


macOS: Is there a certain Preference pane you access constantly? You can quickly add it to your dock.

macOS:是否存在您经常访问的特定“首选项”窗格? 您可以将其快速添加到扩展坞中。

Brett Terpstra, writing for Lifehacker, points out that every preference pane lives in the folder /System/Library/PreferencePanes/. Browse to the folder, or click Go > Connect to Server in the menu bar and paste the full path.

Brett Terpstra在为Lifehacker撰写文章时指出,每个首选项窗格都位于/System/Library/PreferencePanes/文件夹中。 浏览到该文件夹​​,或单击菜单栏中的“转到”>“连接到服务器”,然后粘贴完整路径。

You’ll find the folder, which contains all of the System Preferences panes.


Simply drag one to the right side of the dock, beside your dock folders and the Trash.


You can drag as many panels here as you want! It’s not going to save you a ton of time, but if there’s something you configure regularly it’s well worth taking a minute to set this up.

您可以在这里拖动任意数量的面板! 这样做不会节省大量时间,但是如果您定期配置某些内容,那么花一点时间进行设置非常值得。








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