There are only so many people on earth, and so many hours in the day. Is that starting to limit the growth of social media?
地球上只有那么多人,一天中有很多小时。 这是否开始限制社交媒体的增长?
Think about how much time you, and the people around you, spend on social networks every day. Ask yourself: how much more time could you possibly spend on Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter without losing your job entirely? Probably not much.
考虑一下您和您周围的人每天在社交网络上花费多少时间。 问自己:在不完全丢掉工作的情况下,您还可以在Facebook,Snapchat和Twitter上花费多少时间? 可能不多。
And in the developed world, at least, there aren’t many people left who aren’t already on social media, meaning there’s potentially not much room for growth.
Here’s Kate Conger, writing for the New York Times:
这是凯特·康格(Kate Conger)为《纽约时报》撰稿:
Facebook revealed late last month that its number of users in the United States was flat from earlier this year and that its users in Europe had fallen over the same period, even though its total number of members had grown. And Twitter, which has struggled for years to increase interest in its platform, also said in late July that its monthly active users had decreased by one million from earlier this year. After those disclosures, share prices of both Facebook and Twitter tumbled.
Facebook上个月末透露,尽管其会员总数有所增长,但其在美国的用户数量与今年初相比持平,而在欧洲的用户数量同期有所下降。 多年来一直在努力增加对其平台的兴趣的Twitter,也在7月下旬表示,其每月活跃用户比今年初减少了100万。 这些披露之后,Facebook和Twitter的股价均下跌。
The declines and flattening growth raise questions about whether the social media companies have reached a saturation point in some markets, especially in developed countries.
“And Alexander wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.”
It hardly seems like a problem, right? They’ve taken up so much human attention that there isn’t any left to capture!
似乎几乎没有问题,对吧? 他们已经引起了人们的极大关注,以至于没有任何可捕捉的东西!
But companies built around the assumption of perpetual growth don’t think that way, so you can bet these companies will dream up new ways to grab more attention from more people. You’ll have to decide if you want to give them that, or if they’ve had enough.
但是围绕永久增长的假设建立的公司并不这么认为,因此您可以打赌这些公司将梦想新的方法来吸引更多人的关注。 您必须决定是否要给他们,或者他们是否受够了。
Photo credit: Chinnapong/Shutterstock.com
图片来源: Chinnapong / Shutterstock.com
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/can-facebook-keep-growing-if-everyones-already-on-it/