This is the Part 2 of the MediaPipe Series I am writing.
Previously, we saw how to get started with MediaPipe and use it with your own tflite model. If you haven’t read it yet, check it out here.
以前,我们了解了如何开始使用MediaPipe并将其与您自己的tflite模型一起使用。 如果您尚未阅读,请在此处查看 。
We had tried using the portrait segmentation tflite model in the existing segmentation pipeline with the calculators already present in MediaPipe
After getting bored with this Blue Background, I decided to have some fun with it by having some Zoom like Virtual Backgrounds like beautiful stars or some crazy clouds instead :)
For this, I wrote a custom calculator and used it with the existing pipeline.
So today I’ll show how did I go about making this App
Before we get started, I would suggest you to go through this part of the documentation which explains the Flow of a basic calculator.
Now, let’s get started with the code
1.从Part1克隆Portrait Segmentation存储库 (1. Clone the Portrait Segmentation repository from Part1)
$ git clone https://github.com/SwatiModi/portrait-segmentation-mediapipe.git
2.管道的新流程(在图.pbtxt文件中进行更改) (2. New Flow of the Pipeline (making changes in the graph .pbtxt file))
So earlier, the rendering/coloring was done by the RecolorCalculator , it used to take image and mask gpu buffer as input and returned gpu buffer rendered output (rendered using opengl)
Here, for replacing the Background with an Image(jpg/png), I have used OpenCV operations.
在这里,为了用Image(jpg / png)替换Background,我使用了OpenCV操作。
NOTE : OpenCV operations are performed on CPU — ImageFrame datatype where as opengl operations are performed on GPU — Image-buffer datatype
注意 :OpenCV操作在CPU — ImageFrame数据类型上执行,而opengl操作在GPU —图像缓冲区数据类型上执行
We will replace the RecolorCalculator with the BackgroundMaskingCalculator
我们将用 BackgroundMaskingCalculator 替换 RecolorCalculator
node {
calculator: "BackgroundMaskingCalculator"
input_stream: "IMAGE_CPU:mask_embedded_input_video_cpu"
input_stream: "MASK_CPU:portrait_mask_cpu"
output_stream: "OUTPUT_VIDEO:output_video_cpu"
This calculator takes transformed Image and the Mask (Both ImageFrame Datatype) as input and changes the background with given image.
For converting the Image and Mask GpuBuffer to ImageFrame, I used the GpuBufferToImageFrameCalculator.
为了将Image和Mask GpuBuffer转换为ImageFrame,我使用了GpuBufferToImageFrameCalculator。
3.写入计算器文件(background_masking_calculator.cc文件) (3. Write the Calculator File (background_masking_calculator.cc file))
In this we will write the logic of processing and creating the background masking effect
place this background_masking_calculator.cc in mediapipe/calculators/image/
放置这个background_masking_calculator.cc 在mediapipe /计算器/图像/
a. Extending the Base Calculator
一个。 扩展基础计算器
b. GetContract()
b。 GetContract()
Here we are just verifying our inputs and their data types
c. Open()
C。 打开()
Prepares the calculator’s per-graph-run state.
d. Process()
d。 处理()
Taking the inputs, converting to OpenCV Mat and further processing for desired output
接收输入,转换为OpenCV Mat并进一步处理以获得所需的输出
4.将background_masking_calculator.cc添加到具有依赖项的图像文件夹的BUILD文件中 (4. Add the background_masking_calculator.cc to BUILD file of image folder with the dependencies)
BUILD file in mediapipe/calculators/image
Mediapipe / calculators / image中的 BUILD文件
We need to do this so the calculator is available and accessible while compilation and execution
the deps (dependencies) you see here are the imports you are using in your calculator
The name used here is referred in graph BUILD file as well
5.将background_masking_calculator.cc添加到图形BUILD文件中 (5. Add the background_masking_calculator.cc to the graph BUILD file)
BUILD file in graphs/portrait_segmentation
图形/ portrait_segmentation中的BUILD文件
Add background_masking_calculator to deps and remove recolor_calculator which we are not using now
Now we are ready to build, we just have to add the asset(image to be masked on the background)
NOTE: This asset reading method is straight forward when trying on Desktop but quite different for the Android Build.
注意 :在桌面上尝试时,这种资产读取方法很简单,但对于Android Build则大不相同。
So we will look at the Desktop and Android build one by one
桌面版本: (Desktop Build:)
In the background_masking_calculator.cc , read the asset file as
Now, we are ready to build
bazel build -c opt --copt -DMESA_EGL_NO_X11_HEADERS --copt -DEGL_NO_X11 mediapipe/examples/desktop/portrait_segmentation:portrait_segmentation_gpu
The build will finish successfully in around 10–15 minutes
INFO: Build completed successfully, 635 total actions
Now, you can run the Pipeline using the following
GLOG_logtostderr=1 bazel-bin/mediapipe/examples/desktop/portrait_segmentation/portrait_segmentation_gpu --calculator_graph_config_file=mediapipe/graphs/portrait_segmentation/portrait_segmentation.pbtxt
the webcam starts and you’ll be able to see the output window
Android版本: (Android Build:)
1.导出背景遮罩图像 (1. Exporting the background masking images)
Add the following code to the BUILD file in testdata folder (folder containing the background asset images)
srcs = glob(["**"]),
2.将资产添加到Android应用程序使用的android_library (2. Adding the assets to android_library used by the Android App)
Adding the files to android_library along with the tflite model
Modify in android project BUILD file in examples/android/…./portraitsegmentationgpu/
在examples / android /…。/ portraitsegmentationgpu /中的android项目BUILD文件中进行修改
3.在background_masking_calculator中读取此图像文件 (3. Reading this image file in background_masking_calculator)
Here, first using the MediaPipe’s PathToResourceAsFile method, we try to look if the asset is available and if available we read it using it’s value as path to file
On a side note, this method was a part of resource_util.h present in mediapipe/util/ folder. So whenever you import a new file into your calculator, make sure to add it to BUILD file mentioned in pt. 4
另外,此方法是存在于mediapipe / util /文件夹中的resource_util.h的一部分。 所以每当你导入一个新的文件到您的计算器,请务必将其添加到 PT提到的BUILD文件 。 4
现在我们准备构建APK (Now we are ready to Build the APK)
bazel build -c opt --config=android_arm64 mediapipe/examples/android/src/java/com/google/mediapipe/apps/portraitsegmentationgpu# On successfully building the APK, it printsINFO: Elapsed time: 1499.898s, Critical Path: 753.09s
INFO: 2002 processes: 1849 linux-sandbox, 1 local, 152 worker.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 2140 total actions
This would take around 20–25 minutes when building for the first time because it downloads all the external dependencies for the Build. Next time it uses the cached dependencies, so it builds much faster.
首次构建时大约需要20-25分钟,因为它会下载Build的所有外部依赖项。 下次使用缓存的依赖项时,它的构建速度要快得多。
adb install bazel-bin/mediapipe/examples/android/src/java/com/google/mediapipe/apps/portraitsegmentationgpu/portraitsegmentationgpu.apk
Now, you are ready to run the APK and test it.
Here we successfully added our own calculator and modified the pipeline and graph according by first testing it on Desktop and then finally on Android with minimal changes.
Feel free to ask any questions in the comments or you can reach me out personally.
You can find more about me on swatimodi.com
翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/custom-calculators-in-mediapipe-5a245901d595