abs std::abs_ABS的完整形式是什么?

abs std::abs

ABS:防抱死制动系统 (ABS: Anti-lock Braking System)

ABS is an abbreviation of the Anti-lock Braking System. It is a safety anti-skid braking system that is used on a variety of aircraft, automobiles and other land vehicles, such as motorcycles, trucks, and buses. ABS works by putting off the wheels from locking up for the duration of braking, in this manner maintaining tractive contact with the road surface.

ABS是防抱死制动系统的缩写 。 它是一种安全的防滑制动系统,可用于各种飞机,汽车和其他陆地车辆,例如摩托车,卡车和公共汽车。 ABS的工作原理是在制动过程中将车轮从锁止状态下移开,从而保持与路面的牵引接触。

ABS is a mechanically programmed system that uses the concepts of threshold braking and cadence braking, methods that were once practiced by competent drivers before ABSes were extensive and well-known. ABS works at a much quicker pace and more efficiently than the majority of drivers could control and handle.

ABS是一种机械编程的系统,它使用阈值制动和踏频制动的概念,这是有能力的驾驶员曾经在ABS广泛使用之前就实践的方法。 ABS的工作速度比大多数驾驶员能够控制和处理的要快得多,效率也更高。

Full form of ABS: Anti-lock Braking System

Image source: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRlHkoZPyZOPXAFBmkCw0l15N2MOC6bLDsiwqILa8XRJ2Nfc-J5


ABS的历史 (ABS History)

  • In the 1950s, the concept introduced for ABS predates the modern systems.


  • In 1908, J.E. Francis launched his 'Slip Prevention Regulator for Rail Vehicles.

    1908年,JE Francis推出了“铁路车辆防滑保护调节器”。

  • In 1920, the French automobile and aircraft explorer Gabriel Voisin conducted experiments with systems that exerted a modifying influence on the hydraulic braking pressure on his aircraft brakes to diminish the risk of tire slippage.

    1920年,法国汽车和飞机探险家Gabriel Voisin对系统进行了实验,这些系统对其飞机制动器上的液压制动压力产生了影响,从而减少了轮胎打滑的风险。

  • In 1928, the first patented system was formed by German engineer Karl Wessel.

    1928年,德国工程师卡尔·韦塞尔(Karl Wessel)形成了第一个获得专利的系统。

  • At the beginning of the 1950s, the Dunlop Maxaret anti-skid system was in extensive aviation use in the UK.

    1950年代初,Dunlop Maxaret防滑系统在英国广泛用于航空领域。

  • In 1958, a Royal Enfield Super Meteor motorcycle was used by the Road Research Laboratory to examine the Maxaret anti-lock brake.

    1958年,道路研究实验室使用Royal Enfield Super Meteor摩托车检查了Maxaret防抱死制动器。

  • In the late 1960s, the first wholly electronic anti-lock system was developed for the Concorde aircraft.


  • In 1970, Ford added an anti-lock braking system called "Sure-track" to the rear wheels of Lincoln Continentals as an alternative.

    1970年,福特在Lincoln Continentals的后轮上增加了一个称为“ Sure-track”的防抱死制动系统,作为替代方案。

  • In 1971, "Sure-track" turned out to be a standard anti-lock braking system.

    1971年,“ Sure-track”被证明是一种标准的防抱死制动系统。

  • In 1978, Mercedes-Benz W116 turned out to be the first production car to use an electronic four-wheel multi-channel anti-lock braking system (ABS).


  • In 1982, Honda launched electronically managed and organized multi-channel ALB (Anti Locking Brakes) as an alternative for the second generation of Prelude, introduced globally in 1982.


  • In 1985, the Ford Scorpio was introduced to the European market with a Teves electronic system right through the collection as standard.

    1985年,Ford Scorpio凭借Teves电子系统作为标准配置引入欧洲市场。

  • In 1988, BMW launched the first motorcycle with an electronic-hydraulic ABS: the BMW K100.


  • In 1992, Honda followed suit with the inauguration of its first motorcycle ABS on the ST1100 Pan European.

    1992年,本田紧随其后,在ST1100 Pan European上推出了首款摩托车ABS。

  • In 2005, Harley-Davidson started providing an ABS alternative on police bikes.


  • In 2007, Suzuki introduced its GSF1200SA (Bandit) with an ABS.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/abs-full-form.aspx

abs std::abs





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