




snapshot_download 会利用 hf_hub_download 函数实现下载所有文件,hf_hub_download是负责下载单个文件的。

snapshot_download 函数有点sb的一点是,你的本地目录已经存在了某个文件,你运行snapshot_download之后就重复下载。一看介绍:如果local_dir_use_symlinks=False并且blob文件不在缓存目录中,那么文件会被下载并直接放在local_dir下。这意味着如果您稍后需要重新下载它们,它们将被完全重新下载。

    If `local_dir` is provided, the file structure from the repo will be replicated in this location. You can configurehow you want to move those files:- If `local_dir_use_symlinks="auto"` (default), files are downloaded and stored in the cache directory as blobfiles. Small files (<5MB) are duplicated in `local_dir` while a symlink is created for bigger files. The goalis to be able to manually edit and save small files without corrupting the cache while saving disk space forbinary files. The 5MB threshold can be configured with the `HF_HUB_LOCAL_DIR_AUTO_SYMLINK_THRESHOLD`environment variable.- If `local_dir_use_symlinks=True`, files are downloaded, stored in the cache directory and symlinked in `local_dir`.This is optimal in term of disk usage but files must not be manually edited.- If `local_dir_use_symlinks=False` and the blob files exist in the cache directory, they are duplicated in thelocal dir. This means disk usage is not optimized.- Finally, if `local_dir_use_symlinks=False` and the blob files do not exist in the cache directory, then thefiles are downloaded and directly placed under `local_dir`. This means if you need to download them again later,they will be re-downloaded entirely.




