python编写代码_用 Python 编写干净、可测试、高质量的代码

用 Python 编写干净、可测试、高质量的代码


Noah Gift

2010 年 12 月 20 日发布



编写软件是人所承担的最复杂的任务之一。AWK 编程语言和 "K and R C" 的作者之一 Brian Kernigan 在 Software Tools 一书中总结了软件开发的真实性质,他说,“控制复杂性是软件开发的根本。” 真实软件开发的残酷现实是,软件常常具有有意或无意造成的复杂性,而且开发人员常常漠视可维护性、可测试性和质量。这种不幸局面的最终结果是软件的维护变得越来越困难且昂贵,软件偶尔会出故障,甚至是重大故障。


成功的软件开发人员会按照便于自动化的方式运行测试,这样就可以不断地证明软件工作正常。他们明白不必要的复杂性的危害。他们严格地遵守自己的方法,在每个阶段都进行认真的复查,寻找重构的机会。他们经常思考如何确保其软件是可测试、可读且可维护的。尽管 Python 语言的设计者和 Python 社区都非常重视编写干净、可维护的代码,但是仍然很容易出现相反的局面。在本文中,我们要探讨这个问题,讨论如何用 Python 编写干净、可测试、高质量的代码。


演示这种开发风格的最好方法是解决一个假想的问题。假设您是某公司的后端 web 开发人员,公司允许用户发表评论,您需要设法显示和突出显示这些评论的小片段。解决此问题的一种方法是编写一个大函数,它接受文本片段和查询参数,返回字符数量有限的片段并突出显示查询参数。解决此问题所需的所有逻辑都放在一个巨大的函数中,您只需反复运行脚本,直到得到想要的结果。代码结构很可能像下面的代码示例这样,常常包含打印语句或日志记录语句和交互式 shell。

杂乱的代码def my_mega_function(snippet, query)

"""This takes a snippet of text, and a query parameter and returns """

#Logic goes here, and often runs on for several hundred lines

#There are often deeply nested conditional statements and loops

#Function could reach several hundred, if not thousands of lines

return result

对于 Python、Perl 或 Ruby 等动态语言,软件开发人员很容易一味专注于问题本身,常常采用交互方式进行探索,直到出现看似正确的结果,然后就宣告任务完成了。不幸的是,尽管这种方式很方便、很有吸引力,但是这常常会造成大功告成的错觉,这是很危险的。危险主要在于没有设计可测试的解决方案,而且没有对软件的复杂性进行适当的控制。



您不必听信我的观点,也不必直接研究代码,可以通过其他方法明显地看出这两种风格之间的差异。第一种方法是实际度量得到测试的代码行数。Nose 是一种流行的 Python 单元测试框架扩展,它可以方便地自动运行一批测试和插件,比如度量代码覆盖率。通过在开发期间度量代码覆盖率,会很快看出对于由大函数组成、包含深度嵌套的逻辑、以非一般化方式构建的代码来说,测试覆盖率几乎不可能达到 100%。

度量差异的第二种方法是使用静态分析工具。有几种流行的 Python 工具可以为 Python 开发人员提供多种指标,从一般性代码质量指标到重复代码或复杂度等特殊指标。可以用 pygenie 或 pymetrics 度量代码的圈(cyclomatic)复杂度(见 参考资料)。

下面是对相当简单的 “干净” 代码运行 pygenie 的结果示例:

pygenie 的圈复杂度输出% python complexity --verbose highlight spy

File: /Users/ngift/Documents/src/

Type Name Complexity


M HighlightDocumentOperations._create_snippit 3

M HighlightDocumentOperations._reconstruct_document_string 3

M HighlightDocumentOperations._doc_to_sentences 2

M HighlightDocumentOperations._querystring_to_dict 2

M HighlightDocumentOperations._word_frequency_sort 2

M HighlightDocumentOperations.highlight_doc 2

X /Users/ngift/Documents/src/ 1

C HighlightDocumentOperations 1

M HighlightDocumentOperations.__init__ 1

M HighlightDocumentOperations._custom_highlight_tag 1

M HighlightDocumentOperations._score_sentences 1

M HighlightDocumentOperations._multiple_string_replace 1


圈复杂度是 Thomas J. McCabe 在 1976 年开创的软件指标,用来判断程序的复杂度。这个指标度量源代码中线性独立的路径或分支的数量。根据 McCabe 所说,一个方法的复杂度最好保持在 10 以下。这是因为对人类记忆力的研究表明,人的短期记忆只能存储 7 件事(偏差为正负 2)。

