划痕实验 迁移面积自动统计_从Jupyter迁移到合作实验室

划痕实验 迁移面积自动统计

If you want to use Google Colaboratory to perform your data analysis, for building data pipelines and data visualizations, here is the beginners’ guide to migrate from one tool to the other.

如果您想使用Google Colaboratory进行数据分析,以建立数据管道和数据可视化,这是初学者指南,可以从一种工具迁移到另一种工具。

为什么要迁移? (Why migrate?)

To be honest, I came to using Colab, since I needed an iOS-friendly tool without a long installation adventure. The iOS version of Colab — actually, the iOS version of any browser — has a couple of problems, but I am currently quite satisfied.

老实说,我之所以开始使用Colab,是因为我需要一个iOS友好型工具,而无需进行长时间的安装。 iOS版的Colab(实际上是任何浏览器的iOS版)都有两个问题,但我目前非常满意。

The article is based upon my MacOS experience with Colab and the screenshots are also originate from MacOS.


创建一个Google帐户 (Create a Google account)

This is the first step, since you are going to work in a part of a Google ecosystem. Google Colaboratory (further referred to as Colab) runs in a cloud. You will use it in a browser.

这是第一步,因为您将要在Google生态系统的一部分中工作。 Google合作实验室(又称为Colab)在云中运行。 您将在浏览器中使用它。

下载谷歌浏览器 (Download Google Chrome)

Although the ultimate part of the world population is using Chrome (just kidding!), I still want to add this notion here. To access your Colab working space, you will need to log in to your Google account every time.

尽管世界人口的最终部分是使用Chrome(开个玩笑!),但我仍然想在此添加这个概念。 要访问您的Colab工作空间,您每次都需要登录到您的Google帐户。

In Chrome, you can stay logged and manage other spaces that you can integrate with Colab.


首次访问Colab (Access Colab for the first time)

You will need to open the following URL in your browser:




Or just type the “google colab” in the Google search engine.

或者,只需在Google搜索引擎中输入“ google colab”。

After you’ve created any Colab files (I’ll go through it in the next step) you will be also able to access your working space from Google Drive.


上传您的Jupyter笔记本 (Upload your Jupyter notebooks)

With Colab, you are not using your Jupyter notebooks locally. You will need to add them to your Google Drive. You’ll get a Google Drive automatically when you create your Google account.

使用Colab,您将不会在本地使用Jupyter笔记本。 您需要将它们添加到您的Google云端硬盘。 创建Google帐户后,您会自动获得一个Google云端硬盘。

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The pop-up window you see after opening the Colab URL: your recently used notebooks
打开Colab URL后看到的弹出窗口:您最近使用过的笔记本

The first two are the official documentation.


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The upload tab in the same pop-up window: upload your Jupyter notebooks

Exactly, you do not need to convert your notebooks at all!


Colab is built upon Jupyter and the format is the same. Pretty cool, if you decide to get back to the local Jupyter again!

Colab基于Jupyter构建,并且格式相同。 如果您决定再次回到当地的Jupyter,那就太酷了!

An upload form will appear each time you’ll open the Colab URL.

每次您打开Colab URL时,都会出现一个上传表单。

再次访问Colab (Access Colab again)

As I mentioned before, once you have any notebooks in there, a Colab folder will be automatically created in your Google Drive. The icon will have a yellow color. You can go to the folder, open it, double-click on a notebook, and then on “Open with Google Colaboratory”:

如前所述,一旦您有任何笔记本,就会在Google云端硬盘中自动创建一个Colab文件夹。 图标将显示为黄色。 您可以转到文件夹,将其打开,双击笔记本,然后单击“使用Google Colaboratory打开”:

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Colab Notebooks folder in your Google Drive space
Google云端硬盘空间中的Colab Notebooks文件夹
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Select and a notebook and double-click on it
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Click “Open with Colab” on in the top middle (sometimes it appears in the bottom, too)
单击顶部中间的“ Open with Colab”(有时也显示在底部)

If you entry point in the Colab URL, then the list of your recently used notebooks will pop up. You can switch to uploading notebooks, or pick them from you Google Drive, or even from you GitHub. Read more on GitHub here.

