From Apprentice To Artisan 翻译 19

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Interface Segregation Principle 接口隔离原则

Introduction 介绍

The Interface Segregation principle states that no implementation of an interface should be forced to depend on methods it does not use. Have you ever had to implement methods of an interface that you did not need? If so, you probably created blank methods in your implementation. This is an example of being forced to use an interface that breaks the Interface Segregation principle.


In practical terms, this principle demands that interfaces be granular and focused. Sound familiar? Remember, all five SOLID principles are related, such that by breaking one you often must break the others. When breaking the Interface Segregation principle, the Single Responsibility principle must also broken.


Instead of having a "fat" interface containing methods not needed by all implementations, it is preferable to have several smaller interfaces that may be implemented individually as needed. By breaking fat interfaces into smaller, more focused contracts, consuming code can depend on the smaller interface, without creating dependencies on parts of the application it does not use.


Interface Segregation Principle 接口隔离原则

This principle states that no implementation of an interface should be forced to depend on methods it does not use.


In Action 实践

To illustrate this principle, let's consider an example session handing library. In fact, we will consider PHP's own SessionHandlerInterface. Here are the methods defined by this interface, which is included with PHP beginning in version 5.4:

为了说明该原则,我们来思考一个关于会话处理的类库。实际上我们将要考察 PHP 自己的SessionHandlerInterface。下面是该接口定义的方法,他们是从 PHP 5.4 版才开始有的:

<!-- lang:php -->
interface SessionHandlerInterface {public function close();public function destroy($sessionId);public function gc($maxLifetime);public function open($savePath, $name);public function read($sesssionId);public function write($sessionId, $sessionData);

Now that you are familiar with the methods defined by this interface, consider an implementation using Memcached. Would a Memcached implementation of this interface define functionality for each of these methods? Not only do we not need to implement all of these methods, we don't need half of them!


Since Memcached will automatically expire the values it contains, we do not need to implement the gc method of the interface, nor do we need to implement the open or close methods of the interface. So, we are forced to define "stubs" for these methods in our implementation that are just empty methods. To correct this problem, let's start by defining a smaller, more focused interface for session garbage collection:


<!-- lang:php -->
interface GarbageCollectorInterface {public function gc($maxLifetime);

Now that we have a smaller interface, any consuming code can depend on this focused contract, which defines a very narrow set of functionality and does not create a dependency on the entire session handler.


To further understand the principle, let's reinforce our knowledge with another example. Imagine we have a Contact Eloquent class that is defined like so:


<!-- lang:php -->
class Contact extends Eloquent {public function getNameAttribute(){return $this->attributes['name'];}public function getEmailAttribute(){return $this->attributes['email'];}

Now, let's assume that our application also employs a PasswordReminder class that is responsible for sending password reminder e-mails to users of the application. Below is a possible definition of the PasswordReminder class:


<!-- lang:php -->
class PasswordReminder {public function remind(Contact $contact, $view){// Send password reminder e-mail...}

As you probably noticed, our PassswordReminder is dependent upon the Contact class, which in turns means it is dependent on the Eloquent ORM. It is neither desirable or necessary to couple the password reminder system to a specific ORM implementation. By breaking the dependency, we can freely change our back-end storage mechanism or ORM without affecting the password reminder component of the application. Again, by breaking one of the SOLID principles, we have given a consuming class too much knowledge about the rest of the application.

你可能注意到了,PasswordReminder依赖着Contact类,也就是依赖着Eloquent ORM。 对于一个密码找回系统来说,依赖着一个特定的ORM实在是没必要,也是不可取的。切断对该ORM的依赖,我们就可以自由的改变我们后台存储机制或者说ORM,同时不会影响到我们的密码找回组件。重申一遍,违背了“坚实”原则的任何一条,就意味着有个类它知道的太多了。

To break the dependency, let's create a RemindableInterface. In fact, such an interface is included with Laravel, and is implemented by the User model by default:


<!-- lang:php -->
interface RemindableInterface {public function getReminderEmail();

Once the interface has been created, we can implement it on our model:


<!-- lang:php -->
class Contact extends Eloquent implements RemindableInterface {public function getReminderEmail(){return $this->email;}

Finally, we can depend on this smaller, more focused interface in the PasswordReminder:


<!-- lang:php -->
class PasswordReminder {public function remind(RemindableInterface $remindable, $view){// Send password reminder e-mail...}

By making this simple change, we have removed unnecessary dependencies from the password reminder component and made it flexible enough to use any class from any ORM, so long as that class implements the new RemindableInterface. This is exactly how the Laravel password reminder component remains database and ORM agnostic!


Knowledge Is Power 知识就是力量

Again we have discovered the pitfalls of giving a class too much knowledge about application implementation details. By paying careful attention to how much knowledge we are giving a class, we can abide by all of the SOLID principles.










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