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The Galaxy S III is the highest-selling Android phone, but much of the geeky buzz is around the Nexus 4 – and the Galaxy Nexus before it. Nexus devices are special because they don’t have some of Android’s biggest problems.

Galaxy S III是最畅销的Android手机,但大部分令人讨厌的话题都围绕着Nexus 4 –以及之前的Galaxy Nexus。 Nexus设备之所以特别,是因为它们没有Android的一些最大问题。

These problems include a lack of official updates, manufacturer-created custom interfaces that slow things down and detract from the experience, and bloatware preinstalled by manufacturers and carriers.


什么是Nexus设备? (What’s a Nexus Device?)

Google started the Nexus program with the Nexus One, which wasn’t as successful as they’d hoped. They also released the Nexus S, which was not extremely popular. The program started picking up steam with the Galaxy Nexus phone, the popular Nexus 7 tablet, and now the Nexus 4 smartphone, which was sold out for months after being introduced.

Google从Nexus One开始了Nexus计划,但没有像他们希望的那样成功。 他们还发布了Nexus S,该产品并不太受欢迎。 这项计划开始使Galaxy Nexus手机,流行的Nexus 7平板电脑以及现在的Nexus 4智能手机如虎添翼。

Nexus devices are designed by Google and sold directly on Google’s Play Store, although they’re manufactured by other hardware manufacturers (LG makes the Nexus 4, ASUS makes the Nexus 7, and Samsung makes the Nexus 10.) Nexus devices are Google’s official reference and developer platform. Google’s Android engineers develop the software for Nexus devices and are responsible for releasing updates.

Nexus设备由Google设计并直接在Google Play商店中出售,尽管它们是由其他硬件制造商制造的(LG制造Nexus 4,华硕制造Nexus 7,三星制造Nexus10。)Nexus设备是Google的官方参考和开发者平台。 Google的Android工程师为Nexus设备开发软件,并负责发布更新。

With other Android devices, manufacturers work on their own software. For example, Samsung is responsible for rolling out updates to the Samsung Galaxy S III, and they’re nowhere near as fast as Google is. They also don’t support devices for as long.

使用其他Android设备,制造商可以使用自己的软件。 例如,三星负责推出对三星Galaxy S III的更新,而更新的速度远远不及Google。 他们也很长时间不支持设备。

Nexus devices also allow easy bootloader-unlocking, which makes it possible to install custom ROMs and root the device very easily. They are intended for developers, after all.

Nexus设备还允许轻松进行Bootloader解锁,这使得可以安装自定义ROM并非常容易地对设备进行植根。 毕竟,它们是供开发人员使用的。


及时的Android更新 (Timely Android Updates)

When a new version of Android comes out, it’s tested on these Nexus devices and Google immediately updates them with the new version of Android. If you have a Nexus 4, you can rest easy knowing you’ll get first access to new versions of Android. You won’t have to wait 6 months for your device’s manufacturer and carrier to roll it out, nor will you have to install a community-supported ROM that may not work properly with all your hardware.

发行新版本的Android时,已经在这些Nexus设备上进行了测试,Google会立即使用新版本的Android更新它们。 如果您使用的是Nexus 4,则可以轻松自在地了解自己将首次使用新版本的Android。 您无需等待6个月的时间即可让设备的制造商和运营商推出该设备,也不必安装一个社区支持的ROM,该ROM可能无法在所有硬件上正常工作。

When Android 5.0 is released, Nexus devices will receive it immediately. It won’t ever appear on most of the devices people currently own, and it probably won’t even appear on many new phones and tablets until 6 months later

当发布Android 5.0时,Nexus设备将立即收到它。 它永远不会出现在当前用户拥有的大多数设备上,而且甚至要到6个月后才会出现在许多新手机和平板电脑上

With another Android device, your device may be outdated from the moment it leaves the store and never receive an update. Google now offers access to development releases of Android to manufacturers so they can roll out updates quicker, but this doesn’t seem to have helped. Smartphones and tablets are still launching with Android 4.1 today, even though Android 4.2 has been out for more than three months.

如果使用其他Android设备,则从设备离开商店那一刻起,您的设备就可能已过时,并且永远不会收到更新。 Google现在向制造商提供了Android开发版本的访问权限,因此他们可以更快地推出更新,但这似乎没有帮助。 尽管Android 4.2已经发布了三个多月,但智能手机和平板电脑今天仍在与Android 4.1一起发布。

The Android Update Alliance, announced in 2011 to ensure all Android devices would receive updates for 18 months, was never mentioned after its announcement, even though many Android manufacturers signed on. Google and Android manufacturers made a promise, and promptly forgot all about it.

Android更新联盟于2011年宣布,以确保所有Android设备都能在18个月内收到更新,尽管许多Android制造商都签署了该协议,但该声明从未提及。 Google和Android制造商做出了承诺,并立即将其全部遗忘。

For more information about the Android update situation, read Why Your Android Phone Isn’t Getting Operating System Updates and What You Can Do About It.


