









基于key hash寻找Entry对象存放在数组中的位置,对于hash冲突采用链表/红黑树的方式来解决。



// 1. 哈希冲突时采用链表法的类,一个哈希桶多于8个元素改为TreeNodestatic class Node<K,V> implements Map.Entry<K,V>// 2. 哈希冲突时采用红黑树存储的类,一个哈希桶少于6个元素改为Nodestatic final class TreeNode<K,V> extends LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V>




为何按位与而不是取摸 hashmap的iterator读取时是否会读到另一个线程put的数据








/*** The default initial capacity - MUST be a power of two.*/
static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 1 << 4; // aka 16/*** The maximum capacity, used if a higher value is implicitly specified* by either of the constructors with arguments.* MUST be a power of two <= 1<<30.*/
static final int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = 1 << 30;/*** The load factor used when none specified in constructor.*/
static final float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75f;/*** The bin count threshold for using a tree rather than list for a* bin.  Bins are converted to trees when adding an element to a* bin with at least this many nodes. The value must be greater* than 2 and should be at least 8 to mesh with assumptions in* tree removal about conversion back to plain bins upon* shrinkage.*/
static final int TREEIFY_THRESHOLD = 8;/*** The bin count threshold for untreeifying a (split) bin during a* resize operation. Should be less than TREEIFY_THRESHOLD, and at* most 6 to mesh with shrinkage detection under removal.*/
static final int UNTREEIFY_THRESHOLD = 6;/*** The smallest table capacity for which bins may be treeified.* (Otherwise the table is resized if too many nodes in a bin.)* Should be at least 4 * TREEIFY_THRESHOLD to avoid conflicts* between resizing and treeification thresholds.*/
static final int MIN_TREEIFY_CAPACITY = 64;/*** The table, initialized on first use, and resized as* necessary. When allocated, length is always a power of two.* (We also tolerate length zero in some operations to allow* bootstrapping mechanics that are currently not needed.)*/
transient Node<K,V>[] table;/*** Holds cached entrySet(). Note that AbstractMap fields are used* for keySet() and values().*/
transient Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> entrySet;/*** The number of key-value mappings contained in this map.*/
transient int size;/*** The number of times this HashMap has been structurally modified* Structural modifications are those that change the number of mappings in* the HashMap or otherwise modify its internal structure (e.g.,* rehash).  This field is used to make iterators on Collection-views of* the HashMap fail-fast.  (See ConcurrentModificationException).*/
transient int modCount;/*** The next size value at which to resize (capacity * load factor).** @serial*/
// (The javadoc description is true upon serialization.
// Additionally, if the table array has not been allocated, this
// field holds the initial array capacity, or zero signifying
// DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY.)// HashMap的阈值,用于判断是否需要调整HashMap的容量(threshold = 容量*装载因子)
int threshold;/*** The load factor for the hash table.** @serial*/
final float loadFactor;



public HashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {if (initialCapacity < 0)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal initial capacity: " +initialCapacity);if (initialCapacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY)initialCapacity = MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;if (loadFactor <= 0 || Float.isNaN(loadFactor))throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal load factor: " +loadFactor);this.loadFactor = loadFactor;// 阈值为不小于容量的2的幂次this.threshold = tableSizeFor(initialCapacity);
}public HashMap(int initialCapacity) {this(initialCapacity, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
}/*** Constructs an empty <tt>HashMap</tt> with the default initial capacity* (16) and the default load factor (0.75).*/
public HashMap() {this.loadFactor = DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR; // all other fields defaulted



/*** Returns a power of two size for the given target capacity.*/
static final int tableSizeFor(int cap) {int n = cap - 1;n |= n >>> 1;n |= n >>> 2;n |= n >>> 4;n |= n >>> 8;n |= n >>> 16;return (n < 0) ? 1 : (n >= MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) ? MAXIMUM_CAPACITY : n + 1;


static final int hash(Object key) {int h;return (key == null) ? 0 : (h = key.hashCode()) ^ (h >>> 16);

key的hash值高16位不变,低16位与高16位异或作为key的最终hash值。(h >>> 16,表示无符号右移16位,高位补0,任何数跟0异或都是其本身,因此key的hash值高16位不变。)


hash to index


n = table.length;

index = (n-1)& hash;

