
个人如果做网站赚钱吗,如何做好网络营销?,中国做的比较好的网站,wordpress首页标题怎么修改We have already shown you how you can share external folders with your SkyDrive, but what if you actually want to copy a file or folder into your SkyDrive folder? Of course copying and pasting is nowhere near geeky enough, so here’s how to add a SkyDrive…

We have already shown you how you can share external folders with your SkyDrive, but what if you actually want to copy a file or folder into your SkyDrive folder? Of course copying and pasting is nowhere near geeky enough, so here’s how to add a SkyDrive entry to the Send to menu.

我们已经向您展示了如何与SkyDrive共享外部文件夹,但是如果您实际上想将文件或文件夹复制到SkyDrive文件夹中怎么办? 当然,复制和粘贴还远远不够令人讨厌,因此,这是向“发送到”菜单添加SkyDrive条目的方法。

在发送到菜单中创建SkyDrive链接 (Creating a SkyDrive Link in the Send To Menu)

The first thing we need to do is open the path for where the “Send to” shortcuts are stored, so press the Windows + R keyboard combination to open a run box and type “shell:sendto” then hit enter.

我们需要做的第一件事是打开存储“发送至”快捷方式的路径,因此按Windows + R键盘组合打开运行框,然后键入“ shell:sendto”,然后按Enter。


When the explorer window open you will see all the items that appear in your “Send to” menu. We are going to create a new entry so click new item –> shortcut, if you are running Windows 7, right click and choose new –> shortcut.

当浏览器窗口打开时,您将看到“发送到”菜单中显示的所有项目。 我们将创建一个新条目,因此请单击“新建项目->快捷方式”,如果您正在运行Windows 7,请右键单击并选择“新建->快捷方式”。


For the location of the item, enter:



%userprofile%\ SkyDrive

Then click next.



SkyDrive is a decent name for our shortcut , so just click Finish.



Voila, like magic you can send stuff to your SkyDrive, quickly and easily.



翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/112270/how-to-quickly-and-easily-send-files-to-your-skydrive-in-windows/




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