apple tv 开发_如何防止Apple TV进入睡眠状态

apple tv 开发

apple tv 开发

Your Apple TV, by default, goes to sleep fairly quickly when not in use. That’s great for power saving but not so great if you like to keep it on. Let’s take a look at how to extend how long it stays awake or disable sleep mode altogether.

默认情况下,Apple TV在不使用时会很快进入睡眠状态。 这对于节电非常有用,但是如果您希望继续使用它就不会那么好。 让我们看一下如何延长其保持清醒状态的时间或完全禁用睡眠模式。

Note: This tutorial applies to the 2015 4th-generation Apple TV hardware update and the subsequent updates running tvOS.

注意:本教程适用于2015年第4代Apple TV硬件更新以及运行tvOS的后续更新。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

If you enjoy having the Apple TV on in the background to display the very polished Aerial screen savers or slideshows of your family photos then, naturally, you want it to stay on so you can enjoy those things.

如果您喜欢在后台打开Apple TV来显示非常优美的航拍屏幕保护程序或家庭照片的幻灯片,那么自然地,您希望它保持打开状态,以便您可以欣赏这些东西。

By default the Apple TV goes to sleep after one hour. While that’s not exactly as brief has the timeout on your smartphone screen that’s still plenty quick enough for you to here the kids ask where the cool screensaver went or for fake-window-to-the-world in your almost windowless apartment to go dark before you want it to.

默认情况下,Apple TV一小时后进入睡眠状态。 尽管智能手机屏幕上的超时时间并不是那么短暂,但仍然足够快,您可以到这里来,孩子们询问凉爽的屏幕保护程序到哪里去了,或者让您在几乎没有窗户的公寓里进入虚假的窗口进入世界,然后才变黑。你想要它。

Fortunately it’s super easy to tweak your Apple TV to stay awake longer or to never sleep at all.

幸运的是,对Apple TV进行微调以使其保持更长的清醒时间或根本不入睡是非常容易的。

调整和禁用Apple TV的睡眠模式 (Adjusting And Disabling Apple TV’s Sleep Mode)

To adjust or disable your Apple TV’s sleep mode start at the Home screen and select the Settings icon.

要调整或禁用Apple TV的睡眠模式,请从主屏幕开始,然后选择“设置”图标。

Within the Settings menu select the “General” sub-menu.


Within the General sub-menu select “Sleep After”; note that the Sleep After entry handily displays the existing setting before you even enter into the selection menu. The default, as we noted above, is one hour.

在常规子菜单中,选择“睡眠后”; 请注意,“进入后睡眠”功能会在您进入选择菜单之前方便地显示现有设置。 如上所述,默认值是一小时。

In the Sleep After menu you can select the amount of time until the device sleeps in increments ranging from 15 minutes to 10 hours or stop the device from sleeping altogether. Once you make your select the changes take effect immediately and whether your goal was to get it to sleep faster to save electricity or keep it wide awake to display photos, no reboot is necessary.

在睡眠后菜单中,您可以选择直到设备进入睡眠状态的时间(以15分钟至10小时为增量)或完全停止设备进入睡眠状态。 一旦您做出选择,更改将立即生效,并且无论您的目标是使它更快地进入睡眠状态以节省电力,还是使它保持清醒状态以显示照片,都无需重新启动。

Have a pressing Apple TV question? Shoot us an email at and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有一个紧迫的Apple TV问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至,我们将尽力答复。


apple tv 开发




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