


If you visit an Apple Store in the hopes of buying a new iPhone, iPad, or MacBook, you have to talk to an Apple employee, since all the expensive products are kept in the back. However, if it’s just an accessory you want, you can buy it without actually interacting with anyone.

如果您访问Apple商店以希望购买新的iPhone,iPad或MacBook,则必须与Apple员工交谈,因为所有昂贵的产品都放在后面。 但是,如果您只是想要的配件,则可以直接购买而无需与任何人进行互动。

Thanks to the Apple Store app, you can use your iPhone to scan the barcode of an accessory off the shelf and use Apple Pay to pay for it. From there, you can just walk out of the store with your new Apple accessory in hand. Keep in mind, though, that not everything on the shelves can be scanned and purchased from your iPhone (Beats headphones being a good example), but things like chargers and cables are free game.

借助Apple Store应用程序,您可以使用iPhone扫描现成的配件的条形码,并使用Apple Pay进行支付。 从那里,您可以手持新的Apple配件走出商店。 但是请记住,并不是可以扫描货架上的所有东西,也可以从iPhone上购买(Beats耳机就是一个很好的例子),但是充电器和电缆之类的东西是免费的。

Before you go into an Apple Store and do this, you’ll need to download the Apple Store app to your iPhone and set it up by signing in with your Apple ID. You can wait until you’re at the Apple Store, but it’ll go a lot faster if you have all that ready to go ahead of time.

在进入Apple Store并执行此操作之前,您需要将Apple Store应用程序下载到iPhone上,并通过使用Apple ID登录进行设置。 您可以等到到达Apple Store时,但是如果您准备好了所有一切,它将大大加快速度。

You also need to have Location Services enabled for the Apple Store app and have it set to “Always” allow location access. You can do this by opening up the Settings app and navigating to Privacy > Location Services > Apple Store. From there, select the “Always” option. This lets the app know when you’re at the Apple Store so that you can buy something using your iPhone.

您还需要为Apple Store应用程序启用“位置服务”,并将其设置为“始终”以允许位置访问。 您可以通过打开“设置”应用程序并导航到“隐私”>“位置服务”>“ Apple Store”来执行此操作。 从那里,选择“始终”选项。 这样,应用程序就会知道您何时在Apple Store商店,以便您可以使用iPhone购买商品。

When you arrive at the Apple Store, you’ll receive a notification that encourages you to scan items to read reviews, see compatibility options, and buy stuff right from your iPhone. In this case, we got a notification on our Apple Watch.

到达Apple Store时,您会收到一条通知,鼓励您扫描商品以阅读评论,查看兼容性选项以及直接从iPhone购买商品。 在这种情况下,我们会在Apple Watch上收到通知。

When the Apple Store app launches on your iPhone, tap the “Touch to Scan” option to get started (you may also need to give the app permission to use your iPhone’s camera).

当Apple Store应用程序在iPhone上启动时,点击“触摸扫描”选项即可开始使用(您可能还需要授予该应用程序使用iPhone相机的权限)。

From there, simply hover your iPhone’s camera over a barcode of an accessory that you want to purchase. In this case, we’re buying an Apple Watch charging cable.

从那里,只需将iPhone的相机悬停在要购买的配件的条形码上。 在这种情况下,我们要购买Apple Watch充电线。

After the app scans the barcode, the product information pops up. Tap the “Self-Checkout” button to continue the purchasing process.

应用程序扫描条形码后,将弹出产品信息。 点击“自助结帐”按钮以继续购买过程。

From there, you can tap on “Buy with Apple Pay” if you have it set up, or select “Buy with other payment options” if you want to use the old-fashioned way.

在此处,如果您已设置,则可以点击“使用Apple Pay进行购买”,或者,如果您想使用老式的方式,则可以选择“通过其他付款方式购买”。

When you’ve made your purchase, you’ll get a digital receipt displayed on the screen. You’re now a proud new owner of an Apple product and can just walk out of the store with your new item.

购买后,屏幕上会显示数字收据。 您现在是Apple产品的新所有者,您可以随身带着新产品走出商店。

The likelihood of you getting stopped by an Apple employee is small, and there are no sensors at the entryway to detect whether you bought the item or not. However, if you do get stopped, just show the employee the receipt on your screen and you’ll be golden—all Apple employees get an alert on their iPod scanners when someone buys something using their iPhone, so they should know.

您被Apple员工阻止的可能性很小,并且入口处没有传感器来检测您是否购买了该产品。 但是,如果您确实停下来了,只需在屏幕上向员工显示收据,您就会很高兴–当有人使用iPhone购买某些东西时,所有Apple员工都会在其iPod扫描仪上收到警报,因此他们应该知道。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/338754/how-to-buy-stuff-at-the-apple-store-without-a-cashier/






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