
The term is popping up more frequently in news articles, appearing in product manuals, and highlighted as a feature in tons of mobile applications, but what exactly is geofencing? Read on as we explain what it is, why it’s appearing in more productions and applications, and how you can benefit from using it.
这个术语在新闻文章中出现的频率更高,出现在产品手册中,并在大量的移动应用程序中被突出显示,但是地理围栏到底是什么? 在我们解释它的含义,为什么它出现在更多产品和应用程序中以及如何从中受益的过程中,请继续阅读。
什么是地理围栏? (What Is Geofencing?)
Geofencing is the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite network and/or local radio-frequency identifiers (such as Wi-Fi nodes or Bluetooth beacons) to create virtual boundaries around a location. The geofence is then paired with a hardware/software application that responds to the boundary in some fashion as dictated by the parameters of the program.
地理围栏是使用全球定位系统(GPS)卫星网络和/或本地射频标识符(例如Wi-Fi节点或蓝牙信标)在位置周围创建虚拟边界。 然后,将地理围栏与硬件/软件应用程序配对,该应用程序可以根据程序参数的指示以某种方式对边界进行响应。
While geofence-based hardware and software solutions have been around for decades, the early systems were limited largely to those willing to invest in expensive custom hardware for specific use cases. One of the early commercial uses of geofencing was in the livestock industry wherein a handful of cattle in a herd would be equipped with GPS units and if the herd moved outside of geographic boundaries (the geofence) set by the rancher then the rancher would receive an alert. Similar systems were deployed to safeguard and monitor company vehicle fleets wherein if a company vehicle left the zone it was assigned to managers at the company would be notified.
尽管基于地理围栏的硬件和软件解决方案已经存在了数十年,但早期的系统在很大程度上限于那些愿意为特定用例购买昂贵的定制硬件的系统。 围栏的早期商业用途之一是在畜牧业中,其中畜群中的几头牛将配备GPS装置,如果该畜群移出Rancher设定的地理边界(地理围栏)之外,则Rancher将获得警报。 部署了类似的系统来保护和监视公司车辆的车队,其中如果公司车辆离开该区域,则将通知分配给公司经理的车辆。

That’s all very interesting but as someone not running a cattle farm or a delivery fleet you’re probably asking yourself “How does this apply to me? Your title said I should be using geofencing!” So how does it apply to you?
这都是非常有趣的,但是当某人没有经营牧场或运输车队时,您可能会问自己“这对我有什么影响? 您的标题说我应该使用地理围栏!” 那么,如何将它应用到你吗?
The widespread adoption of smartphones has put a GPS/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth radio in the pockets of millions of consumers and ushered in an age of incredibly cheap and ubiquitous geolocation markers that has pushed geofencing from an expensive commercial practice into the realm of consumer application. What used to be a very costly tool for very specific applications is now free for developers to include in their software as the consumer already has the necessary hardware. As a result geofencing capabilities are popping up in everything from shopping lists to smart home control packages.
智能手机的广泛采用已将GPS / Wi-Fi /蓝牙无线电带入了数百万消费者的口袋,并迎来了难以置信的廉价无处不在的地理位置标记时代,将地理围栏从昂贵的商业实践推向了消费者应用领域。 。 由于消费者已经拥有必要的硬件,过去对于某些特定应用来说是一种非常昂贵的工具,现在对于开发人员来说是免费的,因为开发人员可以将其包含在其软件中。 结果,从购物清单到智能家居控制包的所有功能都弹出了地理围栏功能。
In other words, there’s a whole world of geofencing potential around you worth tapping into. Your smartphone is capable of reminding you to pick up the dry cleaning when you’re near the dry cleaners, of turning down the thermostat when you drive away from your house, and all other manner of handy location-based tricks.
换句话说,您周围的地理围栏潜力世界值得挖掘。 您的智能手机可以提醒您在干洗店附近时进行干洗,当您开车离开家时可以调低恒温器,以及所有其他方便的基于位置的技巧。
Now that we have a clearer picture of what geofencing is, let’s take a look at real-world applications you can start using today.
应用中的地理围栏 (Geofencing in Application)
Geofencing has crept into a wide range of applications over the last few years and has improved everything from to-do lists to household management.The following examples are merely that, examples culled from a wide range of available applications intended to highlight the diverse ways in which application developers are using geofencing. If you have a favorite app we’ve failed to mention here, by all means jump into the comments at the bottom and share the app.
在过去的几年中,地理围栏已经进入了广泛的应用领域,并且已经改善了从待办事项列表到家庭管理的所有内容。以下示例仅是示例,这些示例是从众多可用应用程序中挑选出来的,旨在强调哪些应用程序开发人员正在使用地理围栏。 如果您有喜欢的应用程序,我们在这里没有提及,请务必跳到底部的评论中并共享该应用程序。
生产率 (Productivity)
One of the most frustrating things, in regard to productivity and getting stuff done, is remembering you need to do something when you’re not in the right place to do it. If the dry cleaner is on the way home from work then it’s useful to have the process of leaving work trigger a reminder to get the dry cleaning. If you need files off a certain computer at work then it’s useful to have the reminder trigger when you arrive at work the next day. You keep forgetting to buy that adapter at the hardware store? Set a location-based reminder so the next time you’re in the store you won’t leave without it.
关于生产力和完成工作,最令人沮丧的事情之一是,记住当您不在正确的位置进行工作时需要做某事。 如果干洗店在下班回家的路上,那么下班的过程会触发提醒以获取干洗的好处。 如果您需要在工作中的某台计算机上保存文件,那么第二天上班时让提醒触发器很有用。 您忘了在五金店买那个适配器吗? 设置基于位置的提醒,这样下次您进入商店时,就不会没有它。

