facebook.com_如何降低电子商务的Facebook CPM


With the 2020 election looming, Facebook advertisers and e-commerce stores are going to continually see their ad costs go up as the date gets closer (if they haven’t already).


In June 2020, Trump spent nearly 6.6 million, and Biden 11 million, on Facebook ads directly. Indirectly, people will also try and cash in on hot news items for cheap clicks. From the 2016 election, there’s a famous story about Macedonian teens who used the election to share and advertise wildly popular fake news about Hillary Clinton in order to gain ad sense. This election cycle likely won’t prove any different.

2020年6月,特朗普直接在Facebook广告上花费了近660万美元,拜登则花费了1100万美元。 间接地,人们还将尝试利用热门新闻来获得廉价点击。 从2016年大选起,有一个关于马其顿青少年的著名故事,他们利用大选来分享和宣传希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)广受欢迎的虚假新闻,以获取广告感。 这个选举周期可能不会有任何不同。

什么是每千次展示费用? (What is CPM?)

CPM is essentially how much your ad costs and stands for “cost per 1000 impressions.”


Unlike Google, which charges you per click, Facebook charges you for placement real estate. There’s a certain price associated with each placement (Instagram, affiliate sites, newsfeed, etcetera), which Facebook measures per 1000 placement of each Facebook user.

与Google的每次点击收费不同,Facebook会向您收取展示位置房地产的费用。 每个展示位置都有一定的价格(Instagram,会员站点,新闻源等),Facebook用这个价格来衡量每个Facebook用户的每1000个展示位置。

If your CPM is $6, that means it’ll cost you $6 to gain 1,000 impressions or show your ad 1,000 times. This is not to be confused with reach, which is individual, unique impressions. You could have 500 in reach and 1,000 impressions, which would mean each person saw your ad on average two times (giving you a frequency of 2).

如果您的每千次展示费用为6美元,这意味着您需要花费6美元才能获得1000次展示或展示1000次广告。 请勿将其与触及感混淆,触感是独特的独特印象。 您可能会获得500次覆盖和1,000次展示,这意味着每个人平均观看您的广告两次(频率为2)。

您如何找到您的Facebook CPM? (How Do You Find Out Your Facebook CPM?)

To find your CPM, go to your Facebook business manager, then your ads manager, and change your columns to “Performance and Clicks.”


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Screenshot by author.

You can also click on “Customize Columns” and create your own pre-set custom columns, since “Performance and Clicks” doesn’t have a lot of eCommerce related columns.


好的每千次展示费用是多少? (What’s a Good CPM?)

The unfortunate and hard to swallow answer is “that depends.”


I’ll give you an example of why that depends, and why lowering your Facebook CPM may not always be a good thing (there’s a balancing act going on here).

我将举一个例子说明为什么这取决于为什么,为什么降低Facebook CPM并不总是一件好事(这里有一个平衡的举动)。

When you create an ad campaign, Facebook will ask you to pick an objective (purchases, link clicks, reach, etcetera).


Let’s say that because you want to lower your CPM, you choose a reach objective, meaning Facebook will give you the maximum amount of ad reach. Using this method, your CPM will likely fall in the $.50 — $2.00 mark.

假设由于您想降低每千次展示费用,所以您选择了覆盖率目标,这意味着Facebook将为您提供最大的广告覆盖率。 使用这种方法,您的每千次展示费用很可能会落在$ .50-$ 2.00大关之间。

However, who are the type of people who are cheaper? Remember, Facebook knows a lot about the type of user you are and the types of users who are cheap are the ones who are not willing to buy.

但是,谁是便宜的人呢? 记住,Facebook对您的用户类型了解很多,而便宜的用户类型是不愿意购买的用户。

That means that by artificially lowering your CPM, you also might be avoiding the people who are ideal purchasers.


That means when lowering your CPM, you want to keep in mind that you want to have a lower CPM for those who are in fact going to buy.


However, to answer the original question, a good CPM is between $5 — $15 depending on geographic region, audience, product price, and other demographics.


降低每千次展示费用同时实现销售的6种方法 (6 Ways to Lower CPM While Still Achieving Sales)

1.提高您的相关性分数 (1. Improve your relevance score)

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Screenshot by author.

Facebook breaks your ad relevance score into three parts: “quality ranking,” “engagement rate ranking,” “conversion rate ranking.”


To find these, go to your campaign, click on the “ad set” or audience that you want to look at, then click on the “ads” level.


There, you’ll see your relevance ratings on any of the default columns.


Improving any of these will improve your CPM.


