isc dhcp_ISC的完整形式是什么?

isc dhcp

ISC:印度学校证书 (ISC: Indian School Certificate)

ISC is an abbreviation of the Indian School Certificate. It alludes to the 12th class examination or higher secondary examination conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). On 3 November 1958, the University of Cambridge Local Examination officially set up the Indian School Certificate council which is a private board of education. In the UK, the universities accept the ISC scores for admission in undergraduate courses. According to the guidelines of the New Education Policy 1986, the ISC examination is created.

ISC是印度学校证书的缩写 。 它暗示了印度学校证书考试委员会( CISCE )进行的 12级考试或更高级别的考试。 1958年11月3日,剑桥大学本地考试正式成立了印度学校证书理事会,这是一个私人教育委员会。 在英国,大学接受ISC分数以攻读本科课程。 根据1986年新教育政策的指南,创建了ISC考试。

ISC full form

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In the ISC board, the mandatory subject for everyone to be followed is English is and the format set up is also in English to conduct an examination apart from the language subjects. In comparison to other boards and councils, the students who qualify the ISC exam have a higher probability to get admission into A-Level colleges.

ISC理事会中 ,每个人都必须遵守的必修科目是英语,并且设置的格式也要用英语来进行,除了语言科目以外。 与其他委员会相比,符合ISC考试资格的学生更有可能被A级大学录取。

Following are the common ISC board subjects which are listed below,


  • English


  • Math


  • Physics


  • Chemistry


  • Biology


  • Geography


  • Environmental education


  • Accounts


  • Political Science


  • Economics


  • History


优点 (Advantages)

  • The ISC board syllabus is very comprehensive and absolute; the syllabus covers all subjects with equal importance.

    ISC董事会教学大纲非常全面且绝对。 教学大纲涵盖所有同等重要的主题。

  • The ISC board provides a more exciting and challenging core curriculum that helps in the educational growth of the students who wish to pursue careers in fields of management and humanities.


  • In comparison to the central boards of secondary education confined periphery, the higher secondary certification completed under Indian school certificate board education is greatly accepted all around the world, exclusively by foreign schools and universities.


  • In ISC as the importance is laid on English, there is a slight periphery of the students from this board over other students in exams like TOEFL.

    ISC中 ,由于英语很重要,因此在该考试中,与TOEFL等考试的其他学生相比,该委员会的学生与其他学生略有差距。

  • In ISC, the students also have enormous pliability in terms of choosing particular subjects.

    ISC中 ,学生在选择特定学科方面也具有极大的灵活性。

缺点 (Disadvantages)

  • In an ISC board, as an average student will have to go through thirteen subjects/examinations for the period of the sixth grade, as in comparison to the six subjects that the student have in CBSE, Students may reach a stage where they feel that the syllabus is too large according to their comfortable sense.


  • Regardless of the fact that the ISC examination syllabus makes easier a deeper understanding and enhanced life skills and analytical skills, it might become complicated when it comes to pursuing additional education due to being short of clemency in assessing papers after an ISC examination.



isc dhcp





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