import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Unionfrom tqdm.auto import tqdm as base_tqdm
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import thread_mapfrom .constants import (DEFAULT_ETAG_TIMEOUT,DEFAULT_REVISION,HF_HUB_CACHE,HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER,REPO_TYPES,
from .file_download import REGEX_COMMIT_HASH, hf_hub_download, repo_folder_name
from .hf_api import HfApi
from .utils import filter_repo_objects, logging, validate_hf_hub_args
from .utils import tqdm as hf_tqdmlogger = logging.get_logger(__name__)@validate_hf_hub_args
def snapshot_download(repo_id: str,*,repo_type: Optional[str] = None,revision: Optional[str] = None,cache_dir: Union[str, Path, None] = None,local_dir: Union[str, Path, None] = None,local_dir_use_symlinks: Union[bool, Literal["auto"]] = "auto",library_name: Optional[str] = None,library_version: Optional[str] = None,user_agent: Optional[Union[Dict, str]] = None,proxies: Optional[Dict] = None,etag_timeout: float = DEFAULT_ETAG_TIMEOUT,resume_download: bool = False,force_download: bool = False,token: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None,local_files_only: bool = False,allow_patterns: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None,ignore_patterns: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None,max_workers: int = 8,tqdm_class: Optional[base_tqdm] = None,endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
) -> str:"""Download repo files.Download a whole snapshot of a repo's files at the specified revision. This is useful when you want all files froma repo, because you don't know which ones you will need a priori. All files are nested inside a folder in orderto keep their actual filename relative to that folder. You can also filter which files to download using`allow_patterns` and `ignore_patterns`.If `local_dir` is provided, the file structure from the repo will be replicated in this location. You can configurehow you want to move those files:- If `local_dir_use_symlinks="auto"` (default), files are downloaded and stored in the cache directory as blobfiles. Small files (<5MB) are duplicated in `local_dir` while a symlink is created for bigger files. The goalis to be able to manually edit and save small files without corrupting the cache while saving disk space forbinary files. The 5MB threshold can be configured with the `HF_HUB_LOCAL_DIR_AUTO_SYMLINK_THRESHOLD`environment variable.- If `local_dir_use_symlinks=True`, files are downloaded, stored in the cache directory and symlinked in `local_dir`.This is optimal in term of disk usage but files must not be manually edited.- If `local_dir_use_symlinks=False` and the blob files exist in the cache directory, they are duplicated in thelocal dir. This means disk usage is not optimized.- Finally, if `local_dir_use_symlinks=False` and the blob files do not exist in the cache directory, then thefiles are downloaded and directly placed under `local_dir`. This means if you need to download them again later,they will be re-downloaded entirely.An alternative would be to clone the repo but this requires git and git-lfs to be installed and properlyconfigured. It is also not possible to filter which files to download when cloning a repository using git.Args:repo_id (`str`):A user or an organization name and a repo name separated by a `/`.repo_type (`str`, *optional*):Set to `"dataset"` or `"space"` if downloading from a dataset or space,`None` or `"model"` if downloading from a model. Default is `None`.revision (`str`, *optional*):An optional Git revision id which can be a branch name, a tag, or acommit hash.cache_dir (`str`, `Path`, *optional*):Path to the folder where cached files are stored.local_dir (`str` or `Path`, *optional*):If provided, the downloaded files will be placed under this directory, either as symlinks (default) orregular files (see description for more details).local_dir_use_symlinks (`"auto"` or `bool`, defaults to `"auto"`):To be used with `local_dir`. If set to "auto", the cache directory will be used and the file will be eitherduplicated or symlinked to the local directory depending on its size. It set to `True`, a symlink will becreated, no matter the file size. If set to `False`, the file will either be duplicated from cache (ifalready exists) or downloaded from the Hub and not cached. See description for more details.library_name (`str`, *optional*):The name of the library to which the object corresponds.library_version (`str`, *optional*):The version of the library.user_agent (`str`, `dict`, *optional*):The user-agent info in the form of a dictionary or a string.proxies (`dict`, *optional*):Dictionary mapping protocol to the URL of the proxy passed to`requests.request`.etag_timeout (`float`, *optional*, defaults to `10`):When fetching ETag, how many seconds to wait for the server to senddata before giving up which is passed to `requests.request`.resume_download (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False):If `True`, resume a previously interrupted download.force_download (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):Whether the file should be downloaded even if it already exists in the local cache.token (`str`, `bool`, *optional*):A token to be used for the download.- If `True`, the token is read from the HuggingFace configfolder.