

There may be times when you want to hide information in certain cells or hide entire rows or columns in an Excel worksheet. Maybe you have some extra data you reference in other cells that does not need to be visible.

有时您可能想在某些单元格中隐藏信息或在Excel工作表中隐藏整行或整列。 也许您在其他单元格中引用了一些多余的数据,这些数据不需要是可见的。

We will show you how to hide cells and rows and columns in your worksheets and then show them again.


隐藏细胞 (Hide Cells)

You can’t hide a cell in the sense that it completely disappears until you unhide it. With what would that cell be replaced? Excel can only blank out a cell so that nothing displays in the cell. Select individual cells or multiple cells using the “Shift” and “Ctrl” keys, just like you would when selecting multiple files in Windows Explorer. Right-click on any of the selected cells and select “Format Cells” from the popup menu.

在取消隐藏之前,您无法隐藏完全消失的意义的单元。 该单元将被替换为什么? Excel只能清空一个单元格,以便该单元格中不显示任何内容。 就像在Windows资源管理器中选择多个文件一样,使用“ Shift”和“ Ctrl”键选择单个单元格或多个单元格。 右键单击任何选定的单元格,然后从弹出菜单中选择“格式化单元格”。


The “Format Cells” dialog box displays. Make sure the “Number” tab is active and select “Custom” in the “Category” list. In the “Type” edit box, enter three semicolons (;) without the parentheses and click “OK”.

显示“格式化单元格”对话框。 确保“数字”选项卡处于活动状态,然后在“类别”列表中选择“自定义”。 在“类型”编辑框中,输入不带括号的三个分号(;),然后单击“确定”。

NOTE: You might want to note what the “Type” was for each of the selected cells is before you change it so you can change the type of the cells back to what it was to show the content again.



The data in the selected cells is now hidden, but the value or the formula is still in the cell and displays in the “Formula Bar”.



To unhide the content in the cells, follow the same steps listed above, but choose the original number category and type for the cells rather than “Custom” and the three semicolons.


NOTE: If you type anything into cells in which you hid the content, it will automatically be hidden after you press “Enter”. Also, the original value in the hidden cell will be replaced with the new value or formula that you type into the cell.

注意:如果您在隐藏内容的单元格中键入任何内容,则在按“ Enter”后它将自动隐藏。 此外,隐藏单元格中的原始值将替换为您在单元格中键入的新值或公式。

隐藏行和列 (Hide Rows and Columns)

If you have a large worksheet, you might want to hide some rows and columns for data you don’t currently need to view. To hide an entire row, right-click on the row number and select “Hide”.

如果您的工作表很大,则可能需要隐藏一些行和列以存储当前不需要查看的数据。 要隐藏整个行,请右键单击行号,然后选择“隐藏”。

NOTE: To hide multiple rows, select the rows first by clicking and dragging over the range of rows you want to hide, and then right-click on the selected rows and select “Hide”. You can select non-sequential rows by pressing “Ctrl” as you click on the row numbers for the rows you want to select.

注意:要隐藏多行,请首先通过单击并在要隐藏的行的范围内拖动来选择行,然后右键单击选定的行并选择“隐藏”。 您可以通过在要选择的行的行号上单击时按“ Ctrl”来选择非连续行。


The hidden row numbers are skipped in the row number column and a double line displays in place of the hidden rows.



Hiding columns is a very similar process to hiding rows. Right-click on the column you want to hide, or select multiple column letters first and then right-click on the selected columns. Select “Hide” from the popup menu.

隐藏列与隐藏行非常相似。 右键单击要隐藏的列,或者先选择多个列字母,然后右键单击所选的列。 从弹出菜单中选择“隐藏”。


The hidden column letters are skipped in the row number column and a double line displays in place of the hidden rows.



To unhide a row or multiple rows, select the row before the hidden row(s) and the row after the hidden row(s) and right-click on the selection and select “Unhide” from the popup menu.



To unhide a column or multiple columns, select the two columns surrounding the hidden column(s), right-click on the selection, and select “Unhide” from the popup menu.



If you have a large spreadsheet and you don’t want to hide any cells, rows, or columns, you can freeze rows and columns so any headings you set up don’t scroll when you scroll through your data.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/218582/how-to-hide-cells-rows-and-columns-in-excel/





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