如果开发人员编写的代码有 50 个线性独立的路径,那么为了在头脑中描绘出方法中发生的情况,需要的记忆力大约超过短期记忆容量的 5 倍。简单的方法不会超过人的短期记忆力的极限,因此更容易应付,事实证明它们的错误更少。Enerjy 在 2008 年所做的研究表明,在圈复杂度与错误数量之间有很强的相关性。复杂度为 11 的类的出错概率为 0.28,而复杂度为 74 的类的出错概率会上升到 0.98。

正如在此示例中看到的,每个方法都极其简单,复杂度都低于 10,这符合 McCabe 提出的原则。在我的从业经历中,我见过在没有测试的情况下编写的巨大函数,它们的复杂度超过 140,长度超过 1200 行。毫无疑问,根本不可能测试这样的代码。实际上甚至无法确认它是有效的,也不可能重构它。如果代码的作者一直牢记测试,在保持 100% 测试覆盖率的情况下编写相同的逻辑,就不可能出现如此高的复杂度。


现在,我们来看一个完整的源代码示例以及相配的单元测试和功能性测试,看看它的实际作用以及为什么说这样的代码是干净的。按照严格的指标,“干净” 的合理定义是代码满足以下要求:接近 100% 测试覆盖率;所有类和方法的圈复杂度都低于 10;用 pylint 得到的评分接近 10.0。下面的示例使用 nose 在 highlight 模块上执行单元测试和 doctest 覆盖率检查:

运行 nosetests 和覆盖率报告:100% 覆盖率% nosetests -v --with-coverage --cover-package=highlight --with-doctest\

--cover-erase --exe

Doctest: highlight.HighlightDocumentOperations._custom_highlight_tag ... ok

test_functional.test_snippit_algorithm ... ok

test_custom_highlight_tag (test_highlight.TestHighlight) ... ok

Consumes the generator, and then verifies the result[0] ... ok

Verifies highlighted text is what we expect ... ok

test_multi_string_replace (test_highlight.TestHighlight) ... ok

Verifies the yielded results are what is expected ... ok

Name Stmts Exec Cover Missing


highlight 71 71 100%


Ran 7 tests in 4.223s


如上所示,带几个选项运行了 nosetests 命令,highlight spy 脚本的测试覆盖率为 100%。惟一需要注意的是 --cover-package=highlight,它让 nose 只显示指定的模块的覆盖率报告。这可以非常有效地把覆盖率报告的输出限制为您希望观察的模块或包。可以从本文下载源代码,注释掉一些测试,从而观察覆盖率报告机制的实际工作情况。

highlight spy#/usr/bin/python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


:mod:`highlight` -- Highlight Methods


.. module:: highlight

:platform: Unix, Windows

:synopsis: highlight document snippets that match a query.

.. moduleauthor:: Noah Gift


1. You will need to install the ntlk library to run this code.

2. You will need to download the data for the ntlk:


import nltk


import re

import logging

import nltk



LOG = logging.getLogger("highlight")


class HighlightDocumentOperations(object):

"""Highlight Operations for a Document"""

def __init__(self, document=None, query=None):



document (str):

query (str):


self._document = document

self._query = query


def _custom_highlight_tag(phrase,



"""Injects an open and close highlight tag after a word


phrase (str) - A word or phrase.


start (str) - An opening tag. Defaults to

end (str) - A closing tag. Defaults to


(str) word or phrase with custom opening and closing tags

>>> h = HighlightDocumentOperations()

>>> h._custom_highlight_tag("foo")




tagged_phrase = "{0}{1}{2}".format(start, phrase, end)

return tagged_phrase

def _doc_to_sentences(self):

"""Takes a string document and converts it into a list of sentences

Unfortunately, this approach might be a tad naive for production

because some segments that are split on a period are really an

abbreviation, and to make things even more complicated, an

abbreviation can also be the end of a sentence::


(generator) A generator object of a tokenized sentence tuple,

with the list position of sentence as the first portion of

the tuple, such as: (0, "This was the first sentence")


tokenizer ='tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')

sentences = tokenizer.tokenize(self._document)

for sentence in enumerate(sentences):

yield sentence


def _score_sentences(sentence, querydict):

