



  1. 查看并关联运行的容器

[gh@localhost ~]$ docker container ls
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
4da438fc9a8e        busybox             "sh"                2 days ago          Up 3 seconds                            aaaaa
[gh@localhost ~]$ docker container attach aaaaa
/ # 

  2. 创建文件夹和文件

/ # mkdir /var/html
/ # vi /var/html/index.html
/ # cat /var/html/index.html
/ # 

  3. 查看httpd服务帮助

/ # which httpd
/ # httpd -h
-f        前台运行
-h        家目录
/ # 

  4. 制作镜像

---- docker container commit --help





[gh@localhost ~]$ docker container commit -a "name <abc@163.com>" -c 'CMD ["/bin/httpd","-f","-h","/var/html"]' -p aaaaa myhttpd:v9.0
[gh@localhost ~]$ docker image ls |grep "myhttpd"
myhttpd             v9.0                9fdc2c89794f        18 seconds ago      1.13MB
[gh@localhost ~]$ 

  5. 运行镜像

[gh@localhost ~]$ docker container run --name httpd -d myhttpd:v9.0 
[gh@localhost ~]$ docker container ls
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
e51a67a0346b        myhttpd:v9.0        "/bin/httpd -f -h /v…"   6 seconds ago       Up 5 seconds                            httpd
4da438fc9a8e        busybox             "sh"                     2 days ago          Up 6 minutes                            aaaaa
[gh@localhost ~]$ 

  6. 访问服务

[gh@localhost ~]$ curl
[gh@localhost ~]$ 

  7. 与容器关联

[gh@localhost ~]$ docker container exec -it httpd /bin/sh
/ # ps -e
PID   USER     TIME   COMMAND1 root       0:00 /bin/httpd -f -h /var/html11 root       0:00 /bin/sh16 root       0:00 ps -e
/ # 

   8. 登陆阿里云仓库(密码保存在家目录 .docker/config.json)

[gh@localhost ~]$ docker login --username=1596430280@qq.com registry.cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com
Login Succeeded
[gh@localhost ~]$

  9. 修改标签(阿里云仓库里有操作说明)

[gh@localhost ~]$ docker image ls |grep "myhttpd"
myhttpd             v9.0                9fdc2c89794f        13 hours ago        1.13MB
[gh@localhost ~]$ docker image tag 9fdc2c89794f registry.cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/ghh/test:v9.9
[gh@localhost ~]$ docker image ls |grep "9fdc2c89794f"
myhttpd                                      v9.0                9fdc2c89794f        13 hours ago        1.13MB
registry.cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/ghh/test   v9.9                9fdc2c89794f        13 hours ago        1.13MB
[gh@localhost ~]$ 

  10. 推送镜像

[gh@localhost ~]$ docker image push registry.cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/ghh/test:v9.9
The push refers to repository [registry.cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/ghh/test]
49946ae5d4d2: Pushed 
6a749002dd6a: Pushed 
v9.9: digest: sha256:096ff2618334d8c79750770c1ac20ba6d8f33c6945dafaa7ae17bbbe3eafe5a2 size: 734
[gh@localhost ~]$ 

  11. 登出






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