n总是2n次方时,hash & (n-1)运算等价于h%n,但是&%具有更高的效率。


public V put(K key, V value) {return putVal(hash(key), key, value, false, true);
}// onlyIfAbsent如果为true,只有在hashmap没有该key的时候才添加// evict如果为false,hashmap为创建模式;只有在使用Map集合作为构造器创建LinkedHashMap或HashMap时才会为false。// 这两个参数均为实现java8的新接口而设置Node<K,V> newNode(int hash, K key, V value, Node<K,V> next) {return new Node<>(hash, key, value, next);
}final V putVal(int hash, K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent,boolean evict) {Node<K,V>[] tab; // tableNode<K,V> p;  // node pointerint n, i; // n 为length, i 为 node indexif ((tab = table) == null || (n = tab.length) == 0)n = (tab = resize()).length;// index处没有元素,则直接放入新节点if ((p = tab[i = (n - 1) & hash]) == null)tab[i] = newNode(hash, key, value, null);else {// index处有元素Node<K,V> e;K k;if (p.hash == hash &&((k = p.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k))))// 假如key是相同的,那么替换value即可e = p;else if (p instanceof TreeNode)// key不同,但如果p是红黑树根节点,那么将新节点放入红黑树e = ((TreeNode<K,V>)p).putTreeVal(this, tab, hash, key, value);else {// key不同,但如果p是链表头节点,那么判断链表中是否有该节点,如没有,则将新节点插入到链表尾部for (int binCount = 0; ; ++binCount) {if ((e = p.next) == null) {p.next = newNode(hash, key, value, null);// 插入后如果发现已经链表长度已经适合转为红黑树了,则转换if (binCount >= TREEIFY_THRESHOLD - 1) // -1 for 1sttreeifyBin(tab, hash);break;}// 链表中某元素key和key相同,则替换value即可if (e.hash == hash &&((k = e.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k))))break;p = e;}}if (e != null) { // existing mapping for keyV oldValue = e.value;if (!onlyIfAbsent || oldValue == null)e.value = value;afterNodeAccess(e);return oldValue;}}++modCount;if (++size > threshold)resize();afterNodeInsertion(evict);return null;

扩容 resize

// 扩容函数,如果hash桶为空,初始化默认大小,否则双倍扩容// 注意!!因为扩容为2的倍数,根据hash桶的计算方法,元素哈希值不变// 所以元素在新的hash桶的下标,要不跟旧的hash桶下标一致,要不增加1倍。cap:capacitythr:thresholdfinal Node<K,V>[] resize() {Node<K,V>[] oldTab = table;int oldCap = (oldTab == null) ? 0 : oldTab.length;int oldThr = threshold;int newCap, newThr = 0;if (oldCap > 0) {if (oldCap >= MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) {threshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE;return oldTab;}else if ((newCap = oldCap << 1) < MAXIMUM_CAPACITY &&oldCap >= DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY)newThr = oldThr << 1; // double threshold}else if (oldThr > 0) // initial capacity was placed in thresholdnewCap = oldThr;else {               // zero initial threshold signifies using defaultsnewCap = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY;newThr = (int)(DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR * DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);}if (newThr == 0) {float ft = (float)newCap * loadFactor;newThr = (newCap < MAXIMUM_CAPACITY && ft < (float)MAXIMUM_CAPACITY ?(int)ft : Integer.MAX_VALUE);}threshold = newThr;Node<K,V>[] newTab = (Node<K,V>[])new Node[newCap];table = newTab;if (oldTab != null) {for (int j = 0; j < oldCap; ++j) {Node<K,V> e;if ((e = oldTab[j]) != null) {// j位置原本元素存在oldTab[j] = null;if (e.next == null)// 如果该位置没有形成链表,则再次计算index,放入新table// 假设扩容前的table大小为2的N次方,有上述put方法解析可知,元素的table索引为其hash值的后N位确定那么扩容后的table大小即为2的N+1次方,则其中元素的table索引为其hash值的后N+1位确定,比原来多了一位因此,table中的元素只有两种情况:元素hash值第N+1位为0:不需要进行位置调整元素hash值第N+1位为1:调整至原索引的两倍位置newTab[e.hash & (newCap - 1)] = e;else if (e instanceof TreeNode)// 如果该位置形成了红黑树,则split((TreeNode<K,V>)e).split(this, newTab, j, oldCap);else { // preserve order// 如果该位置形成了链表,则分成两个链表,分别放在0~oldCap,oldCap~oldCap*2位置处Node<K,V> loHead = null, loTail = null;Node<K,V> hiHead = null, hiTail = null;Node<K,V> next;do {next = e.next;// 用于确定元素hash值第N+1位是否为0:若为0,则使用loHead与loTail,将元素移至新table的原索引处若不为0,则使用hiHead与hiHead,将元素移至新table的两倍索引处if ((e.hash & oldCap) == 0) {if (loTail == null)loHead = e;elseloTail.next = e;loTail = e;}else {if (hiTail == null)hiHead = e;elsehiTail.next = e;hiTail = e;}} while ((e = next) != null);if (loTail != null) {loTail.next = null;newTab[j] = loHead;}if (hiTail != null) {hiTail.next = null;newTab[j + oldCap] = hiHead;}}}}}return newTab;


