

A Kernel is the central component of an Operating System. The Kernel is also said to be the heart of the Operating System. It is responsible for managing all the processes, memory, files, etc. The Kernel functions at the lowest level of the Operating System. It acts as an interface (bridge) between the user-level application (software) and the hardware. Therefore, the communication between the software and the hardware is done via the Kernel.

内核是操作系统的核心组件内核也被认为是操作系统的核心。 它负责管理所有进程,内存,文件等。 内核功能在操作系统的最低级别。 它充当用户级应用程序(软件)和硬件之间的接口(桥)。 因此,软件和硬件之间的通信是通过内核完成的。

kernel in OS

The main functions that the Kernel performs are as follows:


  1. Process Management


  2. Memory Management


  3. Device Management


  4. Interrupt Handling


  5. Input Output Communication


Now let us understand these functions of Kernel...


操作系统中内核的功能 (Functions of the Kernel in Operating System)

1) Process Management


The creation, execution, and termination of processes keep on going inside the system whenever a system is in the ON mode. A process contains all the information about the task that needs to be done. So, for executing any task, a process is created inside the systems. At a time, there are many processes which are in live state inside the system. The management of all these processes is very important to avoid deadlocks and for the proper functioning of the system, and it is handled by the Kernel.

每当系统处于ON模式时,进程的创建,执行和终止都会在系统内部继续进行。 流程包含有关需要完成的任务的所有信息。 因此,为了执行任何任务,将在系统内部创建一个过程。 一次,系统内部有许多处于活动状态的进程。 所有这些过程的管理对于避免死锁和确保系统正常运行非常重要,并且由内核来处理。

2) Memory management


Whenever a process is created and executed, it occupies memory, and when it gets terminated, the memory can be used again. But the memory should be handled by someone so that the released memory can be assigned again to the new processes. This task is also done by the Kernel. The kernel keeps track about which part of the memory is currently allocated and which part is available for being allocated to the other processes.

每当创建并执行一个进程时,它都会占用内存,而在终止时,可以再次使用该内存。 但是应由某人处理内存,以便可以将释放的内存再次分配给新进程。 该任务也由内核完成。 内核跟踪当前已分配内存的哪一部分以及可用于分配给其他进程的那一部分。

3) Device Management


The Kernel also manages all the different devices which are connected to the system, like the Input and Output devices, etc.


4) Interrupt Handling


While executing the processes, there are conditions where tasks with more priority need to be handled first. In these cases, the kernel has to interrupt in-between the execution of the current process and handle tasks with more priority which has arrived in between.

在执行过程时,有一些条件需要首先处理优先级更高的任务。 在这些情况下,内核必须在当前进程的执行之间进行中断,并以更高的优先级处理任务。

5) I/O Communication

5)I / O通讯

As the Kernel manages all the devices connected to it, so it is also responsible for handling all sorts of input and output that is exchanged through these devices. So, all the information that the system receives from the user and all the output that the user is provided with via different applications is handled by the Kernel.

由于内核管理与其连接的所有设备,因此它还负责处理通过这些设备交换的各种输入和输出。 因此,系统从用户接收的所有信息以及通过不同应用程序为用户提供的所有输出均由内核处理。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/operating-systems/kernel.aspx






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