


It’s really annoying when you’re trying to re-read an eBook and your Kindle or Kindle app keeps trying to get you to jump to the end because that’s the “Furthest Location Read.” Here’s how to fix it.

当您尝试重新阅读电子书并且Kindle或Kindle应用程序一直试图使您跳到最后时,这确实很烦人,因为那是“最远的位置阅读”。 解决方法如下。

For some weird reason, there’s no way to reset your furthest read location on a Kindle or in the app; you have to go to the Amazon website. In theory, once you say “No” your Kindle should stop bugging you to jump ahead but I’ve had issues with it in the past.

由于某些奇怪的原因,无法在Kindle或应用程序中重置最远的读取位置; 您必须访问亚马逊网站。 从理论上讲,一旦您说“不”,您的Kindle就应该不再烦扰您前进了,但过去我对此一直有疑问。

Head to Manage Your Content and Devices on Amazon. Under the Your Content tab, find the book where you want to reset the furthest read location.

前往Amazon上管理您的内容和设备。 在“您的内容”选项卡下,找到要重置最远阅读位置的书。

Click on the three little dots, and then select the “Clear Furthest Page Read” link.


Click the “Clear Furthest Page Read” button to confirm.


The next time you open the book, your current location will be the new furthest read page across all your devices.







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