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The United States Postal Service, UPS, and FedEx all offer online dashboards where you can see exactly what packages (and letters, in the case of the US Postal Service) are scheduled to arrive at your address. They’ll even email and send you text message notifications so you can stay on top of things.
美国邮政服务局,UPS和联邦快递都提供在线仪表板,您可以在其中精确地查看计划到达目的地的包裹(对于美国邮政局,则是信件)。 他们甚至会通过电子邮件发送并向您发送短信通知,以便您随时掌握最新信息。
These are all free services, although UPS and FedEx have a few additional paid features. For example, you can sometimes pay to schedule a precise package delivery time with UPS or FedEx, but you can always keep tabs on incoming packages for free.
这些都是免费服务,尽管UPS和FedEx具有一些其他付费功能。 例如,有时您可以付费以使用UPS或FedEx安排准确的包裹递送时间,但是您始终可以免费保持收件包裹的标签。
美国邮政局 (United States Postal Service)
The US Postal Service offers a free service named “Informed Delivery.” It’s an online dashboard that automatically informs you about mail and packages being sent to your address, and it also provides email notifications.
美国邮政服务提供名为“知情交付”的免费服务。 这是一个在线仪表板,可以自动通知您有关邮件和包裹发送到您的地址的信息,还提供电子邮件通知。
There are two features here. There’s a “Mailpieces” tab that shows you scanned copies of the front of any letters you have arriving in your mailbox. Letters appear on this dashboard for seven days after they’re delivered. The dashboard only shows letter-sized mailpieces like normal letters and postcards, so any magazines you’re receiving likely won’t appear here.
这里有两个功能。 有一个“邮件”选项卡,其中显示了已扫描到达邮箱的所有信件的正面的副本。 信件交付后七天会出现在此仪表板上。 仪表板仅显示信件大小的邮件,例如普通信件和明信片,因此您收到的任何杂志都不会在此处显示。
The scans just show the front of the letters—the post office doesn’t open your mail! But it’s particularly useful when you’re out of town and want to keep tabs on any important mail you’re waiting for.
扫描仅显示信件的正面,邮局无法打开您的邮件! 但是,当您外出并想要在等待的任何重要邮件上保持标签时,此功能特别有用。
Whether or not you opt into Informed Delivery, the United States Postal Service is always scanning copies of your incoming mail anyway. When you sign up for this service, USPS is just sharing the data it’s already collecting with you.
无论您是否选择知情递送,美国邮政总会一直在扫描您收到的邮件的副本。 当您注册此服务时,USPS只是与您共享已收集的数据。

There’s also a “Packages” tab that shows packages that are on the way or have recently been delivered to your address. You’ll know exactly what packages are coming to you via USPS and the day they’ll arrive. Packages appear on this dashboard for fifteen days after they’re delivered.
还有一个“包裹”标签,显示途中或最近已送到您地址的包裹。 您将确切地知道通过USPS收到哪些包裹以及到达的日期。 包裹在交付后的十五天内会出现在此仪表板上。
Unlike with letters, USPS does not provide photos of packages.

