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iOS’ Notes app provides a convenient way to remember the great ideas you come up with and all the things you have to do. The app has evolved over the years, and iOS 10 adds even more features–including collaboration.
iOS的Notes应用程序提供了一种方便的方法来记住您想到的好主意以及您必须做的所有事情。 多年来,该应用程序一直在发展, iOS 10添加了更多功能-包括协作。
Collaboration in Notes is not as elaborate as in Google Docs, it’s more of a passive collaboration. However, it’s useful for simple sharing of grocery lists, party planning lists, and trip itineraries with friends and family.
Notes中的协作不像Google Docs中那样复杂,它更多是被动的协作。 但是,它对于与朋友和家人简单共享食品杂货清单,聚会计划清单以及旅行行程很有用。
In the Notes app, open an existing note or create a new note and tap the people icon with the plus sign.

The Add People screen displays. At the bottom of the screen, you’ll see icons for the various apps through which you can share your note, similar to the share sheet. We’re going to share our note through the Messages app, so we tap “Message”.
显示“添加人员”屏幕。 在屏幕底部,您将看到用于共享笔记的各种应用程序的图标,类似于共享表。 我们将通过“消息”应用程序共享笔记,因此点击“消息”。

The New iMessage screen displays with a link to the note attached. To add a contact with whom you want to share this note, either tap the plus icon in the upper-right corner or start typing their name next to “To” and select the contact. To share your note with more than one person, repeat this for each person with whom you want to share the note.
将显示“新建iMessage”屏幕,并带有指向该注释的链接。 要添加要与之共享此笔记的联系人,请点击右上角的加号图标,或开始在“收件人”旁边输入他们的名字,然后选择该联系人。 要与多个人共享您的笔记,请对要与之共享笔记的每个人重复此操作。
Add a comment to the message, if you want, and then tap the blue up arrow button to send the message.

The other person receives the note in iMessage as an attachment that they can tap on to open the note in the Notes app.

When the other person adds content to the note, you can see it in real time, highlighted in pale yellow briefly.
NOTE: When sharing a note, only one person should be editing it at a time. The Notes app cannot handle multiple people editing a shared note at the same time.
注意:共享便笺时,一次只能编辑一个人。 Notes应用无法处理多个人同时编辑共享笔记的问题。

When a note is shared, the person icon at the top has a check mark on it, rather than a plus sign. To manage the sharing options for this note, tap on that icon.
共享便笺时,顶部的人形图标上带有复选标记,而不是加号。 要管理此笔记的共享选项,请点击该图标。

The People screen displays, showing who has access to this note. You can stop sharing the note completely by tapping “Stop Sharing”. That will revoke access for everyone with whom you’ve shared the note. Or, if you’ve shared the note with multiple people, you can stop sharing the note with a specific person by tapping on that person’s name…
显示“人员”屏幕,显示谁有权访问此注释。 您可以通过点击“停止共享”来完全停止共享笔记。 这将撤消与您共享记事的每个人的访问权限。 或者,如果您已与多人共享笔记,则可以通过点击某人的名字来停止与某人共享笔记…

…and then tapping “Remove Access” on the Info screen for that person.

You can delete a shared note, but a warning displays saying that other people will no longer have access and it will be deleted on their devices as well.

Shared notes are also marked with a person icon in your list of notes.

A limitation of sharing notes is that you cannot lock a shared note. If you try to lock a shared note, a dialog box displays saying you can’t lock the note, as shown below. For more information about locking notes and other features in the Notes app, see our article about using the Notes app.
共享笔记的限制是您不能锁定共享笔记。 如果您尝试锁定共享笔记,则会显示一个对话框,提示您无法锁定笔记,如下所示。 有关在Notes应用程序中锁定注释和其他功能的更多信息,请参阅有关使用Notes应用程序的文章。

When collaborating on notes with others, you won’t be able to see who made which changes or when and there’s no edit history. But, if you just need to collaborate on a simple list or share some information with someone, the collaboration feature in Notes for iOS 10 can be useful.
与其他人协作处理笔记时,您将看不到谁进行了哪些更改,以及何时以及没有编辑历史记录。 但是,如果您只需要在一个简单的列表上进行协作或与某人共享某些信息,则iOS 10的Notes中的协作功能可能会很有用。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/272025/how-to-collaborate-on-notes-in-ios-10/
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