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Facebook’s Safety Check feature lets you check in during an emergency to confirm you’re safe. If you have friends or family in an area that you haven’t heard from, though, you may want to ask them directly. Here’s how to ask someone to check in with the Safety Check feature.
Facebook的安全检查功能可让您在紧急情况下签入,以确认自己的安全。 但是,如果您在未曾听到过消息的地方有朋友或家人,您可能想直接问他们。 这是要求他人使用“安全检查”功能签入的方法。
Safety Check is designed to work automatically and consolidate all those “Are you okay?” messages. Ideally, people in an affected area (like during a hurricane) should get a notification they can respond to. Sometimes they don’t get it, or Facebook might not realize they’re in the area. You can always message your loved ones directly—and that might make sense for some people you’re very close with—but using Safety Check makes sure they’re not overwhelmed with messages, particularly during a disaster.
安全检查旨在自动运行并整合所有这些内容,“您还好吗?” 消息。 理想情况下,在受灾地区(例如飓风期间)的人们应该收到可以响应的通知。 有时他们不了解,或者Facebook可能没有意识到他们在该地区。 您始终可以直接向亲人发送消息,这对于您与亲密的人来说可能是有意义的,但是使用安全检查可确保他们不会被消息淹没,尤其是在灾难发生时。
To ask if someone is okay, open the Safety Check section here, and click on the disaster your friends or family may be affected by.

Along the right side of the page, you’ll see a list your friends and how they’ve marked themselves. If you don’t see a friend or family member you’re worried about, click “Search for a friend.”
在页面的右侧,您会看到一个朋友列表以及他们如何标记自己。 如果您没有看到担心的朋友或家人,请单击“搜索朋友”。

Here, you can search for someone’s name using the search box in the top-right corner. As you search, their names will appear in the list. Next to each is a box where you can either ask if they’re safe, or mark them safe yourself. Note: Don’t mark anyone else safe unless you know for sure that they’re okay.
在这里,您可以使用右上角的搜索框搜索某人的名字。 搜索时,它们的名称将显示在列表中。 每个框旁边都有一个框,您可以在其中询问它们是否安全,也可以标记为自己安全。 注意:除非您确定他们没有问题,否则请勿将其他人标记为安全。

This person will get a notification asking if they’re safe and they can check in when they are.
Remember, you can also donate to fundraisers on a disaster’s page, if you want to help out but don’t know anyone directly affected.

If multiple people ask about a person’s safety, the Safety Check notifications should be bundled together, to help cut down on notification spam. This can be helpful if the person affected is busy dealing with things in their area. While there’s nothing wrong with messaging your close friends or family, consider using Safety Check instead when you’re curious about more distant acquaintances, or people who may be fielding a ton of messages during a crisis.
如果有多个人询问某人的安全问题,则应将“安全检查”通知捆绑在一起,以帮助减少垃圾邮件。 如果受影响的人忙于处理自己所在地区的事情,这将很有帮助。 向亲密朋友或家人发送消息没有任何问题,但当您对更远的相识或在危机期间可能发出大量消息的人感到好奇时,可以考虑使用安全检查。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/325048/how-to-see-if-your-facebook-friends-are-safe-during-an-emergency/
facebook 邀请好友