As an agency co-founder and design lead, I’ve been participating in many recruitment processes. I’ve seen hundreds of portfolios and CVs of aspiring designers. If you’re applying for a UI designer position, it is good to have some things in mind and to polish your portfolio to the point where it’s really showing off your knowledge and skills.
作为代理机构的联合创始人和设计负责人,我参与了许多招聘流程。 我已经看到了数百位有抱负的设计师的作品集和简历。 如果您要申请UI设计师职位,那么请牢记一些注意事项,并将您的投资组合完善到真正炫耀您的知识和技能的地步。
Here are the most common mistakes and problems with portfolios and CVs I’ve witnessed over the years, that often made me turn down the candidate.

1.根本没有个人投资组合 (1. No personal portfolio at all)
This may sound obvious, but it’s not. You need to show some UI/UX work if you’re applying for a designer position — CV is not enough. Degree of any kind means nothing if you actually can’t show anything that you personally designed.
这听起来似乎很明显,但事实并非如此。 如果您要申请设计师职位,则需要显示一些UI / UX工作-CV是不够的。 如果您实际上无法展示自己设计的任何东西,那么任何程度的学位都没有任何意义。
It is important to show that you’re passionate and motivated enough so you do a lot of designing exercises on your own.
2.表现不佳 (2. Poor presentation)
Even the most exquisite meal will taste poorly if served on an ugly plate. It’s the same with UI, too.
如果放在丑陋的盘子上,即使是最精致的一餐也会很难吃。 UI也一样。
Avoid showing lonely screens, each one as a separate file with no context.
Put some work in presenting your projects in a visually pleasing, interesting and thoughtful manner. Remember that people are visual animals and we love things that look appealing to us — designers especially. This approach will definitely give you some extra points.
进行一些工作,以视觉上令人愉悦,有趣和周到的方式介绍您的项目。 请记住,人是视觉动物,我们喜欢看起来对我们有吸引力的东西,尤其是设计师。 这种方法肯定会给您一些额外的好处。
Take a look at how popular projects are presented on Dribbble or Behance — and try to present your work in a similar way. Put together some screens to create a good-looking mosaic. Think about showing your work in mockups — so it’s easier to imagine how your designs look on devices in reality. I recommend investing in Angle Mockups, but there’s plenty of free ones over the internet, too.
看一下Dribbble或Behance上如何展示受欢迎的项目-并尝试以类似的方式展示您的作品。 组合一些屏幕以创建漂亮的马赛克。 考虑以样机显示您的工作-因此更容易想象您的设计在实际设备上的外观。 我建议投资于Angle Mockups ,但互联网上也有很多免费的。
3.设计中没有常识 (3. No common sense in your designs)
Don’t design mindlessly. It’s not only about how it looks like. If there is no common sense in the interface (copy does not match the theme, pointless elements, bad UX) even the most visually appealing project will look simply ridiculous.
不要盲目设计。 这不仅仅是关于它的外观。 如果界面中没有常识(副本与主题不匹配,毫无意义的元素,不良的UX),那么即使是视觉上最吸引人的项目也会看起来很荒谬。

4. UI背后没有思考过程 (4. No thinking process behind the UI)
Everybody with some graphic software skills can possibly copy a cool interface from Dribbble. It’s better than nothing, but aim higher.
每个具有一些图形软件技能的人都可以从Dribbble复制一个很酷的界面。 总比没有好,但目标更高。
Instead of mindless copying, try to search for an existing product that could use some redesigning – and do it. Explain your decisions and thinking process in a presentation. Show wireframes. Create a styleguide and include it. Back up your UI with some knowledge about human perception and heuristics. I write more about them here:
与其盲目复制,不如尝试搜索可能需要重新设计的现有产品,然后再做。 在演示文稿中解释您的决策和思考过程。 显示线框。 创建一个样式指南并包含它。 使用有关人类感知和启发式知识的一些知识来备份UI。 我在这里写更多关于它们的信息:
If your redesign turns out to be well-thought and good looking enough, it will most likely help you land a desired job!
5.项目彼此之间太相似 (5. Projects are too similar to each other)
Try to showcase interfaces for different devices (not only apps but also a dashboard, a responsive web design, wearables).
Try different types of products – for example, a redesign of a banking app, a design for scooter renting – and try to differentiate the overall style.

6.炫耀太多 (6. Showing off too much)
Some people send just too many examples of their designs – even their first attempt to make a logo – often quite ugly (we all have those under our belt, admit it ;))
It is better to show just three of your best projects, instead of 30 that are just „fine”.
On the contrary, just one example of your work, even if mindblowing (and this happens very rarely) might not be enough to convince a recruiter.
7.不注重细节 (7. No attention to details)
This one is extremely important. As a designer, you need to pay attention to even the smallest details in the interface you’re designing. So show the world that you care. Search for any inconsistencies and shortcomings in your designs (margins, colors, typography). Which leads us to…
这一点非常重要。 作为设计师,您甚至需要注意所设计界面中的最小细节。 因此,向世界展示自己关心的事物。 搜索设计中的任何不一致和缺点(页边距,颜色,版式)。 这导致我们……

8.语法错误 (8. Grammar mistakes)
Unfortunately, they happen often and they have an incredibly negative impact. Even the most visually appealing dashboard with a word „Daschboard”, „Dashbord” or „Dasboard” on it will immediately lose all it’s magic.
不幸的是,它们经常发生,并且产生令人难以置信的负面影响。 即使是带有“ Daschboard”,“ Dashbord”或“ Dasboard”一词的视觉上最吸引人的仪表板,也会立即失去所有的魔力。
9.您的简历中没有常识 (9. No common sense in your CV)
Mind your experience!
If you’re applying for your first design job, don’t title yourself as a designer, or as a senior designer. “Junior” or “aspiring junior designer looking for a first work” will make you look genuine and sincere.
如果您正在申请第一份设计工作,请不要称自己为设计师或高级设计师。 “初级”或“有志于寻找第一件作品的初级设计师”将使您看起来真实而真诚。
Don’t use “dots” or “loading bars” as a way to show your skills. What does 3 out of 5 dots next to Figma or Sketch say? It would be better to write about your experience with that software in a few sentences.
不要使用“圆点”或“加载条”来展示自己的技能。 Figma或Sketch旁边的5个点中有3个说什么? 最好用几句话写出您使用该软件的经验。
10.偷别人的工作 (10. Stealing somebody else’s work)
This happens — for real. And believe me, it’s actually very easy for a recruiter to find out that the work you claim as your own is simply stolen. And even if you get the job, what’s next?
这确实发生了。 相信我,招聘人员发现您声称属于您自己的工作实际上很容易被盗,这很容易。 即使得到这份工作,接下来该怎么办?
It’s just an awful thing to do, and remember – stealing someone’s intellectual property and trying to deceive your employer is actually considered a fraud that might be prosecuted.
您想学习更多吗? 🤓🎓 (Do you want to learn even more? 🤓🎓)
Get the “Designing Interfaces” book with almost 500 pages of the most important knowledge about designing UI. Only now you can choose the exclusive bundle and get the second book about UI Styles completely for free! I 🖋 write about design and I’m a 👩🏻🔧 co-founder/lead designer at HYPE4 design-driven software agency.
获得“ Designing Interfaces”一书,其中包含将近500页有关设计UI的最重要知识。 只有现在,您可以选择独家捆绑包,并完全免费获得有关UI样式的第二本书! 我写有关设计的文章,也是HYPE4设计驱动软件代理商的联合创始人/首席设计师。
