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重点 (Top highlight)

Telling a compelling story helps you get your point across effectively else you get lost in translation.


Great stories happen to people that can tell them — Ira Glass

可以告诉他们的人会遇到很棒的故事-Ira Glass

Storytelling is one must-have skill that can transform your career. Being able to create a narrative can help you get a new job, make you a better leader, win the loyalty and affection of audiences, create an unforgettable personal brand and turn your brand into a business legacy.

讲故事是一种可以改变您的职业的必备技能 。 能够创建叙事可以帮助您找到新工作,使您成为更好的领导者,赢得观众的忠诚和喜爱,创建一个难忘的个人品牌并将您的品牌转变为商业遗产。

Here’s a personal data-driven story using the PIXAR Framework:


Once upon a time, there was a blog called ablogbyarchit 😜. Every day, for the first 4 days the blog published articles on Medium at exactly 6 am. Then one day, the blog decided to change the publishing time to 8 am. Because of that, the number of reads to its site increased by 30%. Because of that, the daily earnings of the Blog increased by 45%. Until finally, the blog decided to change the publishing time to 9 am every day.

从前 ,有一个博客叫ablogbyarchit😜。 每天开始的前4天,博客都在上午6点左右在Medium上发布文章。 然后有一天 ,博客决定将发布时间更改为上午8点。 因此,对该站点的读取次数增加了30%。 因此,博客的每日收入增加了45%。 直到最后 ,博客决定将发布时间更改为每天上午9点。

Therefore, never underestimate the impact of a good story. A picture is worth a thousand words, but a good story is worth a thousand pictures. The human brain is a visual organ; thus, images are the easiest thing for us to remember. Our brain is wired to absorb information that is interesting rather than cold hard facts. Being able to paint a picture with words and getting our point of view across to others is not a trivial task. Moreover, a good storyteller is seen as a leader and as someone who is intelligent, wise, and generally worth listening to — like an influencer.

因此,永远不要低估好故事的影响。 一张 图片胜过千言万语,但一个好故事胜过千言万语的照片 。 人脑是视觉器官。 因此,图像是我们最容易记住的东西。 我们的大脑必须吸收有趣的信息,而不是冷酷的事实。 能够用文字描绘一幅图画并将我们的观点传达给他人并不是一件容易的事。 此外,一位优秀的讲故事者被视为领导者,是一个有才智,有才智并通常值得倾听的人,就像有影响力的人一样。

Unlike Artificial Intelligence, humans are creatures with emotions and desires. In this rapidly changing digital world, communicating information without losing its narrative is of utmost importance and this technique is called Data Storytelling. At first glance, the phrase “Data Storytelling” might come across as an oxymoron since data is about facts and numbers whereas storytelling is all about words. But, in a wider context, storytelling in Data Analytics is important for businesses as it helps them make data-driven decisions based on insights from data.

与人工智能不同,人类是具有情感和欲望的生物。 在这个瞬息万变的数字世界中, 传达信息而不丢失其叙述是至关重要的,这种技术称为“数据讲故事” 。 乍看之下,“数据讲故事”一词可能会引起矛盾,因为数据是关于事实和数字的,而讲故事则完全是关于单词的。 但是,在更广泛的背景下,数据分析中的故事讲述对企业很重要,因为它可以帮助企业根据数据的见解做出以数据为依据的决策。

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The recipe for Data Storytelling involves three key ingredients:


  • Data: Data is everywhere, it is like air. It has become impossible to progress in this world without data. It is in our DNA to reject raw information. Good Data Storytellers can reliably extract data when necessary and explain data concepts in layman terms to business stakeholders. Providing this information as a story helps others see the bottom line making the whole experience persuasive, memorable, and engaging.

    数据 :数据无处不在,就像空气一样。 没有数据,在这个世界上就不可能取得进步。 拒绝原始信息是我们的DNA 。 好的数据讲故事者可以在必要时可靠地提取数据,并以通俗易懂的方式向业务涉众解释数据概念。 将这些信息作为故事提供,可以帮助其他人看到底线,从而使整个体验具有说服力,令人难忘且引人入胜。

  • Fascinating Stories: We are all storytelling animals and we all love a good story as it makes for excellent entertainment. The addictive and stimulating nature of a good story is due to its elements like mindboggling plotline, terrifying cliffhangers, the unexpected climax, etc. Although, telling a data story can never be as compelling as a Hollywood blockbuster but when actionable insights are gathered from data it follows a somewhat similar formula as traditional storytelling. A story that balances the needs of the end-users and goals of the business stakeholders has the maximum impact.