- If a string, it's used as the authentication token.local_files_only (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):If `True`, avoid downloading the file and return the path to thelocal cached file if it exists.allow_patterns (`List[str]` or `str`, *optional*):If provided, only files matching at least one pattern are downloaded.ignore_patterns (`List[str]` or `str`, *optional*):If provided, files matching any of the patterns are not downloaded.max_workers (`int`, *optional*):Number of concurrent threads to download files (1 thread = 1 file download).Defaults to 8.tqdm_class (`tqdm`, *optional*):If provided, overwrites the default behavior for the progress bar. Passedargument must inherit from `tqdm.auto.tqdm` or at least mimic its behavior.Note that the `tqdm_class` is not passed to each individual download.Defaults to the custom HF progress bar that can be disabled by setting`HF_HUB_DISABLE_PROGRESS_BARS` environment variable.Returns:Local folder path (string) of repo snapshot<Tip>Raises the following errors:- [`EnvironmentError`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html#EnvironmentError)if `token=True` and the token cannot be found.- [`OSError`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html#OSError) ifETag cannot be determined.- [`ValueError`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html#ValueError)if some parameter value is invalid</Tip>"""if cache_dir is None:cache_dir = HF_HUB_CACHEif revision is None:revision = DEFAULT_REVISIONif isinstance(cache_dir, Path):cache_dir = str(cache_dir)if repo_type is None:repo_type = "model"if repo_type not in REPO_TYPES:raise ValueError(f"Invalid repo type: {repo_type}. Accepted repo types are: {str(REPO_TYPES)}")storage_folder = os.path.join(cache_dir, repo_folder_name(repo_id=repo_id, repo_type=repo_type))print(f"storage_folder: {storage_folder}")# if we have no internet connection we will look for an# appropriate folder in the cache# If the specified revision is a commit hash, look inside "snapshots".# If the specified revision is a branch or tag, look inside "refs".if local_files_only:if REGEX_COMMIT_HASH.match(revision):commit_hash = revisionelse:# retrieve commit_hash from fileref_path = os.path.join(storage_folder, "refs", revision)with open(ref_path) as f:commit_hash = f.read()snapshot_folder = os.path.join(storage_folder, "snapshots", commit_hash)if os.path.exists(snapshot_folder):return snapshot_folderraise ValueError("Cannot find an appropriate cached snapshot folder for the specified"" revision on the local disk and outgoing traffic has been disabled. To"" enable repo look-ups and downloads online, set 'local_files_only' to"" False.")print(f"revision: {revision}")# if we have internet connection we retrieve the correct folder name from the huggingface apiapi = HfApi(library_name=library_name, library_version=library_version, user_agent=user_agent, endpoint=endpoint)repo_info = api.repo_info(repo_id=repo_id, repo_type=repo_type, revision=revision, token=token)assert repo_info.sha is not None, "Repo info returned from server must have a revision sha."assert repo_info.siblings is not None, "Repo info returned from server must have a siblings list."filtered_repo_files = list(filter_repo_objects(items=[f.rfilename for f in repo_info.siblings],allow_patterns=allow_patterns,ignore_patterns=ignore_patterns,))# print(f"filtered_repo_files: {filtered_repo_files}")commit_hash = repo_info.shaprint(f"commit_hash: {commit_hash}")snapshot_folder = os.path.join(storage_folder, "snapshots", commit_hash)print(f"snapshot_folder: {snapshot_folder}")# if passed revision is not identical to commit_hash# then revision has to be a branch name or tag name.# In that case store a ref.if revision != commit_hash:ref_path = os.path.join(storage_folder, "refs", revision)os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ref_path), exist_ok=True)with open(ref_path, "w") as f:f.write(commit_hash)print(f"ref_path: {ref_path}")# we pass the commit_hash to hf_hub_download# so no network call happens if we already# have the file locally.def _inner_hf_hub_download(repo_file: str):return hf_hub_download(repo_id,filename=repo_file,repo_type=repo_type,revision=commit_hash,endpoint=endpoint,cache_dir=cache_dir,local_dir=local_dir,local_dir_use_symlinks=local_dir_use_symlinks,library_name=library_name,library_version=library_version,user_agent=user_agent,proxies=proxies,etag_timeout=etag_timeout,resume_download=resume_download,force_download=force_download,token=token,)# 处理filtered_repo_files,删除在local_dir中存在的文件files_exist_in_local_dir = os.listdir(local_dir)# print(f"files_exist_in_local_dir: {files_exist_in_local_dir}")filtered_repo_files = [file for file in filtered_repo_files if file not in files_exist_in_local_dir]print("sorted filtered_repo_files")filtered_repo_files.sort()print(f"len(filtered_repo_files): {len(filtered_repo_files)}")if len(filtered_repo_files) == 0:raise ValueError("No files to download. Please check that the allow_patterns and ignore_patterns"" parameters are correct.")if HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER:print("单线程下载")# print(f"filtered_repo_files: {filtered_repo_files}")# when using hf_transfer we don't want extra parallelism# from the one hf_transfer providesfor file in filtered_repo_files:_inner_hf_hub_download(file)else:print("多线程下载")print(f"max_workers: {max_workers}")# print(f"filtered_repo_files: {filtered_repo_files}")thread_map(_inner_hf_hub_download,filtered_repo_files,desc=f"Fetching {len(filtered_repo_files)} files",max_workers=max_workers,# User can use its own tqdm class or the default one from `huggingface_hub.utils`tqdm_class=tqdm_class or hf_tqdm,)if local_dir is not None:return str(os.path.realpath(local_dir))return snapshot_folder











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