public V get(Object key) {Node<K,V> e;return (e = getNode(hash(key), key)) == null ? null : e.value;
}final Node<K,V> getNode(int hash, Object key) {Node<K,V>[] tab; Node<K,V> first, e; int n; K k;if ((tab = table) != null && (n = tab.length) > 0 &&(first = tab[(n - 1) & hash]) != null) {// table不为空,且hash对应index元素不为空// 如果index位置就是我们要找的key,则直接返回if (first.hash == hash && // always check first node((k = first.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k))))return first;// 如果不是,则从链表或红黑树的角度继续找if ((e = first.next) != null) {if (first instanceof TreeNode)return ((TreeNode<K,V>)first).getTreeNode(hash, key);do {if (e.hash == hash &&((k = e.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k))))return e;} while ((e = e.next) != null);}}return null;


public V remove(Object key) {Node<K,V> e;return (e = removeNode(hash(key), key, null, false, true)) == null ?null : e.value;
}value=null,matchValue=false,movable=truefinal Node<K,V> removeNode(int hash, Object key, Object value,boolean matchValue, boolean movable) {Node<K,V>[] tab; Node<K,V> p; int n, index;if ((tab = table) != null && (n = tab.length) > 0 &&(p = tab[index = (n - 1) & hash]) != null) {Node<K,V> node = null, e; K k; V v;// 1) 如果hash 对应index即为我们要找的key,则找到if (p.hash == hash &&((k = p.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k))))node = p;// 2) 从链表或红黑树的角度继续找else if ((e = p.next) != null) {if (p instanceof TreeNode)node = ((TreeNode<K,V>)p).getTreeNode(hash, key);else {do {if (e.hash == hash &&((k = e.key) == key ||(key != null && key.equals(k)))) {node = e;break;}p = e;} while ((e = e.next) != null);}}// 找到后,根据找到的位置不同 相应地进行删除if (node != null && (!matchValue || (v = node.value) == value ||(value != null && value.equals(v)))) {if (node instanceof TreeNode)((TreeNode<K,V>)node).removeTreeNode(this, tab, movable);else if (node == p)tab[index] = node.next;elsep.next = node.next;++modCount;--size;afterNodeRemoval(node);return node;}}return null;


public boolean containsKey(Object key) {return getNode(hash(key), key) != null;



public boolean containsValue(Object value) {Node<K,V>[] tab; V v;if ((tab = table) != null && size > 0) {for (int i = 0; i < tab.length; ++i) {for (Node<K,V> e = tab[i]; e != null; e = e.next) {if ((v = e.value) == value ||(value != null && value.equals(v)))return true;}}}return false;

a)链表转红黑树 treeifyBin

/*** Replaces all linked nodes in bin at index for given hash unless* table is too small, in which case resizes instead.*/
final void treeifyBin(Node<K,V>[] tab, int hash) {int n, index; Node<K,V> e;if (tab == null || (n = tab.length) < MIN_TREEIFY_CAPACITY)resize();else if ((e = tab[index = (n - 1) & hash]) != null) {TreeNode<K,V> hd = null, tl = null;do {TreeNode<K,V> p = replacementTreeNode(e, null);if (tl == null)hd = p;else {p.prev = tl;tl.next = p;}tl = p;} while ((e = e.next) != null);if ((tab[index] = hd) != null)hd.treeify(tab);}

b)红黑树转链表 TreeNode#untreeify

final Node<K,V> untreeify(HashMap<K,V> map) {Node<K,V> hd = null, tl = null;for (Node<K,V> q = this; q != null; q = q.next) {Node<K,V> p = map.replacementNode(q, null);if (tl == null)hd = p;elsetl.next = p;tl = p;}return hd;




