
免费如何做网页或网站,百度新闻排行榜,页面跳转快捷键,开发公司与物业公司前期合同项目中的模块剥离成项目One of the great things about time-shifting your television viewing is that you are able to watch the shows you love at a time that suits you. Just because you have an appointment on Wednesday evening there’s no need to miss out on y…



One of the great things about time-shifting your television viewing is that you are able to watch the shows you love at a time that suits you. Just because you have an appointment on Wednesday evening there’s no need to miss out on your favorite program, particularly if you have a TV card installed – just record and watch at your leisure.

时移电视观看功能的一大优点是,您可以在适合自己的时间观看自己喜欢的节目。 仅仅因为您在星期三晚上有个约会,所以您不必错过自己喜欢的节目,尤其是如果您安装了电视卡时,只需在闲暇时录制和观看即可。

But there’s still a little problem: record a TV show and you also record the commercials that are littered throughout it. Sure, you can hit fast forward and jump to the action, but it can be hard not to overshoot which means having to rewind and you may well end up only shaving a few seconds off sitting through the ads in the first place.

但是仍然存在一个小问题:录制电视节目,并且您还录制整个过程中乱七八糟的广告。 当然,您可以快进并跳到动作上,但是要想不至于超调就很难了,这意味着必须倒带,而您最终可能只需要花费几秒钟就可以浏览所有广告。

If commercials irk you, MCEBuddy 2 could be what you have been looking for. We took a look at MCEBuddy 1.1 almost three years ago and since then things have moved onwards and upwards.

如果广告使您讨厌, MCEBuddy 2可能就是您想要的。 大约三年前,我们研究了MCEBuddy 1.1 ,此后情况一直在发展。


The concept is simple: point the software in the direction of your recorded TV show and a little while later you are provided with a new version devoid of advertisements. As an added bonus you can also convert videos into different formats ready to be played back on different devices, adjust sound and video quality and more.

这个概念很简单:将软件指向您录制的电视节目的方向,过一会儿,您将获得一个没有广告的新版本。 另外,您还可以将视频转换成不同的格式,以准备在不同的设备上播放,调整声音和视频质量等等。


As with many video editing and conversion operations, commercial stripping and re-encoding can be a lengthy process; the same is also true of the installation which takes significantly longer than the average program.

与许多视频编辑和转换操作一样,商业剥离和重新编码可能是一个漫长的过程。 安装所需的时间也比平均程序要长得多。

For the most part the app is intuitive, and you should find that you can get started without the need for help – but there is a user guide available if you would like some pointers.



编辑和转换 (Edit and Convert)

MCEBuddy 2 can be configured to monitor a folder and automatically edit videos that are found. When you launch the program, wait for the required service to load and then click the Settings button. You can then specify one or more folders that should be used as the source.

可以将MCEBuddy 2配置为监视文件夹并自动编辑找到的视频。 启动程序时,等待所需的服务加载,然后单击“设置”按钮。 然后,您可以指定一个或多个应该用作源的文件夹。


You can then specify exactly what you would like to be done to any videos that are found in this folder. There are two different advert detection and removal methods to choose from, and you may want to experiment to see what works best for you. At this screen you can also choose which format edited videos should be saved in so they can be tailored for different devices.

然后,您可以确切地指定要对在此文件夹中找到的任何视频执行的操作。 有两种不同的广告检测和删除方法可供选择,您可能想尝试一下哪种方法最适合您。 在此屏幕上,您还可以选择应以哪种格式保存已编辑视频,以便可以针对不同设备进行定制。


You can keep things this simple if you like, but there are a number of more advanced options to investigate as well – this includes adjusting volume and reducing resolution.


To save tying up your computer throughout the day when you will probably want to use it for other things, there is a scheduling option that enables you to run conversion tasks when you are away from your machine. Having saved the conversion settings that are to be used, hit the Advanced menu.

为了避免在一整天可能要用于其他用途的计算机上打结,有一个计划选项,使您可以在离开计算机时运行转换任务。 保存了要使用的转换设置后,点击“高级”菜单。


Videos can be converted at a time of your choosing, and you can opt to have an email sent to you when the process is complete.


You can download the tool for free and get to work on your videos. If you don’t like the idea of a standalone app, there is also a Media Center plugin available that does very much the same job and can be used in both Windows 7 and Windows 8.

您可以免费下载该工具,然后开始制作视频。 如果您不喜欢独立应用程序的想法,也可以使用Media Center插件来完成几乎相同的工作,并且可以在Windows 7和Windows 8中使用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/136470/strip-the-ads-from-your-tv-recordings-with-mcebuddy-2/






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