如果您在Colab URL中输入入口,则将弹出您最近使用过的笔记本的列表。 您可以切换到上传笔记本,也可以从Google云端硬盘甚至是GitHub中选择笔记本。 了解更多关于GitHub上这里 。

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Opening your notebooks stored in Google Drive and on GitHub

开始工作 (Start working)

The interface is pretty much the same. You access the usual features through the panel atop of the notebook.

界面几乎相同。 您可以通过笔记本顶部的面板访问常规功能。

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Inside the notebook: the top panel

You have a table of the contents on the left side and an overview of your files.


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Easy navigate in your notebook: the table of the contents

But …


安装套件 (Installing packages)

You’ll soon notice that the import command sometimes fails.


Colab has pandas, but for less popular packages you’ll need a pip installation. Since you do not have access to the respective Terminal, — remember, Colab runs in a cloud! — you’ll have to type the command inside the notebook.

Colab有熊猫,但是对于不太受欢迎的软件包,您需要安装pip。 由于您无权访问各自的终端,请记住,Colab在云中运行! —您必须在笔记本电脑中键入命令。

And put an exclamation mark before pip:


!pip install nest_asyncioimport nest_asyncio

Do not forget to import the packages you’ve installed.


插入外部数据 (Inserting external data)

从本地硬盘上传 (Upload from your local hard drive)

You’ll have to use a native workaround to import data from the files stored on your PC locally.


You will have to use an upload package that Google created for you.


Just go ahead and run the code to be asked to select your files:


from google.colab import filesuploaded = files.upload()
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Choose files to upload from your local drive
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Results of your upload: ‘local test.txt” is now stored on your virtual machine
上传结果:“ local test.txt”现在存储在虚拟机上

Then you can refer to this file in your code, for instance:


with open(‘local test.txt’, ‘r’, newline=’\r\n’) as f:     print(f.read().splitlines())
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Data from a .TXT file

You can replace read().splitlines()) with any other method you prefer.


If you want to upload the next one, you can just re-run the upload code.


Of course, you can upload .CSV and easily turn it into a data frame:


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The same procedure to upload a .CSV file …
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… which you easily convert into a data frame!

In this regard, there is no difference between handling the files in Jupyter and in Colab. In Colab you only add the native import command to call the pop-up window to access your file system from the notebook.

在这方面,在Jupyter和Colab中处理文件没有区别。 在Colab中,您仅添加本机导入命令来调用弹出窗口以从笔记本计算机访问文件系统。

连接到Google云端硬盘 (Connect to Google Drive)

Basically, you can import/export data from/to Google Drive in the form of either TXT or CSV. You do not have to install a Google Drive app. You are going to connect to it in the browser.

基本上,您可以使用TXT或CSV格式从Google云端硬盘导入数据/将数据导出到Google云端硬盘。 您不必安装Google云端硬盘应用。 您将在浏览器中连接到它。

from google.colab import drivedrive.mount(‘/content/drive’)
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Filling in the form to connect to Google Drive

Click on the URL, click “Allow” and then copy the authorization code. Paste the code into the long cell and click “Enter”. The connection is there.

单击URL,单击“允许”,然后复制授权代码。 将代码粘贴到长单元格中,然后单击“ Enter”。 连接在那里。

You can read more about it in the official documentation.


The same open command works to insert data from a file stored in the Drive. You only need to add the Google Drive path:

相同的open命令可从存储在驱动器中的文件中插入数据。 您只需要添加Google云端硬盘路径:

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Accessing the same txt-data in Google Drive

使用Google云端硬盘 (Use Google Drive Sheets)

Google developed a python package to read data from Google Sheets.


!pip install — upgrade gspreadfrom google.colab import authauth.authenticate_user()import gspreadfrom oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentialsgc = gspread.authorize(GoogleCredentials.get_application_default())worksheet = gc.open(‘grandresult_2020–07–29 13:50:19.096165’).sheet1rows = worksheet.get_all_values()grandresult = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(rows)

You install it over the “cloud” pip, then get an authorization to use Sheets. Be carefully, this connection and the previous one (that you launch with drive.mount) are separated.

您通过“云”点安装它,然后获得使用表格的授权。 请注意,此连接与上一个连接(使用drive.mount启动)分开。

You pick up your file and then the first sheet: “sheet1” stands for the sheet number one and not a name of your sheet!

