

肯德基:肯塔基炸鸡 (KFC: Kentucky Fried Chicken)

KFC is an abbreviation of "Kentucky Fried Chicken". It is a fast-food restaurant chain whose specialty is known for fried chicken because of its specialization in it. Its head office is situated in Louisville, Kentucky in the United States. The company is contributory to 'Yum! Brands'. In the present time, it has more than 20,500 outlets in 125 countries and territories all over the world. As of 1, Jan 2020, David Gibbs is the CEO of KFC.

肯德基(KFC)是“肯塔基炸鸡”的缩写 。 这是一家快餐连锁店,其特色菜因炸鸡而闻名。 其总部位于美国肯塔基州路易斯维尔。 该公司为“ Yum! 品牌”。 目前,它在全球125个国家和地区拥有20,500多个网点。 从2020年1月1日起,大卫·吉布斯(David Gibbs)是肯德基(KFC)的首席执行官。

KFC full form

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KFC


肯德基食品承诺 (KFC Food Promise)

In the KFC outlets, the preparation of fried chicken recipes is fresh by using the Colonel's secret choices of 11 herbs and spices. In the process of adding to this recipe, KFC gives prominence on a variety of aspects to prepare the world’s best chicken.

肯德基商店中,使用上校秘密选择的11种药草和香料,新鲜制作炸鸡食谱。 在添加此食谱的过程中,肯德基从各个方面着眼于制作世界上最好的鸡肉。

Following are some of which given below:


  • The real chickens are used which are raised on U.S. farms.


  • The chickens used in KFC kitchens are USDA-inspected for quality purposes before it is delivered to KFC kitchens.


  • The chickens are free of steroids and supplementary hormones.


  • At current, in the list of its menu items, the chicken and more than the other 90% food items are free of food dyes.


  • By the end of 2020, it will bring to an end the use of artificial colors and flavors in its core products.


肯德基历史 (KFC History)

  • The founder of KFC was Colonel Harland Sanders. The founder of KFC was Colonel Harland Sanders. 

    肯德基的创始人是哈兰德·桑德斯上校。 肯德基的创始人是哈兰德·桑德斯上校。

  • In the year 1890, Harland Sanders was born in Henryville, Indiana. He had undertaken many jobs but could not stay for a long period at any job.

    1890年,哈兰·桑德斯(Harland Sanders)出生于印第安纳州的亨利维尔。 他从事过许多工作,但不能长期任职。

  • At last in 1930, he started selling fried chicken from his roadside restaurant at a gas station in Corbin, Kentucky. His fried chicken recipe became a big success.

    终于在1930年,他开始在肯塔基州科尔宾市一个加油站的路边餐馆出售炸鸡。 他的炸鸡食谱大获成功。

  • In 1952, he franchised his recipe to Pete Harman in South Salt Lake, Utah. This restaurant promoted the recipe with the name Kentucky Fried Chicken.

    1952年,他将自己的食谱特许权授予了犹他州南盐湖城的Pete Harman。 这家餐厅以肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken)的名字推广了这种食谱。

  • By 1963, approximately 600 restaurants were promoting and selling this recipe.


  • In 1964, Sanders sold the company to a group of investors for $2 million.


  • By 1967, it turned out to be the sixth-largest restaurant chain by sales volume in the U.S.


  • By 1970, KFC established around 3000 stores in more than 40 countries.


  • In 1997, it moves towards under the ownership of Yum! Brands and more recipes were added in the list of menus like sandwiches, drinks, and desserts to go together with the fried chicken recipe.

    在1997年,它走向了百胜旗下。 菜单列表中添加了品牌和更多食谱,例如三明治,饮料和甜点,以及炸鸡食谱。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/kfc-full-form.aspx






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