
网站优化的主要任务,seo新站如何快速排名,制作团体网站,俄罗斯网站建设公司figma 安装插件So as a UX Designer, it is important to design with disabilities in mind. One of these is color blindness. It is important to make sure important information on your product is legible to everyone. This is why I like using this tool:因此&…

figma 安装插件

So as a UX Designer, it is important to design with disabilities in mind. One of these is color blindness. It is important to make sure important information on your product is legible to everyone. This is why I like using this tool:

因此,作为用户体验设计师,重要的是要牢记残疾。 其中之一是色盲。 确保产品上的重要信息对所有人都清晰可见很重要。 这就是为什么我喜欢使用此工具的原因:

彩色滤光片 (Color filters…)

Image for post ...

You can easily apply greyscale and other colorblind simulation colors to layers or frames to see how your text would look under these conditions. It is especially important to make sure all of your text is legible under greyscale to make sure it is not hard for the users to read it.

您可以轻松地将灰度和其他色盲模拟色应用于图层或框架,以查看在这些条件下文本的外观。 确保所有文本在灰度下都清晰可辨,以确保用户阅读起来不难,这一点尤其重要。

There are multiple colorblind simulations on this plugin such as:


  • Red-blind (Protanopia)

  • Red-weak (Protanomaly)

  • Green-blind (Deuteranopia)

  • Green-weak (Deuteranomaly)

  • Blue-blind (Tritanopia)

  • Blue-weak (Tritanomaly)

  • Monochromacy (Achromatopsia)

  • Blue Cone Monochromacy (Achromatomaly)


Although in most cases, you won’t be targeting a specific colorblind variation, it is still nice to see that the plugin allows for all these variations in case it is ever needed.


Hope this plugin helps you in your design process! Let me know your thought below and check out my previous post for more plugins!

希望这个插件在您的设计过程中对您有所帮助! 在下面让我知道您的想法,并查看我以前的文章以获取更多插件!


figma 安装插件





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