纯Android系统,无皮肤或膨胀软件 (Pure Android, No Skins or Bloatware)

Nexus devices also offer a “pure Android” or “vanilla Android” experience. They run Android as Google’s developers intended it, not as software engineers at Samsung, HTC, or other manufacturers intended it. Many people run Cyanogenmod on devices from other manufacturers simply to get a more vanilla Android-like experience on their hardware.

Nexus设备还提供“纯Android”或“香草Android”体验。 他们按照Google开发人员的意愿运行Android,而不是三星,HTC或其他制造商的软件工程师。 许多人在其他制造商的设备上运行Cyanogenmod只是为了在硬件上获得更原始的类似于Android的体验。

This means that you won’t find any preinstalled NASCAR apps or other junk apps carriers and manufacturers are currently adding to their phones. These apps are installed in the system area and eat up storage space, even after you disable them.

这意味着您将找不到任何预装的NASCAR应用程序或其他垃圾应用程序运营商,而制造商目前正在将其添加到他们的手机中。 这些应用程序已安装在系统区域中,并且即使禁用了它们也会消耗存储空间。

You also won’t find skins like Samsung’s TouchWiz or HTC’s Sense (notorious for slowing things down and eating up more battery life) on these devices. These custom skins often hide Android’s best features, like Google Now and the multitasking menu.

您也不会在这些设备上找到像三星的TouchWiz或HTC的Sense(以减慢速度并消耗更多电池寿命而臭名昭著)的皮肤。 这些自定义外观通常会隐藏Android的最佳功能,例如Google Now和多任务菜单。

Some people may prefer these skins, so this is a matter of taste. However, manufacturers don’t allow people to disable these skins and use vanilla Android. The only way you can do so is by installing a custom ROM like Cyanogenmod.

有些人可能更喜欢这些皮肤,所以这是一个品味问题。 但是,制造商不允许人们禁用这些外观并使用香草Android。 唯一的方法是安装自定义ROM,例如Cyanogenmod。


价钱 (Price)

Price has also become a factor. In North America, smartphones are typically sold on-contract and are very expensive if purchased off-contract. ($649 for the an off-contract iPhone, and much more if you want more storage on your iPhone).

价格也成为一个因素。 在北美,智能手机通常按合同出售,如果按合同购买则非常昂贵。 (非合约iPhone的价格为649美元,如果您想在iPhone上增加存储空间,则需要更多价格)。

Unlike most phones, Nexus phones are sold off-contract for very reasonable prices. The Nexus 4 starts at $299 off-contract, and it’s composed of fairly high-end hardware. If you want to avoid getting locked into a contract – for example, to use a prepaid carrier or just to shop around for the best service – these phones are a great deal.

与大多数手机不同,Nexus手机以非常合理的价格按合同出售。 Nexus 4的合同外售价为299美元,它由相当高端的硬件组成。 如果您想避免陷入合同困境(例如,使用预付费运营商或只是为了获得最好的服务而四处逛逛),那么这些电话非常有用。

It’s a shame there are so few other reasonable options for buying a high-quality phone off-contract.



Android制造商丢球了 (Android Manufacturers Have Dropped the Ball)

The reason Nexus devices are so compelling is because Android manufacturers have dropped the ball. They offer devices running outdated versions of Android, regularly drop support from fairly recent devices, and are very slow to roll out updates. Their phones are packed with bloatware and custom skins that can’t be disabled.  They don’t offer reasonable off-contract prices for people who don’t want to be locked into a contract with their carrier.

Nexus设备如此引人注目的原因是因为Android制造商放弃了。 他们提供运行旧版Android的设备,定期从较新的设备中删除支持,并且推出更新的速度非常慢。 他们的手机上装有无法禁用的膨胀软件和自定义皮肤。 他们不为不想与承运人签订合同的人提供合理的合同外价格。

Nexus devices aren’t perfect. The Nexus 4 doesn’t have the longest battery life, the most storage, or the best camera. It doesn’t have LTE, which may be important to you. It has a glass back, which doesn’t inspire the most confidence. But it does have the best Android software experience.

Nexus设备并不完美。 Nexus 4没有最长的电池寿命,最多的存储空间或最好的相机。 它没有LTE,这可能对您很重要。 它有玻璃后背,无法激发最大的信心。 但是它确实具有最佳的Android软件体验。

If you want better hardware, you’ll have to compromise on software.


Android should be a vibrant platform with a variety of hardware choices. But, for many Android geeks who have been burned in the past by bloatware, bad custom skins, and lack of support, Nexus devices are the only option.

Android应该是一个充满活力的平台,具有多种硬件选择。 但是,对于过去因过时的软件,糟糕的自定义外观和缺乏支持而被烧死的许多Android极客而言,Nexus设备是唯一的选择。

Image Credit: Dru Kelly on Flickr, Johan Larsson on Flickr

图片提供: Flickr上的Dru Kelly,Flickr上的Johan Larsson

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/139391/htg-explains-why-android-geeks-buy-nexus-devices/





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