    有趣的故事 :我们都是讲故事的动物,我们都喜欢一个很好的故事,因为它可以带来出色的娱乐。 一个好故事的令人上瘾和令人兴奋的本质是由于其令人难以置信的情节,令人恐惧的悬崖峭壁,令人意外的高潮等因素。它遵循与传统叙事类似的公式。 平衡最终用户需求和业务利益相关者目标的故事具有最大的影响力

  • Human Emotions: Emotions are what differentiate us from Artificial Intelligence, and they guide our decision making. This key ingredient plays the most significant role in helping others see our point of view. Accomplished Data Storytellers always leverage the power of visualizations that help you identify the story within your data, and this creates a lasting impression with your audience. At the end of the day, Data Visualizations are images and can subtly induce human emotions.

    人类的情感 :情感是我们与人工智能的区别所在,它们指导着我们的决策。 该关键成分在帮助他人理解我们的观点方面发挥着最重要的作用 。 成就卓著的数据讲故事的人始终利用可视化功能来帮助您识别数据中的故事,从而给听众留下持久的印象。 归根结底,数据可视化只是图像,可以巧妙地诱发人的情感。

When these ingredients are put together it makes for a stimulating neurological cocktail and we get the full attention of the audience in the room.


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Being from a Data Analytics background, I can say that though you may be able to tell a story about your data, if it doesn’t resonate with key business needs and strategies, it won’t have the desired impact. Therefore, a good Data Storyteller needs to have a firm grasp on data and business concepts thus having an all-inclusive knowledge of a company’s KPIs and how they measure success. Telling data-driven tales has become central to Data Analytics. A person with good storytelling abilities will make his words interesting to listen to, and meaningful enough to think over. Extracting valuable insights from copious amounts of data and weaving this information into a story is an invaluable skillset.

以数据分析为背景,我可以说,尽管您可以讲述一个有关您的数据的故事,但如果它与关键业务需求和战略不产生共鸣,则不会产生预期的影响。 因此,优秀的数据讲故事者需要对数据和业务概念有牢牢的掌握,从而全面了解公司的KPI及其如何衡量成功。 讲数据驱动的故事已成为数据分析的中心 。 一个具有良好讲故事能力的人将使他的单词有趣且易于思考。 从大量数据中提取有价值的见解并将这些信息编织到故事中是非常宝贵的技能。

In conclusion, storytelling is a key skill that is very much in demand by companies and organizations these days. It is a process worth mastering for both your business and your customers. Traditional presentations are becoming a thing of the past and companies are realizing the importance of effective Data Storytelling. By telling a story at work, you tap into something incredibly special. An effective story not only passes words and reasoning to the listener but even emotions. Thus, storytelling helps you communicate in a creative and engaging way. Plus, isn’t storytelling more fun?

总之,讲故事是当今公司和组织非常需要的一项关键技能。 对于您的企业和客户而言,这是一个值得精通的过程。 传统的演示已成为过去,公司也意识到有效的数据讲故事的重要性。 通过在工作中讲故事,您可以开发出令人难以置信的特殊内容。 一个有效的故事不仅将言语和推理传递给听众,甚至传递情感。 因此,讲故事可以帮助您以创造性和引人入胜的方式进行交流。 另外,讲故事不是更有趣吗?

So, how have your storytelling skills helped you? Leave a comment!

那么,您的讲故事技巧对您有什么帮助? 发表评论!

Archit is a Data Scientist and has started writing blogs recently to share his love for Data Science, Mentoring, and Stock Market Investing. Feel free to connect with him on Instagram, Twitter, or join his group for new bloggers on Facebook. Let's connect !!!

Archit是一名数据科学家,最近开始写博客,以分享他对数据科学,指导和股票市场投资的热爱。 随时在Instagram , Twitter上与他联系,或加入他的小组,在Facebook上建立新博客。 让我们连接!

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/stories-matter-why-you-need-to-become-a-better-storyteller-2b058df690e2






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