
Google and Mozilla now offer 64-bit versions of Chrome and Firefox for Windows. Here’s how to find out what version you’re running and how to upgrade.

Google和Mozilla现在提供适用于Windows的64位版本的Chrome和Firefox。 这是找出正在运行的版本以及如何升级的方法。

Most platforms use 64-bit browsers by default when you’re using a 64-bit operating system. 64-bit web browsers tend to be faster and more secure thanks to the additional security features available. Unfortunately, if you’re running Windows, you may not get the 64-bit version of your browser automatically. To make the move, you first need to ensure that you’re running a 64-bit version of Windows. You also need to make sure that you don’t rely on any old browser plugins that are only available in 32-bit. After that, you’ll just need to download and install the 64-bit version of whatever browser you use.

在使用64位操作系统时,默认情况下,大多数平台都使用64位浏览器。 借助可用的其他安全功能, 64位Web浏览器往往会更快,更安全。 不幸的是,如果您正在运行Windows,则可能无法自动获得浏览器的64位版本。 要采取行动,首先需要确保您正在运行64位版本的Windows。 您还需要确保您不依赖任何仅适用于32位版本的旧浏览器插件。 之后,您只需要下载并安装所用浏览器的64位版本。

第一步:确保您正在运行64位Windows (Step One: Make Sure You’re Running 64-bit Windows)

You’ll need a 64-bit version of Windows to run a 64-bit web browser. To check which version you’re running on Windows 7, 8, or 10, navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > System. On the right side of the window, check the “System type” entry. It will tell you whether you’re using a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system.

您需要Windows的64位版本才能运行64位的Web浏览器。 要检查您在Windows 7、8或10上运行的版本,请导航至控制面板>系统和安全性>系统。 在窗口的右侧,检查“系统类型”条目。 它将告诉您使用的是32位还是64位操作系统。

If you see that you’re using a 32-bit version of Windows on a x64-based processor, you can probably switch to the 64-bit version of Windows. If your system has a 32-bit processor, you can’t install a 64-bit operating system and won’t be able to use a 64-bit browser.

如果看到在基于x64的处理器上使用的是32位版本的Windows,则可能可以切换到64位版本的Windows 。 如果您的系统具有32位处理器,则不能安装64位操作系统,也不能使用64位浏览器。

第二步:检查旧的浏览器插件 (Step Two: Check for Old Browser Plug-Ins)

Some older browser plug-ins only function in 32-bit browsers. However, the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge don’t support browser plug-ins aside from Flash, anyway. So there’s no downside to switching if you’re running one of these new browsers. You can still use normal browser extensions with these browsers—just not “plugins” like Java and Silverlight.

某些较旧的浏览器插件仅在32位浏览器中起作用。 但是,无论如何,最新版本的Chrome,Firefox和Edge都不支持Flash之外的浏览器插件。 因此,如果您正在运行这些新的浏览器之一,则切换没有任何弊端。 您仍然可以在这些浏览器上使用普通的浏览器扩展,只是不能像Java和Silverlight那样使用“插件”。

第三步:将浏览器更新为64位 (Step Three: Update Your Browser to 64-bit)

After making sure that you’re running a 64-bit version of Windows and that you don’t rely on any old 32-bit-only browser plugins, it’s time to update to the 64-bit browser of your choice.


谷歌浏览器 (Google Chrome)

Google released a 64-bit version of Google Chrome back in 2014. However, Google didn’t automatically upgrade everyone to the 64-bit version of Google Chrome, so you may still be running the 32-bit version. If you are, you should definitely upgrade to the 64-bit version of Chrome. It’s faster and more secure.

Google于2014年发布了64位版本的Google Chrome浏览器。 但是,Google不会自动将每个人都升级到64位版本的Google Chrome,因此您可能仍在运行32位版本。 如果是这样,您绝对应该升级到64位版本的Chrome。 它更快,更安全。

To check if you’re running the 64-bit version of Google Chrome, open the Settings menu and head to Help > About. Look to the right of the version number. If you see “(64-bit)” at the end, you’re running the 64-bit version. If you don’t, you’re running the 32-bit version.

要检查您是否正在运行64位版本的Google Chrome浏览器,请打开“设置”菜单,然后转到“帮助”>“关于”。 查找版本号右侧。 如果最后看到“(64位)”,则说明您正在运行64位版本。 否则,您正在运行32位版本。

To upgrade, head to the Chrome download page, download the 64-bit version for Windows, and install it. You won’t lose any of your Chrome settings when you upgrade.