Your quality ranking refers to the user experience after the user clicks your ad. If you’re click-baiting, being misleading, or anything that creates a negative user experience, your ranking will suffer. This is pretty easy to control, as you should be an upfront and honest advertiser.

您的质量排名是指用户点击广告后的用户体验。 如果您点击诱饵,被误导或造成负面用户体验的任何事情,您的排名都会受到影响。 这很容易控制,因为您应该是一个坦率而诚实的广告客户。

Your engagement rate ranking refers to how many comments, clicks, shares, and engagements your ad receives. I’ll talk below about how to improve your engagement rate ranking.

您的参与度排名是指您的广告获得多少评论,点击,分享和参与。 我将在下面讨论如何提高您的参与度排名。

Your conversion rate ranking refers to how well you are accomplishing the objective you selected at the onset of your campaign. If you’re not getting enough conversions, there are three things you can do. One, increase your ad spend to get out of learning limited (Facebook wants approximately 50 conversions a week). Two, you can drop down your campaign objective to increase the number of objectives (generally you want to go Purchase → Add to Carts → Content Views). Three, you can improve the landing page experience and increase your conversion rate on the website side.

转化率排名是指您在广告系列开始时完成目标的程度。 如果您获得的转化次数不足,则可以执行以下三项操作。 第一,增加广告支出以摆脱学习限制(Facebook希望每周大约进行50次转化)。 第二,您可以降低广告系列目标,以增加目标数目(通常要转到“购买”→“添加到购物车”→“内容视图”)。 第三,您可以改善目标网页的体验并提高网站方面的转化率。

2.扩大或收紧观众 (2. Broaden or tighten up your audience)

The ideal audience size is generally between 1–10 million. When you notice that your CPM on a given audience or campaign is higher than normal, you’ll want to try to both increase or decrease your audience, which may result in a much lower CPM.

理想的受众群体通常在1到1千万之间。 当您发现给定的受众群体或广告系列上的每千次展示费用高于正常水平时,您将想尝试增加或减少受众群体,这可能会导致更低的每千次展示费用。

When I run any given lookalike audience, I will choose a 1% option and a 4% option and pick the lookalike with the superior CPM.


When I run an interest audience and the CPM is high, I’ll comb through the selected interests and try to remove any that are too general or too large and see if that will lower the CPM.


On the flip side, the more exact your audience (less than 100,000), the less real estate there often is, resulting in higher ad costs.


3.为外观创建高影响力的数据集 (3. Create a high-impact data set for your lookalikes)

The better your lookalikes, and the more people purchase from you, the more your audience will resonate with your ads, lowering your CPM. That’s because Facebook will reward you for creating an audience that is in line with your ad and product.

您的相似度越高,从您那里购买的人越多,您的受众群体就会对您的广告产生共鸣,从而降低每千次展示费用。 这是因为Facebook会奖励您创建与您的广告和产品一致的受众群体。

Odeh Ahwal of EcomDimes: “my number one simple, yet effective approach for optimizing my CPM for my Facebook ads is the implementation of custom and lookalike audiences!”

EcomDimes的 Odeh Ahwal 表示 :“ 为我的Facebook广告优化CPM的简单而有效的方法之一就是实现自定义和相似的受众!”

For more on lookalike audiences, read this article:


4.制作正确的广告类型 (4. Create the right type of ad)

In December 2019, Ad Espresso did a $1,000 Facebook ad test to see which ad type had the best CPA, but included the CPM in that test.

在2019年12月,Ad Espresso进行了$ 1,000的Facebook广告测试,以查看哪种广告类型具有最高的CPA,但该测试中包含了CPM。

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Photo from AdEspresso.

As you can see, the image type had the best results across nearly every metric, including CPM.


However, there is a caveat here. Their chosen objective was leads, and it’s common knowledge that when going after leads, photos still perform the best, and Facebook knows this. For that reason, your ad type when your objective is leads will be much cheaper.

但是,这里有一个警告。 他们选择的目标是销售线索,众所周知,当追随销售线索时,照片仍然表现最佳,而Facebook知道这一点。 因此,当您的目标是销售线索时,您的广告类型会便宜得多。

From my experience, the ad type that generally performs the best in eCommerce, when the objective is purchases, is a video ad.


That’s not to say that a video ad will be the type for you. The best advice I can give is to try all three ad types and see which has the lowest CPM and the best CPA (cost per acquisition). I’ve had carousel ads and image ads perform the best on multiple businesses and you should never go into a campaign assuming anything.