These kind of location-aware triggers and reminders are built into a large number of popular productivity apps. Cross-platform todo list app Todoist supports location-based reminders on both iOS and Android. Popular cross-platform service RememberTheMilk also supports location-based reminders. iPhone users who just need simple reminders without the complexity of a full task management system can also just attach a location to any item in the Reminders app.
这些类型的位置感知触发器和提醒已内置在大量流行的生产力应用程序中。 跨平台待办事项列表应用程序Todoist在iOS和Android上均支持基于位置的提醒。 流行的跨平台服务RememberTheMilk还支持基于位置的提醒。 iPhone用户只需要简单的提醒,而无需复杂的完整任务管理系统,也可以在“提醒”应用中将位置附加到任何项目。
智能家居控制 (Smarthome Control)
Smarthome control is an area where geofencing really shines. After all what says “The future is now!” more than approaching your home and having the lights turn on as you walk towards the door?
智能家居控制是地理围栏真正发挥作用的领域。 毕竟,“未来就是现在!” 不仅是您走向家中并在您走向门口时打开灯了?
That’s not even a vaporware suggestion either as off-the-shelf products such as the previously reviewed Philips Hue system have smartphone-based geofencing built right in. You can instruct the Hue to turn your lights on and off as you come and go and/or even have them apply custom scenes to different areas of your house.
You can enjoy similar home/away detection with your heating and cooling thanks to a handy iOS app Skylark that pairs with both Nest and Honeywell smart thermostats. Android users can use IFTTT scripts or the Nest component in the Life360 app to do the same.
得益于方便的iOS应用程序Skylark(可与Nest和Honeywell智能恒温器配合使用),您可以通过加热和冷却享受类似的居家/外出检测。 Android用户可以使用IFTTT脚本或Life360应用程序中的Nest组件执行相同操作。
安全 (Security)
There are a bunch of clever applications for geofencing when it comes to mobile and computer security. Android 5.0, for example, has a handy feature wherein you can disable device locking if you are within range of the “home” Wi-Fi node: No more constantly unlocking your phone when you’re just sitting around on your couch playing with it during commercial breaks.
当涉及到移动和计算机安全性时,有许多巧妙的地理围栏应用程序。 例如,Android 5.0具有方便的功能,如果您处于“家庭” Wi-Fi节点的范围内,则可以禁用设备锁定:当您坐在沙发上玩时,不再需要不断解锁手机在商业休息期间。
You can also set up a miniature geofence around your computer that automatically locks your computer when your phone (and it’s corresponding bluetooth radio) move away from the computer. We detail how to set up that clever little hack here.
您还可以在计算机周围设置一个微型地理围栏,当您的手机(以及与之对应的蓝牙收音机)从计算机移开时,它将自动锁定计算机。 我们将在此处详细说明如何设置这种聪明的小技巧。
家庭追踪 (Family Tracking)
If you have a busy family that you want to keep tabs on (like getting an alert when your kid gets home from school and forgets to call you), there are handy geofence-based solutions like the aforementioned Life360 application, available for both iOS and Android, that makes it dead simple to set up zones with corresponding notifications.

Apple’s Find My Friends app for iOS 8.0+, seen above, offers similar functionality with the ability to check locations and set location-aware alerts.
如上所示,Apple的适用于iOS 8.0+的“查找我的朋友”应用程序提供了类似的功能,可以检查位置并设置位置感知的警报。
使用IFTTT自己动手 (Roll Your Own with IFTTT)
IFTTT (IF This Then That) is a recipe system that allows you to create recipes like “If I’m leaving my office turn the air conditioner on at home” or “if I’m in the house after 9AM on a weekday text my boss that I’m stuck in traffic” or whatever other recipe you can cook up.
IFTTT (IF This Then That)是一个食谱系统,可让您创建食谱,例如“如果我要离开办公室在家中打开空调”或“如果我在工作日的上午9点之后在家里,老板“我交通阻塞”或您可以煮的其他任何食谱。
IFTTT supports native location tracking for both Android and iOS through the official IFTTT application. To see sample recipes that take advantage of the location tracking, check out the iOS location channel and the Android location channel.
IFTTT通过官方IFTTT应用程序支持Android和iOS的本地位置跟踪。 要查看利用位置跟踪的示例食谱,请查看iOS位置频道和Android位置频道。
While using IFTTT is certainly more complicated than, say, using the simple geofencing built right into the Hue smart bulb system it offers a huge degree of flexibility as nearly any of the tens of thousands of IFTTT recipes can be adapted to work with the location app on your phone.
地理围栏的未来 (The Future of Geofencing)
Although still unfamiliar to many people geofencing is a natural extension of our desire for our devices to do more (and to do more automatically) and to decrease the friction with which interact with our environment.
As devices become increasingly sophisticated and more elements of our home, vehicles, and workplace enter the ever growing stable of “Internet of things” objects expect to see geofencing applied to more and more devices and environments.
This increased integration could yield all sorts of novelties like workstations that power down when their owners leave for the building, coffee pots that turn on in the morning when the first coffee drinkers arrive, attic fans that whirl to life to suck in cool evening air as you drive home, garage doors that open automatically as you round the bend, and all manner of little changes that leave the computers to worry about the trivial bits while we get to focus on things more interesting than wondering if we locked the back door properly.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/221077/htg-explains-what-geofencing-is-and-why-you-should-be-using-it/