- node_modules:是我们这个hexo整个项目的环境依赖,自动生成的,不用理会。
- public:存放的是整个项目的页面,样式,及逻辑代码。
- scaffolds:scaffolds是
的意思,当你新建一篇文章(hexo new page 'title'
)的时候,hexo是根据这个目录下的文件进行构建的。不用关心。 - source:这个目录很重要,新建的文章都是在保存在这个目录下的_posts 。_posts 目录下是一个个 markdown 文件。初始里面有一个 hello-world.md 的文件,文章就在这个文件中编辑。_posts 目录下的md文件,会被编译成html文件,放到 public 文件夹下。
- themes:是网站的主题目录,Hexo有很好的主题扩展能力,开源主题也很丰富,该目录下每一个子目录就是一个主题。
- _config.yml:全局配置文件,我们Blog站点的很多信息都是在这个文件中配置的,比如网站的名字,副标题,网站描述信息,作者等等。
- package.json:这个文件里我们可以看到hexo所依赖的插件。
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- 主题下载:进入到myblog文件目录下,打开powershell终端,键入命令:
git clone https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-theme-next themes / next
下载完毕,我们打开themes文件夹,会发现多出一个next的文件夹。 - 应用主题:打开根myblog目录下的 _config.yml 文件,修改themes的值为 next 如图
- 预览:进入终端在根目录
hexo clean
先清理一下hexo的缓存hexo s
本地启动服务- 打开浏览器:在地址栏键入
next主题应用成功之后,也是需要友好的配置一下,打开themes文件夹下的next文件会看到也有一个 _config.yml
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If translate for this menu will find in languages - this translate will be loaded; if not - Key name will be used. Key is case-senstive. # Value before `||` delimeter is the target link. # Value after `||` delimeter is the name of FontAwesome icon. If icon (with or without delimeter) is not specified, question icon will be loaded. menu: # 菜单路径 注意:下边的 || 不能去掉 后边表示的是 对应的图标home: / || home # 表示主页tags: /tags/ || tags # 表示标签categories: /categories/ || th # 表示分类archives: /archives/ || archive #表示归档about: /about/ || user 表示关于我life: /life/ || heart#schedule: /schedule/ || calendar #sitemap: /sitemap.xml || sitemap#commonweal: /404/ || heartbeat # 公益活动# Enable/Disable menu icons. menu_icons: # 这里是图标设置 和上边的 || 后面的一致 enable: truehome: hometags: tagscategories: tharchives: archiveabout: userlife: heart# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Scheme Settings 这里是next主题的样式排版设置 # ---------------------------------------------------------------# Schemes next给提供了如下四个页面布局方式 只能选择其中的一个使用,具体样式,可自己动手试试,我这里选择的是Mist # scheme: Muse scheme: Mist # scheme: Pisces # scheme: Gemini# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Sidebar Settings 社交设置 # ---------------------------------------------------------------# Social Links. # Usage: `Key: permalink || icon` # Key is the link label showing to end users. # Value before `||` delimeter is the target permalink. # Value after `||` delimeter is the name of FontAwesome icon. If icon (with or without delimeter) is not specified, globe icon will be loaded. social: # 自己的社交链接 比如这里我设置了 Github 和 邮箱,下面还可以设置 微博之类的 自己动手设置试试GitHub: https://github.com/Liuwang0330|| githubE-Mail: number_nine@126.com || envelope#Google: https://plus.google.com/yourname || google#Twitter: https://twitter.com/yourname || twitter#FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/yourname || facebook#VK Group: https://vk.com/yourname || vk#StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/yourname || stack-overflow#YouTube: https://youtube.com/yourname || youtube#Instagram: https://instagram.com/yourname || instagram#Skype: skype:yourname?call|chat || skypesocial_icons: # 这里是设置上面社交链接 的对应图标的 对应的设为 true 即可enable: trueGithub: githubicons_only: falsetransition: false# Blog rolls # 这里是设置一些相关链接 我这里设置了一些推荐阅读的网站,可自行设置 links_icon: link links_title: 推荐阅读 # links_layout: block links_layout: inline links:w3school: http://www.w3school.com.cn/菜鸟教程: http://www.runoob.com/廖雪峰官网: https://www.liaoxuefeng.com/# Sidebar Avatar # in theme directory(source/images): /images/avatar.gif # in site directory(source/uploads): /uploads/avatar.gif avatar: /images/avatar.jpg # 这里设置自己的头像# Table Of Contents in the Sidebar # 文章自动显示的目录 toc:enable: true# Automatically add list number to toc. 