
SuperSU has long been a staple in the rooted Android community. For years, the process for getting a rooted handset was: unlock the bootloader, flash a custom recovery, install SuperSU. That’s just how it was.
长期以来,SuperSU一直是扎根于Android社区的主要用户。 多年以来,获得扎根手机的过程一直是:解锁引导加载程序,刷新自定义恢复文件,安装SuperSU。 就是这样。
SuperSU was originally created by famed Android developer Chainfire, who ultimately sold the app to CCMT back in 2015. He continued working with CCMT on the app until last year, when he ultimately hung up his hat and stepped away from the project for good. Up until this point, things have continued to tick along for SuperSU—until last night, anyway.
SuperSU最初是由著名的Android开发人员Chainfire创建的, Chainfire最终于2015年将该应用程序卖给了CCMT。他继续与CCMT合作开发该应用程序,直到去年,他终于挂上帽子,永久退出该项目。 到目前为止,SuperSU的情况一直持续到最后一夜。
Seemingly out of nowhere, SuperSU has vanished from the Play Store. This appears to possibly be the end of a long, long life for one of Android’s most popular rooted apps—all of the app’s social accounts have been inactive for months (or longer) and the official forum is offline. It’s not looking good at this point.
看来,SuperSU已经从Play商店消失了。 这似乎是Android最受欢迎的植根应用程序之一的漫长寿命的终结-该应用程序的所有社交帐户都已经停用了几个月(或更长时间),并且官方论坛处于离线状态。 在这一点上看起来还不好。
There’s always the possibility that it could a mix up and the app could make a reappearance, but it could be in violation of some sort of Play Store policy. In the case of the latter, we may never see it again if it’s no longer in active development. At this point, it’s really just hard to call it.
总是有可能将它混在一起,使应用重新出现,但可能违反了某些Play商店政策。 在后者的情况下,如果它不再处于主动开发中,我们可能再也看不到它了。 在这一点上,真的很难称呼它。
Fortunately, it’s not the be-all-end-all it once was, and there are other—arguably better—solutions available at this point. The obvious choice here is Magisk, which is essentially an evolved form of root access and SuperSU all baked into one product.
幸运的是,它已不再是一劳永逸的了,目前还有其他(可能更好)的解决方案。 显而易见的选择是Magisk ,它本质上是根访问权限和SuperSU的演进形式,并且全部烘焙为一种产品。
Many users have already moved on from SuperSU to Magisk, but if you’ve been holding out on making the change, now may be the time to go for it. Magisk improves rooted system in nearly every possible way, so it’s really the way to go at this point anyway. Fortunately, we have a guide on how to get started, which should make the transition as seamless as possible. Godspeed.
许多用户已经从SuperSU转移到Magisk,但是如果您一直坚持进行更改,现在可能是时候了。 Magisk几乎以各种可能的方式改善了植根系统,因此无论如何这实际上是要走的路。 幸运的是,我们有一个入门指南,可以使过渡尽可能无缝。 上帝的速度。
via Android Police
通过Android Police
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/supersu-has-been-removed-from-the-play-store-heres-what-to-use-instead/