"""Creates a scoring system for each sentence by substitution analysis

Tokenizes each sentence, counts characters

in sentence, and pass it back as nested tuple


(tuple) - (score (int), (count (int), position (int),

raw sentence (str))


position, sentence = sentence

count = len(sentence)

regex = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, querydict)))

score = len(re.findall(regex, sentence))

processed_score = (score, (count, position, sentence))

return processed_score

def _querystring_to_dict(self, split_token="+"):

"""Converts query parameters into a dictionary


(dict)- dparams, a dictionary of query parameters


params = self._query.split(split_token)

dparams = dict([(key, self._custom_highlight_tag(key)) for\

key in params])

return dparams


def _word_frequency_sort(sentences):

"""Sorts sentences by score frequency, yields sorted result

This will yield the highest score count items first.


sentences (list) - a nested tuple inside of list

[(0, (90, 3, "The crust/dough was just way too effin' dry for me.

Yes, I know what 'cornmeal' is, thanks."))]



while sentences:

yield sentences.pop()

def _create_snippit(self, sentences, max_characters=175):

"""Creates a snippet from a sentence while keeping it under max_chars

Returns a sorted list with max characters. The sort is an attempt

to rebuild the original document structure as close as possible,

with the new sorting by scoring and the limitation of max_chars.


sentences (generator) - sorted object to turn into a snippit

max_characters (int) - optional max characters of snippit


snippit (list) - returns a sorted list with a nested tuple that

has the first index holding the original position of the list::

[(0, (90, 3, "The crust/dough was just way too effin' dry for me.

Yes, I know what 'cornmeal' is, thanks."))]


snippit = []

total = 0

for sentence in self._word_frequency_sort(sentences):

LOG.debug("Creating snippit", sentence)

score, (count, position, raw_sentence) = sentence

total += count

if total < max_characters:

#position now gets converted to index 0 for sorting later

snippit.append(((position), score, count, raw_sentence))

#try to reassemble document by original order by doing a simple sort


return snippit


def _multiple_string_replace(string_to_replace, dict_patterns):

"""Performs a multiple replace in a string with dict pattern.

Borrowed from Python Cookbook.


string_to_replace (str) - String to be multi-replaced

dict_patterns (dict) - A dict full of patterns


(str) - Multiple replaced string.


regex = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, dict_patterns)))

def one_xlat(match):

"""Closure that is called repeatedly during multi-substitution.


match (SRE_Match object)


partial string substitution (str)


return dict_patterns[]

return regex.sub(one_xlat, string_to_replace)

def _reconstruct_document_string(self, snippit, querydict):

"""Reconstructs string snippit, build tags, and return string

A helper function for highlight_doc.


string_to_replace (list) - A list of nested tuples, containing

this pattern::

[(0, (90, 3, "The crust/dough was just way too effin' dry for me.

Yes, I know what 'cornmeal' is, thanks."))]

dict_patterns (dict) - A dict full of patterns


(str) The most relevant snippet with the query terms highlighted.


snip = []

for entry in snippit:

score = entry[1]

sent = entry[3]

#if we have matches, now do the multi-replace

if score:

sent = self._multiple_string_replace(sent,



highlighted_snip = " ".join(snip)

return highlighted_snip

def highlight_doc(self):

"""Finds the most relevant snippit with the query terms highlighted


(str) The most relevant snippet with the query terms highlighted.


#tokenize to sentences, and convert query to a dict

sentences = self._doc_to_sentences()

querydict = self._querystring_to_dict()

#process and score sentences

scored_sentences = []

for sentence in sentences:

scored = self._score_sentences(sentence, querydict)


#fit into max characters, and sort by original position

snippit = self._create_snippit(scored_sentences)

#assemble back into string

highlighted_snip = self._reconstruct_document_string(snippit,


return highlighted_snip

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Tests this query searches a document, highlights a snippit and returns it\


Contains both unit and functional tests.


import unittest

from highlight import HighlightDocumentOperations

class TestHighlight(unittest.TestCase):

def setUp(self):

self.document = """

Review for their take-out only.

Tried their large Classic (sausage, mushroom, peppers and onions) deep dish;\

and their large Pesto Chicken thin crust pizzas.

Pizza = I've had better. The crust/dough was just way too effin' dry for me.\

Yes, I know what 'cornmeal' is, thanks. But it's way too dry.\

I'm not talking about the bottom of the pizza...I'm talking about the dough \

that's in between the sauce and bottom of the was like cardboard, sorry!