要进行升级,请转到Chrome下载页面,下载适用于Windows的64位版本,然后进行安装。 升级时,您不会丢失任何Chrome设置。

火狐浏览器 (Mozilla Firefox)

Mozilla released a 64-bit version of Firefox at the end of 2015. However, like Google, Mozilla hasn’t automatically upgraded everyone to the 64-bit version of Firefox. You may still be running the 32-bit version. To check if you’re running the 64-bit version of Firefox, open the Settings menu and head to Help > About Firefox (The “Help” button is the question mark icon at the bottom of the menu). You’ll see either “(32-bit)” or “(64-bit)” displayed to the right of the version number here.

Mozilla在2015年底发布了64位版本的Firefox。 但是,像Google一样,Mozilla并没有自动将所有人升级到64位版本的Firefox。 您可能仍在运行32位版本。 要检查您是否正在运行64位版本的Firefox ,请打开“设置”菜单,然后转到“帮助”>“关于Firefox”(“帮助”按钮是菜单底部的问号图标)。 您将在此处看到版本号右侧的“(32位)”或“(64位)”。

To upgrade, head to the Firefox download page, click “Firefox for Other Platforms & Languages”, download the 64-bit version for Windows, and install it. You won’t lose any of your Firefox settings when you upgrade.

要进行升级,请转到Firefox下载页面,单击“适用于其他平台和语言的Firefox”,下载适用于Windows的64位版本并进行安装。 升级时,您不会丢失任何Firefox设置。

微软Edge (Microsoft Edge)

Microsoft Edge is always a 64-bit application on 64-bit versions of Windows 10, so you don’t need to worry about it.

Microsoft Edge在Windows 10的64位版本上始终是64位应用程序,因此您无需担心它。

IE浏览器 (Internet Explorer)

Microsoft provides both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Internet Explorer on 64-bit versions of Windows.

Microsoft在64位版本的Windows上提供了Internet Explorer的32位和64位版本。

On a 64-bit version of Windows 10, the standard “Internet Explorer” shortcut in your Start menu launches the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer. So, just use the default and you’ll be using a 64-bit browser. If you want to find the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer, open a File Explorer window and browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer. Launch the “iexplore.exe” program from here and you’ll get the 32-bit version of IE.

在Windows 10的64位版本上,“开始”菜单中的标准“ Internet Explorer”快捷方式将启动64位版本的Internet Explorer。 因此,只需使用默认值,您将使用64位浏览器。 如果要查找32位版本的Internet Explorer,请打开“文件资源管理器”窗口,然后浏览到C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Internet Explorer。 从此处启动“ iexplore.exe”程序,您将获得32位版本的IE。

On a 64-bit version of Windows 7, you’ll see two different shortcuts in your Start menu. One is named simply “Internet Explorer,” and it launches the 32-bit version. The other shortcut is named “Internet Explorer (64-bit),” and it launches the 64-bit version.

在Windows 7的64位版本上,您将在“开始”菜单中看到两个不同的快捷方式。 其中一个被简单地命名为“ Internet Explorer”,它将启动32位版本。 另一个快捷方式名为“ Internet Explorer(64位)”,它将启动64位版本。

In the Windows 7 days, browsers used traditional NPAPI and ActiveX browser plugins, which did not work well in 32-bit. Windows made the 32-bit Internet Explorer the default so that people would run into fewer problems. Now that those browser plugins have mostly been abandoned, you shouldn’t notice any problems while running the 64-bit version.

在Windows 7天中,浏览器使用了传统的NPAPI和ActiveX浏览器插件,这些插件在32位上运行不佳。 Windows将32位Internet Explorer设置为默认值,这样人们遇到的问题就更少了。 既然这些浏览器插件大部分已被放弃,那么在运行64位版本时,您应该不会注意到任何问题。

Whatever the rationale for not automatically updating capable PCs with the 64-bit versions of web browsers, it’s generally better to run a 64-bit version if you can. It offers greater speed and security. Fortunately, it’s easy enough to make the switch if your system can handle it.

不管不使用64位版本的Web浏览器自动更新功能强大的PC的理由是什么,如果可以的话,通常最好运行64位版本。 它提供了更高的速度和安全性。 幸运的是,只要您的系统能够处理,就很容易进行切换。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/110075/how-to-use-a-64-bit-web-browser-on-windows/





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