您先提取文件,然后提取第一个工作表:“ sheet1”代表工作表编号1,而不是工作表名称!

You can directly start with pandas.


通过Python本机包获取数据 (Fetching data by means of Python native packages)

If you download data from an API request, or parse an HTML with a BeautifulSoup, or any other native Python package, then it works in a usual way.


汇出资料 (Exporting data)

作为.TXT (As .TXT)

You can either export data by replacing the read command with the write command and adding a download line like that:


df = df.to_string() #to convert your data frame into .TXT filewith open(‘local test.txt’, ‘w’) as f:     f.write(df)files.download(‘local text.txt’)

作为.CSV (As .CSV)

Or you can download a .CSV:


df.to_csv(‘local test.csv’)files.download(‘local test.csv’)

作为Google表格 (As a Google Sheet)

This code snippet allows to save a data frame into a Google Sheet:


from gspread_dataframe import set_with_dataframegc.create(‘Title of your Google Sheet’)sheet = gc.open(‘Title of your Google Sheet’).sheet1set_with_dataframe(‘Title of your Google Sheet’, df)

iOS和数据导入/导出 (iOS and data import/export)

We do not have the usual file path to save anything in the iOS file system. This makes exporting your data for storing it locally a ghost feature.

我们没有通常的文件路径将任何内容保存在iOS文件系统中。 这使得导出数据以将其存储在本地成为重影功能。

In general, if you download any file from Safari on an iOS device, you’ll have to access the saved files directly from the Safari by clicking on the icon:


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You can pick up your downloaded files only inside Safari and only during the current session

Although many recent iOS devices do have a file browser, in my case, I could not find the data I’ve exported from a Colab notebook as a .CSV.


So, I stick to the Google Sheet or TXT method.

因此,我坚持使用Google Sheet或TXT方法。

为什么实际上叫Colab? (Why is it actually called Colab?)

Now, I want to mention a couple of features that were supposed to make Colab a better breed.


  • You can use it instead of arranging a server to run complex pipelines in the Jupyter notebook format.

  • You can access it from everywhere, as long as you have a network coverage.

  • For some data manipulations, it is faster, even without a Pro membership.


But, mainly, it was designed to let more than one person to work on the same notebook and communicate with co-workers without leaving the notebook and involving some additional communication channel.


评论细胞 (Commenting on the cells)

This small icon stands for the commenting function. You can leave comments for your co-workers, but you do not have to include them into the code with # on the beginning or create an additional text cell.

这个小图标代表注释功能。 您可以为同事留下评论,但不必将其包含在代码中,并以#开头或创建其他文本单元格。

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Add comment to a cell

You can edit and delete your comments. After the issues you were asking about in your note were solved press “Resolve” to hide the comment thread.

您可以编辑和删除您的评论。 解决了您在便笺中询问的问题后,请按“解决”以隐藏评论主题。

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Edit or delete your comment
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Resolve a comment thread: it will disappear.

This is easier if you just want to leave a note that is only a temporary one and does not belong into the final code.


另一个精美的UI功能:更改主题 (Another fancy UI feature: changing the theme)

It got more complicated with the packages, but there is a compensation for it: you do not need any inline command to switch the color theme!


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Change the notebook theme: accessible from the settings menu on the top right (the gear icon)

Unfortunately, only three themes — dark, light, and adaptive — are currently available. Less choice, less doubts!

不幸的是,目前只有三个主题:黑暗,明亮和自适应。 更少的选择,更少的疑问!

改变语言 (Changing the language)

The last feature I had to refer to quite often, especially, while writing this manual.


A Colab notebook will be shown in your local language, regardless of the language you’ve set for your entire Google profile.


There is one single button in Colab, always in the same place, under the “Help” section in the top panel:


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Switching to English from any other world language

It is always the last one in the drop down.


简短的后记 (A short afterword)

You will definitely discover even more interesting features and new horizons in using Colab. I’ll stop here, since this is the ultimate list I found important so far.

使用Colab一定会发现更多有趣的功能和新视野。 我将在这里停止,因为这是到目前为止我发现很重要的最终清单。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/migrating-from-jupyter-to-colaboratory-2888332d57a7

划痕实验 迁移面积自动统计




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