java 调用动态链接库_JAVA技巧:JNative调用动态链接库问题(SOS)


动态链接库的方法如下:__declspec(dllexport) ret __stdcall rLachTran(const char *pc_trancode,

const char *pc_clicode,

const char *pc_orgcode,

const char *pc_ttycode,

const int i_brandid,

const char *pc_reqstamp,

const int i_reqseqno,

const char *pc_svrip,

const unsigned short us_svrport,

const char *pc_reqmsg,

char *pc_resmsg);

我需要发送一条短信随机码出去,而我的JNi类如下:package com.JNative;

package com.JNative;


import org.xvolks.jnative.JNative;

import org.xvolks.jnative.Type;

import org.xvolks.jnative.exceptions.NativeException;

import org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer;

import org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.MemoryBlockFactory;

public class Dll_Nat {


* @param args


public static void main(String[] args) throws NativeException ,IllegalAccessException{

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Dll_Nat uc = new Dll_Nat();

String ret = null;

String result = uc.getNate("0023MBL_ZDtech_00001",


"ttycode",0,"2008-08-25 15:51:55.025000", 1,


"900001;00-01-02-03-04-05;1388*******~123435", ret);



static JNative n = null;

static Pointer pointer;

public final int getNate(String trancode,

String clicode,

String orgcode,

String ttycode,

int brandid,

String reqstamp,

int reqseqno,

String svrip,

int svrport,

String reqmsg,

String resmsg) throws NativeException ,IllegalAccessException{


n = new JNative("SwtThinClient.dll","rLachTran");


int i =0 ;



n.setParameter(i++, orgcode);

n.setParameter(i++, ttycode);

n.setParameter(i++, brandid);

n.setParameter(i++, reqstamp);

n.setParameter(i++, reqseqno);

n.setParameter(i++, svrip);

n.setParameter(i++, svrport);

n.setParameter(i++, reqmsg);

n.setParameter(i++, resmsg);



return Integer.parseInt(n.getRetVal());

}catch(NativeException Ne){

System.out.println("NativeException: "+Ne.getMessage());

return -999;

}catch(IllegalAccessException Nen){

System.out.println("IllegalAccessException: "+Nen.getMessage());

return -888;



if (n != null)







[SwtThinClient.c][76][2008-08-26 13:19:06.118000] -> 提示:rLachTran调用开始

[SwtThinClient.c][138][2008-08-26 13:19:06.128000] -> 错误:连接服务器[]失败,i_commtimeout_g[59990],WSAERRNO[10049]

[SwtThinClient.c][138][2008-08-26 13:19:06.128000] -> 错误:连接服务器[]失败,i_commtimeout_g[59990],WSAERRNO[10049]

[SwtThinClient.c][138][2008-08-26 13:19:06.128000] -> 错误:连接服务器[]失败,i_commtimeout_g[59990],WSAERRNO[10049]














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