
做网站用什么服务器会比较好,做市场推广应该掌握什么技巧,自己做网站要固定ip,怎么做一个局域网站多元线性回归 pythonVideo Link影片连结 This episode expands on Implementing Simple Linear Regression In Python. We extend our simple linear regression model to include more variables.本集扩展了在Python中实现简单线性回归的方法 。 我们扩展了简单的线性回归模型…

多元线性回归 python

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This episode expands on Implementing Simple Linear Regression In Python. We extend our simple linear regression model to include more variables.

本集扩展了在Python中实现简单线性回归的方法 。 我们扩展了简单的线性回归模型以包含更多变量。

You can view the code used in this Episode here: SampleCode

您可以在此处查看 此剧 集中使用的代码: SampleCode

Setting up your programming environment can be found in the first section of Ep 4.3.

可以在Ep 4.3的第一部分中找到设置您的编程环境的步骤

导入我们的数据 (Importing our Data)

The first step is to import our data into python.


We can do that by going on the following link: Data

我们可以通过以下链接进行操作: 数据

Click on “code” and download ZIP.


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Locate WeatherDataM.csv and copy it into your local disc under a new file ProjectData


Note: Keep this medium post on a split screen so you can read and implement the code yourself.


Now we are ready to implement our code into our Notebook:


# Import Pandas Library, used for data manipulation
# Import matplotlib, used to plot our data
# Import nump for mathemtical operationsimport pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Import our WeatherDataM and store it in the variable weather_data_mweather_data_m = pd.read_csv("D:\ProjectData\WeatherDataM.csv")
# Display the data in the notebookweather_data_m
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Here we can see a table with all the variables we will be working with.


绘制数据 (Plotting our Data)

Each of our inputs X (Temperature, Wind Speed and Pressure) must form a linear relationship with our output y (Humidity) in order for our multiple linear regression model to be accurate.


Let’s plot our variables to confirm this.


Here we follow common Data Science convention, naming our inputs X and output y.

在这里,我们遵循通用的数据科学约定 ,将输入X和输出y命名为。

# Set the features of our model, these are our potential inputsweather_features = ['Temperature (C)', 'Wind Speed (km/h)', 'Pressure (millibars)']# Set the variable X to be all our input columns: Temperature, Wind Speed and PressureX = weather_data_m[weather_features]# set y to be our output column: Humidityy = weather_data_m.Humidity# plt.subplot enables us to plot mutliple graphs
# we produce scatter plots for Humidity against each of our input variablesplt.subplot(2,2,1)
plt.scatter(X['Temperature (C)'],y)
plt.scatter(X['Wind Speed (km/h)'],y)
plt.scatter(X['Pressure (millibars)'],y)
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  • Humidity against Temperature forms a strong linear relationship


  • Humidity against Wind Speed forms a linear relationship


  • Humidity against Pressure forms no linear relationship


Pressure can not be used in our model and is removed with the following code


X = X.drop("Pressure (millibars)", 1)

We specify the the column name went want to drop: Pressure (millibars)

我们指定要删除的列名称: 压力(毫巴)

1 represents our axis number: 1 is used for columns and 0 for rows.


Because we are working with just two input variables we can produce a 3D scatter plot of Humidity against Temperature and Wind speed.


With more variables this would not be possible, as this would require a 4D + plot which we as humans can not visualise.

有了更多的变量,这将是不可能的,因为这将需要我们人类无法看到的4D +图。

# Import library to produce a 3D plotfrom mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3Dfig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
x1 = X["Temperature (C)"]
x2 = X["Wind Speed (km/h)"]
ax.scatter(x1, x2, y, c='r', marker='o')# Set axis labelsax.set_xlabel('Temperature (C)')
ax.set_ylabel('Wind Speed (km/h)')
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实现多元线性回归 (Implementing Multiple Linear Regression)

In order to calculate our Model we need to import the LinearRegression model from Sci-kit learn library. This function enables us to calculate the parameters for our model (θ₀, θ₁ and θ₂) with one line of code.

为了计算我们的模型,我们需要从Sci-kit学习库中导入LinearRegression模型。 此功能使我们能够使用一行代码来计算模型的参数 ( θ₀,θ₁和θ2)

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression# Define the variable mlr_model as our linear regression model
mlr_model = LinearRegression()
mlr_model.fit(X, y)

We can then display the values for θ₀, θ₁ and θ₂:


θ₀ is the intercept


θ₁ and θ₂ are what we call co-efficients of the model as the come before our X variables.

θ₁和θ²是我们所谓的模型系数 ,即X变量之前的系数。

theta0 = mlr_model.intercept_
theta1, theta2 = mlr_model.coef_
theta0, theta1, theta2
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Giving our multiple linear regression model as:


ŷ = 1.14–0.031𝑥¹- 0.004𝑥²

ŷ= 1.14–0.031𝑥¹-0.004𝑥²

使用我们的回归模型进行预测 (Using our Regression Model to make predictions)

Now we have calculated our Model, it’s time to make predictions for Humidity given a Temperature and Wind speed value:


y_pred = mlr_model.predict([[15, 21]])
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So a temperature of 15 °C and Wind speed of 21 km/h expects to give us a Humidity of 0.587.

因此,温度为15°C,风速为21 km / h,预计湿度为0.587。

边注 (Side note)

We reshaped all of our inputs into 2D arrays by using double square brackets ( [[]] ) which is a much more efficient method.


如果您有任何疑问,请将其留在下面,希望在下一集见。 (If you have any questions please leave them below and I hope to see you in the next episode.)

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翻译自: https://medium.com/ai-in-plain-english/implementing-multiple-linear-regression-in-python-1364fc03a5a8

多元线性回归 python





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