In the morning, you’ll receive an email notification with scans of the front of any letters you’ll receive in your mailbox later that day and a note about whether you’ll be receiving any packages. You can disable these email notifications, if you like. Just click the “Settings” link on the dashboard to access email notification options.
早上,您会收到一封电子邮件通知,其中会扫描当天晚些时候您邮箱中收到的所有信件的正面,并附上有关是否要接收任何包裹的注释。 您可以根据需要禁用这些电子邮件通知。 只需单击仪表板上的“设置”链接即可访问电子邮件通知选项。
You can sign up for Informed Delivery online. The USPS will mail you a confirmation code in a letter to the address you provide, verifying that you are who you say you are before allowing you access to this information.
您可以在线注册知情交付。 USPS将在您提供的地址的信件中向您邮寄确认码,以确认您是您的真实身份,然后再允许您访问此信息。
UPS offers a service named “UPS My Choice,” which is also a free service you can sign up for online. With the online dashboard or app, you can see a calendar showing exactly when packages will be arriving from UPS, along with detailed links to any package tracking information that’s available.
UPS提供了一项名为“ UPS My Choice ”的服务,这也是一项免费服务,您可以在线注册。 使用在线仪表板或应用程序,您可以看到一个日历,准确显示从UPS到达包裹的时间,以及指向任何可用包裹跟踪信息的详细链接。
They also sell a paid Premium subscription that offers features like the ability to schedule packages for delivery on a different day, delivery packages to another address, and request a two-hour confirmed delivery window. However, you don’t need to pay anything just to track your incoming packages and get notifications.
他们还出售付费的Premium订阅,该订阅提供的功能包括:安排包裹在不同日期的递送,将包裹递送到另一个地址以及请求两个小时的确认递送窗口的功能。 但是,您无需为跟踪收到的包裹并获得通知而支付任何费用。

UPS can send you notifications by email or text message when you have a package scheduled for delivery the next day, another on the day the package is out for delivery, and a final message when it’s delivered, if the delivery date changes, or when it’s ready for pickup at a UPS location.
You can customize your notifications at the UPS My Choice Preferences page on the UPS website. Look for the “Delivery Alerts” options under Alerts.
您可以在UPS网站上的“ UPS我的选择首选项”页面上自定义通知。 在“警报”下查找“传递警报”选项。

联邦快递 (FedEx)
FedEx offers a similar service named “FedEx Delivery Manager,” which you can sign up for online for free. Using the online dashboard or app, you can view the tracking information for any packages being sent to your address. You can also take any available actions, such as providing delivery instructions or telling FedEx to hold the package at a nearby location so you can pick it up yourself. You may be able to pay to schedule the delivery for another date and time or deliver it to another address, too, depending on the package.
FedEx提供了类似的服务,称为“ FedEx Delivery Manager ”,您可以免费在线注册。 使用在线仪表板或应用程序,您可以查看发送到您的地址的所有包裹的跟踪信息。 您还可以采取任何可用的措施,例如提供交货说明或告诉FedEx将包裹放在附近的位置,以便您自己取货。 您可能可以付费以安排另一个日期和时间的交货时间,或者也可以将其交付到另一个地址,具体取决于包裹。

You can choose to receive notifications by email, text message, or even an automated audio phone call. These notifications are customizable, so you can choose what you want to be notified about and how. Notifications are available when a package is first addressed to you, on the day before delivery, on the day of delivery, if there’s a delivery problem, when a package is delivered to your address, or when the scheduled delivery time has changed.
您可以选择通过电子邮件,短信甚至自动语音电话接收通知。 这些通知是可自定义的,因此您可以选择要通知的内容和方式。 当包裹首次寄给您时,送货前一天,送货当天,是否有送货问题,包裹何时寄到您的地址或预定的寄送时间已更改时,都会有通知可用。
For example, with the default settings, you’ll receive email alerts when a package will arrive tomorrow, on the day it’s out for delivery, and when it’s actually been left at your address.

The US Postal Service’s Informed Delivery service is available nationwide in the USA. Postal services in other countries may offer similar services.
美国邮政服务的知情递送服务在美国全国范围内可用。 其他国家的邮政服务可能会提供类似的服务。
The UPS My Choice service is currently available in the US as well as thirteen other countries, while Fedex’s Delivery Manager appears to only be available in the US at this time. Hopefully UPS and Fedex will expand these tools internationally, as they’re very useful.
目前,UPS My Choice服务在美国以及其他13个国家/地区提供,而Fedex的Delivery Manager似乎仅在当前在美国提供。 希望UPS和Fedex会在国际上扩展这些工具,因为它们非常有用。
Image Credit: Sean Locke Photography/Shutterstock.com.
图片提供: Sean Locke Photography /Shutterstock.com。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/342441/how-to-see-what-packages-and-mail-you-have-coming-before-it-arrives/
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