文章是否显示序号,显示则设置为truenumber: false# If true, all words will placed on next lines if header width longer then sidebar width.wrap: false# Creative Commons 4.0 International License. # http://creativecommons.org/ # Available: by | by-nc | by-nc-nd | by-nc-sa | by-nd | by-sa | zero #creative_commons: by-nc-sa #creative_commons:sidebar:# Sidebar Position, available value: left | right (only for Pisces | Gemini).position: left#position: right# Sidebar Display, available value (only for Muse | Mist):# - post expand on posts automatically. Default.# - always expand for all pages automatically# - hide expand only when click on the sidebar toggle icon.# - remove Totally remove sidebar including sidebar toggle.display: post#display: always#display: hide#display: remove# Sidebar offset from top menubar in pixels (only for Pisces | Gemini).offset: 12# Back to top in sidebar (only for Pisces | Gemini).b2t: false# Scroll percent label in b2t button.scrollpercent: false# Enable sidebar on narrow view (only for Muse | Mist).onmobile: false# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Post Settings # ---------------------------------------------------------------# Automatically scroll page to section which is under <!-- more --> mark. scroll_to_more: true# Automatically saving scroll position on each post/page in cookies. save_scroll: false# Automatically excerpt description in homepage as preamble text. excerpt_description: true# Automatically Excerpt. Not recommend. # Please use <!-- more --> in the post to control excerpt accurately. auto_excerpt:enable: truelength: 120# Post meta display settings post_meta:item_text: truecreated_at: trueupdated_at: falsecategories: true# Post wordcount display settings # Dependencies: https://github.com/willin/hexo-wordcount post_wordcount:item_text: truewordcount: truemin2read: truetotalcount: trueseparated_meta: true# Wechat Subscriber 设置微信添加方式 wechat_subscriber:enabled: trueqcode: /images/mywechat.jpgdescription: 扫一扫添加微信好友# Reward # 设置打赏方式 reward_comment: 如果觉得文章不错,请我吃根辣条吧~~ wechatpay: /images/wxpay.png alipay: /images/alipay.png # bitcoin: /images/bitcoin.png# Declare license on posts post_copyright:enable: falselicense: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0license_url: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc Theme Settings # ---------------------------------------------------------------# Reduce padding / margin indents on devices with narrow width. mobile_layout_economy: false# Android Chrome header panel color ($black-deep). android_chrome_color: "#222"# Custom Logo. # !!Only available for Default Scheme currently. # Options: # enabled: [true/false] - Replace with specific image # image: url-of-image - Images's url custom_logo:enabled: falseimage:# Code Highlight theme # Available value: # normal | night | night eighties | night blue | night bright # https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme highlight_theme: night eighties |
创建分类:终端myblog根目录下键入命令 hexo new page categories
之后我们进入 myblog/source
目录下发现多出一个名为 categories
的文件夹, 打开categories下的index.md,可以看到是这样的 如图
hexo new page "文章标题"
打开source文件夹下的_posts文件,就可以看到我们刚刚创建的 “文章名称”.md的 文件,用编辑器打开,就可以编写内容了,其中文章可以设置分类和标签,如图
hexo clean
注意:每次提交前建议都执行一下该命令,清除一下hexo g
生成本地静态文件hexo s
启动本地服务,在本地预览hexo d
下面我们再打开网址 https://