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gopro dataset

gopro dataset


If you have a DSLR camera with a hot shoe, it’s easy to attach various flashes and other accessories right to your camera. But with a couple of cheap attachments on hand, you can mount your GoPro to your DSLR camera as well.

如果您的DSLR相机带有热靴,则很容易在相机上安装各种闪光灯和其他附件。 但是,只要有几个便宜的附件,您就可以将GoPro也安装到DSLR相机上。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Would I Want to Do This?)

Granted, mounting a GoPro camera to another camera seems rather redundant, but it can actually be a cool and nifty way of capturing another point of view while you grab pictures or video with your DSLR.


Or, if you’re taking photos with your DSLR, the GoPro can capture video during that time and catch some moments that your DSLR probably wouldn’t catch, especially funny moments during photoshoots where a still photo wouldn’t do it justice.


如何将GoPro安装到DSLR相机 (How to Mount a GoPro to Your DSLR Camera)

To make this happen, we’ll be using the hot shoe that sits atop your camera. Pretty much all DSLR cameras have one, and it allows you to quickly mount and unmount various accessories to your camera, like flashes, wireless transmitters, microphones, and more.

为此,我们将使用相机顶部的热靴。 几乎所有DSLR相机都有一个,它可以让您快速安装和拆卸相机的各种配件,例如闪光灯,无线发射器,麦克风等。

However, you’ll need a couple of attachments in order to make it work, which you may already have if you’re a camera and GoPro junkie. You’ll need a hot shoe 1/4″ thread adapter or ballhead adapter, which will give you much more flexibility as far as angling the GoPro pretty much any way you want.

但是,您需要几个附件才能使其正常工作,如果您是相机和GoPro迷,可能已经拥有了。 您将需要一个热靴1/4英寸螺纹适配器或Ballhead适配器,这将为您提供更大的灵活性,以几乎任何您想要的方式来使GoPro倾斜。

You’ll also need a GoPro tripod mount adapter, which allows you to screw on your GoPro to any 1/4″ thread mount. This will screw onto your hot shoe adapter.

您还需要一个GoPro三脚架安装适配器,该适配器可以将GoPro拧到任何1/4英寸的螺纹安装架上。 这将拧入您的热靴适配器。


Once you have gathered your supplies, you first need to mount the hot shoe 1/4″ thread adapter to your DSLR camera’s hot shoe.



Then, screw on the GoPro tripod mount adapter and tighten it down. To make it point forward, you can loosen up 1/4 thread portion of the hot shoe adapter and spin it around until the GoPro mount is facing the right direction.

然后,拧紧GoPro三脚架安装适配器并拧紧。 要使其指向前方,您可以松开热靴适配器的1/4螺纹部分并将其旋转直到GoPro安装座面向正确的方向。


After the GoPro mount is attached, all you need to do is mount your GoPro like you normally would with any other GoPro mount and tighten down with the thumb screw.



Once you begin using it, you’ll probably have to experiment with the best angle, so it may take a few tries in order to get the exact angle that you want. But once you find it, it’ll provide with a pretty cool POV of your DSLR camera and capture all of your still photo moments in video form–or you can use the time-lapse feature on your GoPro that takes a photo every second or so and stitches it into a short video.

一旦开始使用它,您可能必须尝试最佳角度,因此可能需要尝试几次才能获得所需的确切角度。 但是,一旦找到它,它将为您的DSLR相机提供非常酷的POV,并以视频形式捕获您的所有静止照片瞬间–或者您可以使用GoPro上的延时功能每秒拍摄一次照片或并将其拼接成一个短视频。


The angle I like best is when my camera lens is just peeking up from the bottom, giving the viewer a better idea of what’s happening and what I’m pointing my camera at, but you can angle it however you want. You can even try to have it angled down all the way to get a good look at what your fingers are doing with all of the buttons on the top of the camera, which looks kind of cool:

我最喜欢的角度是当摄像机镜头从底部向上窥视时,可以使观看者更好地了解正在发生的事情以及我将相机指向的位置,但是您可以根据需要调整角度。 您甚至可以尝试将摄像头一直向下倾斜,以便使用摄像头顶部的所有按钮很好地了解您的手指在做什么,这看起来很酷:


The possibilities are endless as far what you choose to do and how you mount your GoPro to your camera. Usually GoPros are used for action sports and the like, but sometimes the most interesting GoPro footage comes from mundane activities shown at angles that were previously unknown.

就您选择要做的事情以及将GoPro安装到相机的方式而言,可能性是无限的。 通常,GoPro用于动作运动等,但有时最有趣的GoPro素材来自以未知的角度显示的平凡活动。


gopro dataset







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