
CCleaner is forcing updates on users who specifically opt out of automatic updates. Users will only find out about these unwanted updates when they check the version number.
CCleaner强制对专门选择退出自动更新的用户进行更新。 用户只有在检查版本号时才能发现这些有害更新。
The change was noticed by a forum user last week. The unwanted update happens in the background, without the users’ knowledge, and also results in Piriform gathering anonymized information about the user.
上周,论坛用户注意到了这一更改。 不需要的更新发生在后台,没有用户的知识,并且还导致Piriform收集有关用户的匿名信息。
You might think this is a bug, because surely a company recently accused of not respecting user settings would never go out of its way to update software users who specifically choose not to get such updates. It’s not a bug, though. Piriform confirmed the change was intentional in a response post:
您可能会认为这是一个错误,因为最近肯定被指责不遵守用户设置的公司永远不会更新专门选择不进行此类更新的软件用户。 不过,这不是错误。 Piriform在回复中确认此更改是有意的:
Since the release of v5.46 we have updated some users to this version to meet legal requirements and give users more autonomy and transparency over their privacy settings. This update has ensured that users are on a GDPR-compliant version that includes the most up-to-date privacy settings available.
自v5.46发行以来,我们已将一些用户更新为该版本,以满足法律要求,并为用户提供了更多关于其隐私设置的自治权和透明度。 此更新确保用户使用的GDPR兼容版本包括可用的最新隐私设置。
That’s right: users who opted not to get updates were forced to update so they’d have access to better privacy settings. Those new settings, by the way, default to data collection. Here’s Lawrence Abrams, writing for Bleeping Computer:
是的:选择不获取更新的用户被迫更新,以便他们可以访问更好的隐私设置。 顺便说一下,这些新设置默认为数据收集。 这是劳伦斯·艾布拉姆斯(Lawrence Abrams),他为Bleeping Computer撰写文章:
To make matters worse, once the users were upgraded to the latest version, their privacy settings were reverted to default, which is to allow anonymous usage data to be sent to Avast/Piriform.
更糟的是,一旦用户升级到最新版本,他们的隐私设置将恢复为默认设置,这允许将匿名使用情况数据发送到Avast / Piriform。
This really sound like a company that respects privacy.
Here’s a video from Bleeping Computer showing the forced update in action:
这是Bleeping Computer的一段视频,显示了强制执行的更新:
Earlier today I tried to say something nice about CCleaner, pointing out that a public beta could help users catch sketchy stuff before release. That was overly optimistic of me.
今天早些时候,我试图对CCleaner说些好话,并指出公开测试版可以帮助用户在发布之前捕获粗略的东西。 我太乐观了。
I know a lot of you love CCleaner. I used to too. In the late 2000s CCleaner was a fantastic free program from an indie developer who cared about building trust with geeks. Avast bought that company and is hoping to coast on nostalgic goodwill. Don’t let them. Crap like this isn’t okay, and a program originally called Crap Cleaner shouldn’t be pulling it.
我知道很多人都喜欢CCleaner。 我也曾经在2000年代后期,CCleaner是一个非常出色的免费程序,它是一个独立开发人员开发的,致力于与极客建立信任。 Avast收购了那家公司,并希望怀旧的怀抱。 不要让他们。 像这样的废话是不行的,并且最初称为废话清理器的程序不应该将其删除。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/ccleaner-is-silently-updating-users-who-turned-off-automatic-updates/