If your computer is hanging or freezing after installing the Windows 10 April 2018 Update you’re not alone, and Microsoft is aware of the problem.
如果在安装Windows 10 April 2018 Update之后计算机挂起或死机,您并不孤单,Microsoft知道了这个问题。
An official Microsoft post (via Thurrot.com) states that the latest version of Windows is freezing or hanging while running certain applications, including Hey Cortana and Google Chrome. Here’s how you can get your PC working again without forcing a restart, according to that post:
Microsoft的官方帖子(通过Thurrot.com )指出,运行某些应用程序(包括Hey Cortana和Google Chrome)时,最新版本的Windows被冻结或挂起。 根据该帖子,这是在不强制重启的情况下使PC重新工作的方法:
If you have a keyboard connected, simultaneously press the Windows logo key + Ctrl + Shift + B. If you’re on a tablet, simultaneously press both the volume-up and volume-down buttons, three times within 2 seconds. If Windows is responsive, a short beep will sound and the screen will blink or dim while Windows attempts to refresh the screen.
如果已连接键盘,请同时按Windows徽标键+ Ctrl + Shift +B。如果您在平板电脑上,请同时在2秒钟内同时按下提高音量和降低音量按钮三下。 如果Windows做出响应,则Windows尝试刷新屏幕时,将发出一声短促的哔哔声,并且屏幕将闪烁或变暗。
Laptop users can simply close and open the lid instead of all that.
None of these fixes are really elegant, and it’s kind of embarrassing this update shipped with a bug like this—especially after it was delayed so long. Microsoft hopes to include a fix for this problem in the next monthly update, which should come out on May 8.
这些修补程序中没有一个是真正的优雅,并且使此更新带有这样的bug有点令人尴尬-特别是在延迟了这么长时间之后。 Microsoft希望在下一个每月更新中包含针对此问题的修复程序,该更新应于5月8日发布。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/its-not-just-you-chrome-is-crashing-on-windows-10s-april-2018-update/