HashMap是无序的,也就是说,迭代HashMap所得到的元素顺序并不是它们最初放置到HashMap的顺序。HashMap的这一缺点往往会造成诸多不便,因为在有些场景中,我们确需要用到一个可以保持插入顺序的Map。庆幸的是,JDK为我们解决了这个问题,它为HashMap提供了一个子类 —— LinkedHashMap。虽然LinkedHashMap增加了时间和空间上的开销,但是它通过维护一个额外的双向链表保证了迭代顺序。特别地,该迭代顺序可以是插入顺序,也可以是访问顺序。因此,根据链表中元素的顺序可以将LinkedHashMap分为:保持插入顺序的LinkedHashMap 和 保持访问顺序(LRU,get后调整链表序,最新获取的放在最后)的LinkedHashMap,其中LinkedHashMap的默认实现是按插入顺序排序的。







static class Entry<K,V> extends HashMap.Node<K,V> {Entry<K,V> before, after;Entry(int hash, K key, V value, Node<K,V> next) {super(hash, key, value, next);}



void afterNodeInsertion(boolean evict) { // possibly remove eldestLinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V> first;if (evict && (first = head) != null && removeEldestEntry(first)) {K key = first.key;removeNode(hash(key), key, null, false, true);}
}//可以自行重写该方法protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K,V> eldest) {return false;
}public class LRUHashMap<K, V> extends LinkedHashMap<K, V>{private final int MAX_CACHE_SIZE;public BaseLRUCache(int cacheSize) {super(cacheSize, 0.75f, true);MAX_CACHE_SIZE = cacheSize;}@Overrideprotected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) {return size() > MAX_CACHE_SIZE;}



void afterNodeRemoval(Node<K,V> e) { // unlinkLinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V> p =(LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V>)e, b = p.before, a = p.after;p.before = p.after = null;if (b == null)head = a;elseb.after = a;if (a == null)tail = b;elsea.before = b;


public V get(Object key) {Node<K,V> e;if ((e = getNode(hash(key), key)) == null)return null;if (accessOrder)afterNodeAccess(e);return e.value;
}void afterNodeAccess(Node<K,V> e) { // move node to lastLinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V> last;if (accessOrder && (last = tail) != e) {LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V> p =(LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V>)e, b = p.before, a = p.after;p.after = null;if (b == null)head = a;elseb.after = a;if (a != null)a.before = b;elselast = b;if (last == null)head = p;else {p.before = last;last.after = p;}tail = p;++modCount;}




















它是 java 集合的一种错误检测机制,当多个线程对集合进行结构上的改变的操作时,有可能会产生 fail-fast。


例如 :假设存在两个线程(线程 1、线程 2),线程 1 通过 Iterator 在遍历集合 A 中的元素,在某个时候线程 2 修改了集合 A 的结构(是结构上面的修改,而不是简单的修改集合元素的内容),那么这个时候程序就会抛出 ConcurrentModificationException 异常,从而产生 fail-fast 机制。


原因: 迭代器在遍历时直接访问集合中的内容,并且在遍历过程中使用一个 modCount 变量。集合在被遍历期间如果内容发生变化,就会改变 modCount 的值。


每当迭代器使用 hashNext()/next() 遍历下一个元素之前,都会检测 modCount 变量是否为 expectedmodCount 值,是的话就返回遍历;否则抛出异常,终止遍历。







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leetcode24 两两交换链表中的节点

给定一个链表&#xff0c;两两交换其中相邻的节点&#xff0c;并返回交换后的链表。 你不能只是单纯的改变节点内部的值&#xff0c;而是需要实际的进行节点交换。 示例: 给定 1->2->3->4, 你应该返回 2->1->4->3. 思路&#xff1a;这一看就是个递归定义&…


一. lua调用C 在lua中是以函数指针的形式调用函数, 并且所有的函数指针都必须满足如下此种类型: typedef int (*lua_CFunction) (lua_State *L);   也就是说, 偶们在C中定义函数时必须以lua_State为参数, 以int为返回值才能被Lua所调用. 但是不要忘记了, 偶们的lua_State是…

leetcode147 对链表进行插入排序

丢人&#xff0c;我就是按插入排序老老实实写的啊。。。。 别人肯定map了hhh。 对链表进行插入排序。 插入排序的动画演示如上。从第一个元素开始&#xff0c;该链表可以被认为已经部分排序&#xff08;用黑色表示&#xff09;。 每次迭代时&#xff0c;从输入数据中移除一个…

leetcode23 合并K个排序链表

合并 k 个排序链表&#xff0c;返回合并后的排序链表。请分析和描述算法的复杂度。 示例: 输入: [ 1->4->5, 1->3->4, 2->6 ] 输出: 1->1->2->3->4->4->5->6 思路&#xff1a;把初始的每一个链表当成数组中的一个数&#xff0c;做…

leetcode237 删除链表中的节点(你意想不到的做法,注意细节)

请编写一个函数&#xff0c;使其可以删除某个链表中给定的&#xff08;非末尾&#xff09;节点&#xff0c;你将只被给定要求被删除的节点。 现有一个链表 -- head [4,5,1,9]&#xff0c;它可以表示为: 示例 1: 输入: head [4,5,1,9], node 5 输出: [4,1,9] 解释: 给定你链…