子邮件就足以判断这是否是一个严重的问题。
  • 如果你想做一些更花哨的事情,你可以创建一个包含Yelp评论和电子邮件的数据集,看看模型是否能从文本内容中分辨出评论的来源。理想情况下,您希望发现该模型的性能不佳,因为这意味着您的数据源是相似的。

2. 数据预处理、建模

  • 数据集切分
def load_data(csv_file, split=0.9):data = pd.read_csv(csv_file)# Shuffle datatrain_data = data.sample(frac=1, random_state=7)texts = train_data.text.valueslabels = [{"POSITIVE": bool(y), "NEGATIVE": not bool(y)}for y in train_data.sentiment.values]split = int(len(train_data) * split)train_labels = [{"cats": labels} for labels in labels[:split]]val_labels = [{"cats": labels} for labels in labels[split:]]return texts[:split], train_labels, texts[split:], val_labelstrain_texts, train_labels, val_texts, val_labels = load_data('../input/nlp-course/yelp_ratings.csv')
  • 查看训练数据
print('Texts from training data\n------')
print('\nLabels from training data\n------')


Texts from training data
["Some of the best sushi I've ever had....and I come from the East Coast.  Unreal toro, have some of it's available.""One of the best burgers I've ever had and very well priced. I got the tortilla burger and is was delicious especially with there tortilla soup!"]Labels from training data
[{'cats': {'POSITIVE': True, 'NEGATIVE': False}}, 
{'cats': {'POSITIVE': True, 'NEGATIVE': False}}]
  • 建模
import spacy
nlp = spacy.blank('en') # 建立空模型# Create the TextCategorizer with exclusive classes 
#                        and "bow" architecture
textcat = nlp.create_pipe('textcat',config={"exclusive_classes": True, # 排他的,二分类"architecture": "bow"
})# Add the TextCategorizer to the empty model
nlp.add_pipe(textcat)# Add NEGATIVE and POSITIVE labels to text classifier
textcat.add_label("NEGATIVE") # 负面邮件
textcat.add_label("POSITIVE") # 正面邮件

3. 训练

from spacy.util import minibatch
import randomdef train(model, train_data, optimizer, batch_size=8):loss = {}random.seed(1)random.shuffle(train_data)batches = minibatch(train_data, size=batch_size)for batch in batches:# train_data is a list of tuples [(text0, label0), (text1, label1), ...]# Split batch into texts and labelstexts, labels = zip(*batch)# Update model with texts and labelsmodel.update(texts, labels, sgd=optimizer, losses=loss)return loss
  • 训练
# Fix seed for reproducibility
random.seed(1)# This may take a while to run!
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
train_data = list(zip(train_texts, train_labels))
losses = train(nlp, train_data, optimizer)
  • 测试下效果
text = "This tea cup was full of holes. Do not recommend."
doc = nlp(text)


{'NEGATIVE': 0.7731374502182007, 'POSITIVE': 0.22686253488063812}


4. 预测

def predict(nlp, texts): # Use the model's tokenizer to tokenize each input textdocs = [nlp.tokenizer(text) for text in texts]# Use textcat to get the scores for each doctextcat = nlp.get_pipe('textcat')scores, _ = textcat.predict(docs)# From the scores, find the class with the highest score/probabilitypred_labels = scores.argmax(axis=1)return pred_labels

5. 评估模型

def evaluate(model, texts, labels):""" Returns the accuracy of a TextCategorizer model. Arguments---------model: ScaPy model with a TextCategorizertexts: Text samples, from load_data functionlabels: True labels, from load_data function"""# Get predictions from textcat model (using your predict method)predicted_class = predict(model, texts)# From labels, get the true class as a list of integers (POSITIVE -> 1, NEGATIVE -> 0)true_class = [int(label['cats']['POSITIVE']) for label in labels]# A boolean or int array indicating correct predictionscorrect_predictions = (true_class == predicted_class)# The accuracy, number of correct predictions divided by all predictionsaccuracy = sum(correct_predictions)/len(true_class)return accuracy
accuracy = evaluate(nlp, val_texts, val_labels)
print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy:.4f}")

输出:验证集准确率 92.39%

Accuracy: 0.9239
  • 多次迭代训练
# This may take a while to run!
n_iters = 5
for i in range(n_iters):losses = train(nlp, train_data, optimizer)accuracy = evaluate(nlp, val_texts, val_labels)print(f"Loss: {losses['textcat']:.3f} \t Accuracy: {accuracy:.3f}")
Loss: 6.752 	 Accuracy: 0.940
Loss: 4.105 	 Accuracy: 0.947
Loss: 2.904 	 Accuracy: 0.945
Loss: 2.267 	 Accuracy: 0.946
Loss: 1.826 	 Accuracy: 0.944

6. 改进

这里有各种超参数可以调节。最重要的超参数是TextCategorizer 的 architecture

上面使用的最简单的模型,它训练得快,但可能比 CNN 和 ensemble 模型的性能差

我的CSDN博客地址 https://michael.blog.csdn.net/






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