
Think you have the perfect combination of geek knowledge and writing skills? We’re looking for an experienced, security-focused writer to join our team.
认为您将怪胎知识和写作技能完美结合了吗? 我们正在寻找经验丰富,注重安全性的作家加入我们的团队。
我们在寻找什么 (What We’re Looking For)
We are looking for an experienced writer and security expert to cover how-to guides and explainers in the realm of infosec from a consumer standpoint. You’ll need to be able to distill complex subjects into friendly explainers or guides, discussing everything from malware to VPNs to encryption and everything in between. We are not looking for writers that focus solely on Linux or tech news, though occasionally security topics may deal with something that’s been in the news (for example, major bugs like Heartbleed.)
我们正在寻找一个经验丰富的作家和安全专家,从消费者的角度介绍信息安全领域的操作指南和解释器。 您需要能够将复杂的主题提炼成友好的讲解器或指南,讨论从恶意软件到VPN到加密以及介于两者之间的所有内容。 我们并不是在寻找只关注Linux或技术新闻的作家,尽管有时安全性主题可能会处理新闻中一直存在的问题(例如,诸如Heartbleed之类的主要错误)。
Ideally, we’d like someone willing to come on full-time, but we are open to part-time writers as well. You’re also welcome to start as part-time to see if it’s a good fit, before making the jump to full time.
理想情况下,我们希望有人愿意全职参加,但我们也对兼职作家开放。 也欢迎您从兼职开始,看看是否合适,然后再跳到全职。
All of our writers need to have the following qualities:
- You must be a geek at heart, always looking to learn more about technology and make your gadgets work better. 您必须是一个内心的极客,总是希望学习更多有关技术的知识,并使您的小工具更好地工作。
You must be able to write tips, how-to articles, and explainers about complex topics that are clear and easy to understand, even to non-experts. Again, we are not looking for news writers!
您必须能够撰写清晰,易于理解的复杂主题的技巧,入门文章和解释器,甚至对于非专家也是如此。 同样,我们不寻找新闻撰稿人!
- You must be creative, and have the ability to generate article ideas, take suggestions, and make topics interesting and exciting. 您必须具有创造力,并具有产生文章想法,提出建议并使主题有趣和令人兴奋的能力。
- You must be at least 18 years old and have your own computer. 您必须年满18岁并拥有自己的计算机。
- You must have solid English writing skills, and ideally professional writing experience. 您必须具有扎实的英语写作能力,以及理想的专业写作经验。
- You should have some basic screenshot and image editing chops. HTML skills are a plus. 您应该具有一些基本的屏幕截图和图像编辑印章。 具有HTML技能者优先。
Here’s a couple of examples of recent security-focused articles–from our own site and others–that demonstrate what we’re looking for in terms of quality and content. Please make sure to look through these before you decide to apply:
这是我们自己的站点和其他站点上近期针对安全性的文章的几个示例,它们展示了我们在质量和内容方面正在寻找的东西。 在决定申请之前,请务必仔细阅读以下内容:
What Is SHA-1, and Why Will Retiring It Kick Thousands Off the Internet? [How-To Geek]
什么是SHA-1?为什么要淘汰它的数千名网民? [如何成为极客]
Wi-Fi Security: Should You Use WPA2-AES, WPA2-TKIP, or Both? [How-To Geek]
Wi-Fi安全性:您应该同时使用WPA2-AES,WPA2-TKIP还是同时使用两者? [如何成为极客]
How to Lock Down TeamViewer for More Secure Remote Access [How-To Geek]
如何锁定TeamViewer以获得更安全的远程访问[How-To Geek]
The Impossible Task of Creating a “Best VPNs” List Today [Ars Technica]
今天创建“最佳VPN”列表的不可能任务[Ars Technica]
HTTPS Is Not a Magic Bullet for Web Security [Ars Technica]
HTTPS并不是Web安全的灵丹妙药[Ars Technica]
Put simply: We want to write about security for normal people (or geeks)–not other security experts. These are just a few recent examples, but they all exemplify what kind of articles we’re looking for.
简而言之:我们想为普通人(或极客)而不是其他安全专家撰写有关安全性的文章。 这些只是最近的一些例子,但它们都例证了我们正在寻找的文章类型。
如何申请 (How to Apply)
Send an email to jobs@howtogeek.com with the subject How-To Geek Security Writer and include the following in your email:
发送主题为How-To Geek Security Writer的电子邮件至jobs@howtogeek.com ,并在电子邮件中包含以下内容:
- List your credentials in this topic area, and explain why your geek skills are worth touting to millions of readers each month. 在此主题区域中列出您的凭据,并解释为什么每月都有数百万读者向您兜售极客技能。
- Your name and location. 您的姓名和位置。
- Any previous experience you have with writing and/or blogging. 您以前在撰写和/或撰写博客方面的经验。
- Whether or not you are currently employed, and what you do if you are. 您当前是否在工作,以及您是否在工作。
- A brief overview of the topics you are familiar with, what kind of guides you’d be interested in writing, and what operating systems/computers you have access to. 简要概述您熟悉的主题,您会感兴趣的指南类型以及可以访问的操作系统/计算机。
Most Important: We want a writing sample. If you have previous writing to showcase, particularly of the security how-to or explainer variety, include a link to it in your email. If you have a personal blog, a forum account, or a commenter account from anywhere, feel free to include that as well.
最重要:我们需要一个写作样本。 如果您以前有过展示的文章,特别是有关安全操作方法或解释程序的文章,请在电子邮件中包含指向该文章的链接。 如果您在任何地方都有个人博客,论坛帐户或评论者帐户,也可以随意添加。
We don’t have normal office hours, or even an office, so you can be located anywhere–this is strictly a telecommuting job (although only US residents are eligible for the full-time positions).
Bonus points if you can find the grammatical error in this post.
So what are you waiting for? Email us already!
你还在等什么? 给我们发电子邮件!
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/274677/how-to-geek-is-looking-for-a-security-writer/