vscode重置应用程序_如何在Windows 10上重置应用程序的数据



With Windows 10’s Anniversary Update, you can now reset an app’s data without actually uninstalling and reinstalling the app. This can fix problems when an app has gotten into a bad state, or just quickly restore an app to its default settings.

借助Windows 10的周年更新,您现在可以重置应用程序的数据,而无需实际卸载并重新安装该应用程序。 当应用程序进入不良状态时,或者仅将应用程序快速恢复为其默认设置时,这可以解决问题。

You’ll lose any settings and cached data in the app, so you’ll have to set up the app again from scratched afterwards. This new option only works for the “Universal Windows Platform” apps, which are generally installed from the Windows Store, but we have some tips on resetting desktop apps in the latter section of this article.

您将丢失应用程序中的所有设置和缓存数据,因此之后必须从头开始重新设置应用程序。 此新选项仅适用于通常从Windows应用商店安装的“通用Windows平台”应用程序,但本文的后半部分提供了一些有关重置桌面应用程序的提示。

如何在Windows 10上重置UWP App的数据 (How to Reset a UWP App’s Data on Windows 10)

To reset an app’s data, open the Settings app from your Start menu. Head to System > Apps & Features.

要重置应用程序的数据,请从“开始”菜单中打开“设置”应用程序。 转到系统>应用和功能。

Locate the app you want to reset in the list of installed apps and click or tap it. Click the “Advanced Options” link under the application’s name.

在已安装的应用程序列表中找到要重置的应用程序,然后单击或点击它。 单击应用程序名称下的“高级选项”链接。

Click or tap the “Reset” button to reset an app’s settings.


You’ll have to click a second “Reset” button to confirm you want to clear the app’s data.


In the future, you’ll also be able to remove app add-ons and other downloadable content from this screen. However, no apps currently use this feature.

将来,您还可以从此屏幕中删除应用程序加载项和其他可下载内容。 但是,当前没有应用程序使用此功能。

如何重置Windows桌面应用程序 (How to Reset a Windows Desktop Application)

Unfortunately, there’s no standard way to reset a Windows desktop application’s settings. If you select a desktop application in the Apps & Features list, you won’t see the “Advanced Options” link.

不幸的是,没有重置Windows桌面应用程序设置的标准方法。 如果您在“应用程序和功能”列表中选择了桌面应用程序,则不会看到“高级选项”链接。

You’ll have to find an option specific to the application itself. Some applications have built-in options for resetting themselves to the default settings. Others may require you dig into your file system and delete a program-specific folder under the Application Data (%APPDATA%) directory, for example.

您必须找到特定于应用程序本身的选项。 某些应用程序具有内置选项,可将其重置为默认设置。 其他人可能需要您例如进入文件系统并删除Application Data(%APPDATA%)目录下的程序特定文件夹。

In many cases, you can wipe an app’s settings by uninstalling it, telling the uninstaller to delete any settings, and then reinstalling it.


To delete a Windows desktop app’s data, you’ll need to search for an option specific to that program itself. Search the web for the name of the application and “reset settings” or something similar to find this information.

要删除Windows桌面应用程序的数据,您需要搜索特定于该程序本身的选项。 在网络上搜索应用程序名称和“重置设置”或类似名称以查找此信息。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/264824/how-to-reset-an-apps-data-on-windows-10/






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