这并不是说视频广告会适合您。 我能提供的最佳建议是尝试所有三种广告类型,看看哪种广告具有最低的CPM和最佳的CPA(每次转化费用)。 我有轮播广告和图片广告在多个企业中表现最好,并且您永远都不应参与任何假设的广告系列。

5.在您的帖子中添加引人入胜的副本 (5. Add engaging copy to your post)

As I stated above, how often people react, comment, share, or click your ad can lower your CPM because Facebook wants people to have a pleasurable experience on Facebook, so engagements are one way to measure the pleasure people get out of your ad.


There are a few ways you can create an engagement-friendly ad.


Create engaging copy or highly engaging photos and videos Instead of just showing a 360 or flat-lay view of your products, try to add something that will be inherently engaging.


For example, adding a quote or statement to the copy that everyone will want to agree with will improve your engagement or have people commenting. If you create a video (people love pets!), try adding some humour or levity to it.

例如,在每个人都希望同意的副本上添加引号或声明可以提高您的参与度或让人们发表评论。 如果您创建了一个视频(人们喜欢宠物!),请尝试添加一些幽默感或趣味性。

Simply adding a testimonial from a past client can often encourage other people to write their own positive experiences of the brand or product.


Add a CTAWhen you read copy that you agree with, or have a positive reaction to a video, you’ll often look to turn that positive reaction into an actionable choice. Simply adding “click the link to see the product” can be enough to increase your click-through rate 10–15%.

添加号召性用语当您阅读同意或对视频有正面React的副本时,通常会希望将正面React变成可行的选择。 只需添加“单击链接即可查看产品”即可将您的点击率提高10%至15%。

People are often asking themselves “what now” after they read something and you should be the voice that directs them towards that answer.


QuestionsThis is a very simple one that a lot of people miss out on. By prompting a response, you should have an increase in comments and engagement. You can put up two shots of the same product in a carousel and simply put “A or B?” and watch the comments roll in.

问题这是一个非常简单的方法,很多人都错过了。 通过提示回复,您应该增加评论和参与度。 您可以将两个相同产品的照片放在转盘中,然后简单地输入“ A或B?” 并观看评论。

6.调整您的人口统计 (6. Adjust your demographics)

On the far right of your ads manager, you’ll see a column that says “breakdown.” This will allow you to break down your campaigns to see how each demographic is performing.

在广告经理的最右边,您会看到一列“细分”。 这样一来,您就可以细分广告系列,以查看每个受众特征的效果。

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Screenshot by author.

The big three that I focus on to lower CPM costs and improve conversion rates and overall results are age, sex, country. What you’ll often notice is there’s an inverse effect between CPM and conversions.

我主要关注的是降低CPM成本和提高转化率的三大要素,总体目标是年龄,性别,国家/地区。 您经常会注意到,每千次展示费用和转化次数之间会产生反作用。

For example, a lot of eastern European countries will have lower CPM, but you’ll find they rarely convert.


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Screenshot by author.

The countries I generally stick to for maximum conversions are the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. Of these four, you’ll find that Canada is the cheapest, with the best conversion rates, but I generally start with these four and optimize from there. I find that I’ll often be left with the United States and Canada, depending on the home country of the company’s operations.

我通常会坚持最大转换的国家是美国,加拿大,英国和澳大利亚。 在这四个指标中,您会发现加拿大是最便宜的,转化率最高,但是我通常从这四个指标开始,然后从那里进行优化。 我发现我经常会留在美国和加拿大,具体取决于公司业务所在的国家/地区。

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Screenshot by author.

Depending on your brand and product line, you’ll find one of the genders generally have a better reaction to your ads. If money is limited, you’ll definitely want to focus on one gender before scaling up.

根据您的品牌和产品线,您会发现其中一种性别通常会对您的广告产生更好的React。 如果资金有限,您肯定会在扩大规模之前专注于一种性别。

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Screenshot by author.

With ages, you’ll definitely notice an inverse effect on CPM and conversion rates. The 18–24 age group rarely clicks or buys products directly from Facebook, making them one of the cheapest CPM groups. On the flip side, 55+ is usually the most expensive, but they’re not always the best buyers (depending on your product).

随着年龄的增长,您肯定会注意到对每千次展示费用和转化率的负面影响。 18-24岁年龄段的用户很少点击或直接从Facebook购买产品,因此成为CPM最便宜的群体之一。 另一方面,55 +通常是最昂贵的,但它们并不总是最好的购买者(取决于您的产品)。

Beyond this, there are a lot of other ways to lower CPM, but I tried to steer clear of ways to reduce CPM that would impact your cost per acquisition or sales since the goal of e-commerce is to generate as much revenue as possible.


If there’s anything I missed, or you have any questions, I’d love to hear them!


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-marketing/how-to-reduce-your-facebook-cpm-for-ecommerce-2c1438d94223






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