firefox 扩展

With Firefox 57, scheduled for release in November 14, 2017, Mozilla will end support for legacy extensions, and only support newer WebExtensions. Here’s how to check if your extensions will stop working—and how to keep using them after November, if you need to.
随着Firefox 57计划于2017年11月14日发布,Mozilla将终止对旧版扩展的支持,仅支持较新的WebExtensions。 以下是检查扩展程序是否将停止工作的方法,以及在需要时如何在11月之后继续使用扩展程序的方法。
为什么XUL扩展会消失 (Why XUL Extensions Are Going Away)
All traditional extensions, including XUL extensions, are being discontinued. They were very powerful, but that was both a strength and a weakness. The sheer power of these extensions meant they could modify Firefox’s browser code, which could lead to instability and innocent-looking malware add-ons.
所有传统扩展,包括XUL扩展,都将停止使用。 他们非常强大,但这既是优点也是缺点。 这些扩展程序的强大功能意味着它们可以修改Firefox的浏览器代码,这可能会导致不稳定和看起来很无辜的恶意软件附件。
Instead, Mozilla has been working on WebExtensions, which are similar to Chrome and Edge’s add-ons. These are the future of Firefox extensions. Because these add-ons have to work in a more standard way and can’t mess with Firefox’s internal code, they should cause fewer problems. It should also be easier for developers to port add-ons from Chrome to Firefox.
相反,Mozilla一直在开发WebExtensions ,它类似于Chrome和Edge的附件。 这些是Firefox扩展的未来。 因为这些附加组件必须以更标准的方式工作,并且不能与Firefox的内部代码混淆,所以它们应该会减少问题。 对于开发人员来说,将插件从Chrome移植到Firefox也应该更容易。
Currently, Firefox supports both traditional (legacy) extensions and WebExtensions. With Firefox 57, the older extensions will stop working, and only newer WebExtensions will work. This change is already live in Firefox Nightly, the leading edge development version of Firefox. Developers have been pushed to upgrade their extensions, but not all have—which leads us to the problem.
当前,Firefox支持传统(旧式)扩展名和WebExtensions。 使用Firefox 57,较旧的扩展名将停止工作,而只有较新的WebExtensions将工作。 Firefox Nightly ( Firefox的领先开发版本)已经进行了此更改。 开发人员被迫升级他们的扩展,但并非所有人都拥有,这导致了我们的问题。
如何查看您的扩展程序是否将停止工作 (How to See if Your Extensions Will Stop Working)
if you use Firefox today, you can check to see which of your extensions will stop working in version 57. To check, click menu > Add-ons and select the “Extensions” category.
Older extensions that will stop working are labeled with a “Legacy” tag if you’re using Firefox 55 or newer. Modern WebExtensions that will continue working appear normally.
如果您使用的是Firefox 55或更高版本,则将停止工作的旧版扩展程序会标有“旧版”标签。 可以继续正常工作的现代WebExtensions正常显示。

如何搜索新的扩展名 (How to Search for New Extensions)
If an extension has “Legacy” tag, you can check this list of popular extensions with information about their upgrade status. For example, in the screenshot above, LastPass is marked as Legacy extension that will stop working, but we can see that the developers plan to replace it with a WebExtension before Firefox 57’s release date.
如果扩展名带有“旧版”标签,则可以检查此流行扩展名列表以及有关其升级状态的信息。 例如,在上面的屏幕截图中,LastPass被标记为将停止工作的旧版扩展,但是我们可以看到开发人员计划在Firefox 57发布日期之前将其替换为WebExtension。
For less popular extensions, you may need to perform a web search to see if the developer is planning an update. Developers have to port their extensions to WebExtensions, and not all developers will do so.
对于不太受欢迎的扩展,您可能需要执行网络搜索以查看开发人员是否正在计划更新。 开发商必须端口的扩展WebExtensions,并不是所有的开发商都会这么做。
If an extension you depend on will stop working, you may need to search for a modern alternative that does something similar. You can search for only add-ons that are compatible with Firefox 57 or newer on the Mozilla Add-ons site.
如果您依赖的扩展将停止工作,则可能需要搜索具有类似功能的现代替代产品。 您只能在Mozilla附加组件网站上搜索与Firefox 57或更高版本兼容的附加组件。
Any add-on that has the “Compatible with Firefox 57+” tag is a WebExtension that will continue working. For example, the User Agent Switcher extension we have installed isn’t planned for an upgrade, so we probably want to install one of the more modern User Agent Switcher extensions.
任何带有“与Firefox 57+兼容”标记的加载项都是WebExtension,它将继续运行。 例如,我们没有计划安装已安装的User Agent Switcher扩展,因此我们可能要安装一种较新的User Agent Switcher扩展。

This is a good time to evaluate whether you actually need all those extensions, though. Browser extensions can be dangerous, so it’s a good idea to only have them installed if they’re really useful to you and from a trustworthy source.
不过,这是评估您是否确实需要所有这些扩展的好时机。 浏览器扩展可能很危险,因此最好仅在对您确实有用并且从可信赖的来源安装它们时才安装它们。
如何继续使用旧版扩展 (How to Keep Using Legacy Extensions)
If you really require an old extension, there’s one way to keep using them safely. Switch to the Firefox Extended Support Release, also known as Firefox ESR. This is a slower-moving version of Firefox intended largely for businesses that don’t want major feature upgrades every six weeks.
如果您确实需要旧版扩展程序,则有一种方法可以安全地继续使用它们。 切换到Firefox扩展支持版本,也称为Firefox ESR 。 这是运行缓慢的Firefox版本,主要用于不希望每六周升级主要功能的企业。
The current Firefox ESR release is based on Firefox 52 and will be supported with security updates until June 26, 2018. As it’s based on Firefox 52, older extensions will continue to function without any problems
当前的Firefox ESR版本基于Firefox 52,安全更新将支持该更新,直到2018年6月26日。 由于它基于Firefox 52,因此较旧的扩展程序将继续正常运行而不会出现任何问题
After June 26, 2018, you’ll have to upgrade to a newer versions of Firefox ESR that will no longer support legacy extensions if you want to continue receiving security updates. This isn’t a permanent solution, but it is a good way to keep using your current extensions for another seven months while you evaluate more modern alternatives.
2018年6月26日之后,如果您想继续接收安全更新,则必须升级到不再支持旧版扩展的Firefox ESR的较新版本。 这不是一个永久性的解决方案,但这是在评估更现代的替代方案的同时将现有扩展程序再使用七个月的好方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/324827/how-to-check-if-your-extensions-will-stop-working-with-firefox-57/
firefox 扩展