Wings = spicy and good. Bleu cheese dressing only...hmmm, but no alternative\

of ranch dressing, at all. Service = friendly enough at the counters.

Decor = freakin' dark. I'm not sure how people can see their food.

Parking = a real pain. Good luck.


self.query = "deep+dish+pizza"

self.hdo = HighlightDocumentOperations(self.document, self.query)

def test_custom_highlight_tag(self):

actual = self.hdo._custom_highlight_tag("foo",



expected = "[BAR]foo[ENDBAR]"


def test_query_string_to_dict(self):

"""Verifies the yielded results are what is expected"""

result = self.hdo._querystring_to_dict()

expected = {"deep": "deep",

"dish": "dish",



def test_multi_string_replace(self):

query = """pizza = I've had better"""

expected = """pizza = I've had better"""

query_dict = self.hdo._querystring_to_dict()

result = self.hdo._multiple_string_replace(query, query_dict)

self.assertEqual(expected, result)

def test_doc_to_sentences(self):

"""Consumes the generator, and then verifies the result[0]"""

results = []

expected = (0,'\nReview for their take-out only.')

for sentence in self.hdo._doc_to_sentences():


self.assertEqual(results[0], expected)

def test_highlight(self):

"""Verifies highlighted text is what we expect"""

expected = """Tried their large Classic (sausage, mushroom, peppers and onions)\

deepdish;and their large Pesto Chicken thin crust \


actual = self.hdo.highlight_doc()

self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

def tearDown(self):

del self.query

del self.hdo

del self.document

if __name__ == '__main__':

unittest.main()"""Functional Test That Performs Some Basic Sanity Checks"""

from highlight import HighlightDocumentOperations

def test_snippit_algorithm():

document1 = """

This place has awesome deep dish pizza.

I have been getting delivery through Waiters on wheels for years.

It is classic, deep dish Chicago style pizza.

Now I found out they also have half-baked to pick-up and cook at home.

This is a great benefit. I am having it tonight. Yum.


document2 = """Review for their take-out only.

Tried their large Classic (sausage, mushroom, peppers and onions) deep dish;\

and their large Pesto Chicken thin crust pizzas.

Pizza = I've had better. The crust/dough was just way too effin' dry for me.\

Yes, I know what 'cornmeal' is, thanks. But it's way too dry.\

I'm not talking about the bottom of the pizza...I'm talking about the dough \

that's in between the sauce and bottom of the was like cardboard, sorry!

Wings = spicy and good. Bleu cheese dressing only...hmmm, but no alternative\

of ranch dressing, at all. Service = friendly enough at the counters.

Decor = freakin' dark. I'm not sure how people can see their food.

Parking = a real pain. Good luck."""

h1 = HighlightDocumentOperations(document1, "deep+dish+pizza")

actual = h1.highlight_doc()

print "Raw Document1: %s" % document1

print " Formatted Document1: %s" % actual

assert len(actual) < 500

assert "" in actual

h2 = HighlightDocumentOperations(document2, "deep+dish+pizza")

actual = h2.highlight_doc()

print "Raw Document2: %s" % document2

print " Formatted Document2: %s" % actual

assert len(actual) < 500

assert "" in actual

if __name__ == "__main__":


如果想运行以上代码示例,需要下载 Natural Language Toolkit 源代码并按照说明下载 nltk 数据。因为本文并不讨论代码示例本身,而是讨论创建和测试它的方式,所以不详细解释代码的实际作用。最后,我们对源代码运行静态代码分析工具 pylint:

Pylint% pylint highlight spy

No config file found, using default configuration

************* Module highlight

E: 89:HighlightDocumentOperations._doc_to_sentences: Instance of 'unicode' has no

'tokenize' member (but some types could not be inferred)

E: 89:HighlightDocumentOperations._doc_to_sentences: Instance of 'ContextFreeGrammar'

has no 'tokenize' member (but some types could not be inferred)

W:108:HighlightDocumentOperations._score_sentences: Used builtin function 'map'

W:192:HighlightDocumentOperations._multiple_string_replace: Used builtin function 'map'

R: 34:HighlightDocumentOperations: Too few public methods (1/2)



69 statements analysed.

