vue.js 安装

写 一个小小的安装步骤    踩坑过来的



# 全局安装 vue-cli
$ cnpm install --global vue-cli

# 创建一个基于 webpack 模板的新项目
$ vue init webpack my-project
这时候一路空格 选项.当遇到第一个让你敲 Y/N 的时候 选择Y 后面的统统N 即可

安装 完成后 根据命令来运行吧
$ cd my-project   如果自己更改了目录名字.记得选择自己的目录
$ cnpm install
$ cnpm run devDONE  Compiled successfully in 4388ms > Listening at http://localhost:8080

本人 用的是mui框架
cnpm install mui --save







在juoyter notebook中直接通过df输出DataFrame时&#xff0c;显示的样式为表格样式&#xff0c;通过sytle可对表格的样式做一些定制&#xff0c;类似excel的条件格式。 df pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(5,4),columns[A,B,C,D]) s print(s,type(s)) #<…

多层感知机 深度神经网络_使用深度神经网络和合同感知损失的能源产量预测...

多层感知机 深度神经网络in collaboration with Hsu Chung Chuan, Lin Min Htoo, and Quah Jia Yong.与许忠传&#xff0c;林敏涛和华佳勇合作。 1. Introduction1.简介 Since the early 1990s, several countries, mostly in the European Union and North America, had sta…


蓝牙调试工具如何使用This post is originally from 这篇文章最初来自。 This is Part 2 of configuring your own Bluetooth Low Energy Service using a Nordic NRF52 series processor. If you haven’t seen Part 1 go back and ch…

使用Matplotlib Numpy Pandas构想泰坦尼克号高潮

Did you know, a novel predicted the Titanic sinking 14 years previously to the actual disaster???您知道吗&#xff0c;一本小说预言泰坦尼克号在14年前沉没到了真正的灾难中&#xff1f;&#xff1f;&#xff1f; In 1898 (14 years before the Titanic sank), Amer…


pca数学推导As I promised in the previous article, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with Scikit-learn, today, I’ll discuss the mathematics behind the principal component analysis by manually executing the algorithm using the powerful numpy and pandas lib…


红黑树的性质&#xff1a; 性质1&#xff1a;每个节点要么是黑色&#xff0c;要么是红色。 性质2&#xff1a;根节点是黑色。性质3&#xff1a;每个叶子节点&#xff08;NIL&#xff09;是黑色。性质4&#xff1a;每个红色节点的两个子节点一定都是黑色。不能有两个红色节点相…

overlay 如何实现跨主机通信?- 每天5分钟玩转 Docker 容器技术(52)

上一节我们在 host1 中运行了容器 bbox1&#xff0c;今天将详细讨论 overlay 网络跨主机通信的原理。 在 host2 中运行容器 bbox2&#xff1a; bbox2 IP 为;可以直接 ping bbox1&#xff1a; 可见 overlay 网络中的容器可以直接通信&#xff0c;同时 docke…


原文&#xff1a; 在这篇文章里我们聊一下Python实现图片裁剪的两种方式&#xff0c;一种利用了Pillow&#xff0c;还有一种利用了OpenCV。两种方式都需要简单的几行代码&#xff0c;这可能也就是现在Python那么流行的原…


鼠标移动到ul图片会摆动An opportunity for a new kind of analysis of Major League Baseball data may be upon us soon. Here’s how we can prepare.不久之后&#xff0c;我们将有机会对美国职棒大联盟数据进行新的分析。 这是我们准备的方法。 It is tempting to think t…


篇幅一&#xff1a;APM基础篇\\1、什么是APM?\\APM&#xff0c;全称&#xff1a;Application Performance Management &#xff0c;目前市面的系统基本都是参考Google的Dapper&#xff08;大规模分布式系统的跟踪系统&#xff09;来做的&#xff0c;翻译传送门《google的Dappe…


如何选择优化算法遗传算法Genetic Algorithms are a family of optimisation techniques that loosely resemble evolutionary processes in nature. It may be a crude analogy, but if you squint your eyes, Darwin’s Natural Selection does roughly resemble an optimisa…


PullToRefreshListView中嵌套ViewPager滑动冲突的解决 最近恰好遇到PullToRefreshListView中需要嵌套ViewPager的情况,ViewPager 作为头部添加到ListView中&#xff0c;发先ViewPager在滑动过程中流畅性太差几乎很难左右滑动。在网上也看了很多大神的介绍&#xff0c;看了ViewP…

神经网络 卷积神经网络_如何愚弄神经网络?

神经网络 卷积神经网络Imagine you’re in the year 2050 and you’re on your way to work in a self-driving car (probably). Suddenly, you realize your car is cruising at 100KMPH on a busy road after passing through a cross lane and you don’t know why.想象一下…


分布分析用于研究数据的分布特征&#xff0c;常用分析方法&#xff1a; 1、极差 2、频率分布 3、分组组距及组数 df pd.DataFrame({编码:[001,002,003,004,005,006,007,008,009,010,011,012,013,014,015],\小区:[A村,B村,C村,D村,E村,A村,B村,C村,D村,E村,A村,B村,C村,D村,E村…


From what I have seen so far, CSV seems to be the most popular format to store data among data scientists. And that’s understandable, it gets the job done and it’s a quite simple format; in Python, even without any library, one can build a simple CSV par…


对比分析是对两个互相联系的指标进行比较。 绝对数比较(相减)&#xff1a;指标在量级上不能差别过大&#xff0c;常用折线图、柱状图 相对数比较(相除)&#xff1a;结构分析、比例分析、空间比较分析、动态对比分析 df pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(30,2)*1000,columns[A_sale…


1./etc/motd 操作&#xff1a;echo " Authorized users only. All activity may be monitored and reported " > /etc/motd 效果&#xff1a;telnet和ssh登录后的输出信息 2. /etc/issue和/etc/ 操作&#xff1a;echo " Authorized users only. All…


tableau使用In a previous article, I showed how we can create the Kaplan-Meier curves using Python. As much as I love Python and writing code, there might be some alternative approaches with their unique set of benefits. Enter Tableau!在上一篇文章中 &#x…


exus3.x.x上传第三方jar&#xff1a; 1. create repository 选择maven2(hosted)&#xff0c;说明&#xff1a; proxy&#xff1a;即你可以设置代理&#xff0c;设置了代理之后&#xff0c;在你的nexus中找不到的依赖就会去配置的代理的地址中找hosted&#xff1a;你可以上传你自…


责备的近义词I’ve been considering writing on the topic of algorithms for a little while, but with the Exam Results Fiasco dominating the headline news in the UK during the past week, I felt that now is the time to look more closely into the subject.我一直…