word 替换 增加引号

Word includes a setting that allows you to automatically convert straight quotes to smart quotes, or specially curved quotes, as you type. However, there may be times you need straight quotes and you may have to convert some of the quotes in your document.
Word包含一项设置,可让您在键入时自动将直引号转换为智能引号或特殊弯曲的引号。 但是,有时可能需要直接引号,并且可能必须转换文档中的某些引号。
There may be various reasons why you need to convert smart quotes to straight quotes, but we’re going to show you an easy way to convert the quotes using the “Find and Replace” feature.
Before using “Find and Replace” to replace some of the smart quotes in your document to straight quotes, you must turn off the setting that automatically converts straight quotes to smart quotes. We previously showed you how to turn on the setting. Simply follow that procedure to access the setting and turn it off.
在使用“查找和替换”将文档中的某些智能引号替换为直引号之前,必须关闭自动将直引号转换为智能引号的设置。 之前我们向您展示了如何打开设置。 只需按照该步骤访问设置并关闭它即可。
Once the setting is off, press “Ctrl + H” to open the “Find and Replace” dialog box.
设置关闭后,按“ Ctrl + H”打开“查找和替换”对话框。

Enter a quote in both the “Find what” edit box and the “Replace with” and click “Replace”. The first quote is found. If it’s a smart quote, click “Replace” to replace it with a straight quote.
在“查找内容”编辑框和“替换为”两者中输入报价,然后单击“替换”。 找到第一个报价。 如果是智能报价,请单击“替换”以将其替换为直接报价。

You can also use this procedure to find and replace smart apostrophes to straight apostrophes.
NOTE: If you’re doing a search with wildcards turned on, you’ll have to use the codes for the smart codes to find them. A regular search doesn’t differentiate between straight and smart quotes, but a wildcard search does. If the wildcard setting is on, you must hold down the “Alt” key and use the numeric keypad to type the correct code in the “Find what” edit box for the smart quote character you want to find: “0145” (opening apostrophe), “0146” (closing apostrophe), “0147” (opening quote), or “0148” (closing quote). In the “Replace with” edit box, you can just type a quote or apostrophe, as long as the smart quotes setting is off.
注意:如果您要在通配符打开的情况下进行搜索,则必须使用智能代码中的代码来查找它们。 常规搜索不能区分直引号和智能引号,而通配符搜索可以。 如果启用了通配符设置,则必须按住“ Alt”键并使用数字小键盘在“查找内容”编辑框中键入要查找的智能引号字符的正确代码:“ 0145”(用单引号引起来) ),“ 0146”(右引号),“ 0147”(右引号)或“ 0148”(右引号)。 在“替换为”编辑框中,只要关闭智能引号设置,您就可以键入引号或撇号。
If you normally type with smart quotes turned on, be sure to turn on the smart quotes setting again when you’re done with the replacements.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/213423/how-to-replace-some-not-all-smart-quotes-in-a-word-2013-document/
word 替换 增加引号