Global evaluation


Your code has been rated at 8.12/10 (previous run: 8.12/10)

代码的得分为 10 分制的 8.12 分,工具还指出了几处缺陷。pylint 是可配置的,很可能需要根据项目的需求配置它。可以参考 pylint 官方文档(见 参考资料)。对于这个示例,第 89 行上的两个错误源于外部库 nltk,两个警告可以通过修改 pylint 的配置消除。一般来说,不希望允许源代码中存在 pylint 指出的错误,但是在某些时候,比如对于上面的示例,可能需要做出务实的决定。它并不是完美的工具,但是我发现它在实际工作中非常有用。


在本文中,我们探讨了看待测试的方式如何影响软件的结构,以及缺乏面向测试的思想为什么会给项目带来致命的危害。我们提供了一个完整的代码示例,包括功能性测试和单元测试,用 nose 对它执行了代码覆盖率分析,还运行了两个静态分析工具 pylint 和 pygenie。我们没有来得及讨论的一个问题是,如何通过某种形式的连续集成测试使这个过程自动化。幸运的是,很容易用开放源码的 Java™ 连续集成系统 Hudson 实现这个目标。我希望您参考 Hudson 的文档(见 参考资料),尝试为项目建立自动化测试,它应该运行您的所有测试,包括静态代码分析。

最后,测试不是万灵药,静态分析工具也不是。软件开发是艰难的工作。为了争取成功,我们必须时刻牢记真正的目标。不但要解决问题,而且要创建能够证明有效的东西。如果您同意这个观点,就应该明白过分复杂的代码、傲慢的设计态度以及对 Python 的强大能力缺乏尊重都会直接妨碍实现这个目标。

感谢 Imagemovers Digital 的 Kennedy Behrman 审阅了本文。

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【转】WPF PRISM开发入门一( 初始化PRISM WPF程序)

这篇博客将介绍在WPF项目中引入PRISM框架进行开发的一些基础知识。目前最新的PRISM的版本是Prism 6.1.0&#xff0c;可以在Github上获取PRISM的源码。这个系列的博客将选择PRISM 4.1版本来讲解。可以从微软官网上下载到PRISM 4.1相关内容。将下载下来的文件解压开&#xff1a; …




PLC又叫可编程控制器&#xff0c;一开始是替代传统接触器的一个东西。随着人工价格不断的上涨&#xff0c;自动化的设备会越来越普及。自动化不再是大企业才用的起的东西 &#xff0c;各种多元化小型自动化设备进入了普通小企业甚至家庭作坊。PLC其实是单片机开发出来的一种工业…

比较文本差异的工具_Linux 开发的五大必备工具 | Linux 中国

Linux 已经成为工作、娱乐和个人生活等多个领域的支柱&#xff0c;人们已经越来越离不开它。在 Linux 的帮助下&#xff0c;技术的变革速度超出了人们的想象&#xff0c;Linux 开发的速度也以指数规模增长。因此&#xff0c;越来越多的开发者也不断地加入开源和学习 Linux 开发…

【转】C# 动态对象(dynamic)的用法

说到正确用法&#xff0c;那么首先应该指出一个错误用法&#xff1a; 常有人会拿var这个关键字来和dynamic做比较。实际上&#xff0c;var和dynamic完全是两个概念&#xff0c;根本不应该放在一起做比较。var实际上是编译期抛给我们的“语法糖”&#xff0c;一旦被编译&#x…


问题贴&#xff1a; new四部曲&#xff1a; &#xff08;1&#xff09;创建一个新的对象&#xff0c;并让函数的 this 指针指向它&#xff1b; &#xff08;2&#xff09;将函数的 prototype 对象的所有成员都赋给这个新对象&#xff0c…


在 Vue 实例内部&#xff0c;你可以通过 $router 访问路由实例。因此你可以调用 this.$router.push想要导航到不同的 URL&#xff0c;则使用 router.push 方法。这个方法会向 history 栈添加一个新的记录&#xff0c;所以&#xff0c;当用户点击浏览器后退按钮时&#xff0c;则…


上代码 function A() {this.a function(){}; } a1 new A(); a2 new A(); alert( a1.aa2.a);输出 说明了a1.a&#xff0c;a2.a指向的内存不是同一个&#xff0c;也就是每个对象都有一份自己的函数&#xff0c;只不过一个类的所有实例之间的函数长得是一样的&#xff01; 所以…