
Forgetting to charge your MacBook properly overnight can leave you with a headache in the morning. And if you’re troubleshooting a broken MacBook, checking if it’s able to charge is one way to rule out battery issues.
忘记在一夜之间为MacBook正确充电,可能会让您头疼。 而且,如果要对损坏的MacBook进行故障排除,则检查它是否可以充电是排除电池问题的一种方法。
较旧的Macbook的充电电缆上有灯 (Older Macbooks Have Lights on the Charging Cable)
If your MacBook was made before 2016 and has a magnetic charging cable (even the “old” L-shaped one), it will have a light on the end of the cable indicating that it is charging. If the light is orange, you’re charging. If it’s green, your battery is full, and you’re running off the power adapter. Even if it doesn’t turn on, it should still have the light if the problem isn’t with the battery.
如果您的MacBook是在2016年之前制造的,并且具有磁性充电电缆(甚至是“ L型”旧款),则电缆末端会亮起,表明正在充电。 如果指示灯为橙色,则说明您正在充电。 如果为绿色,则表明电池已充满,并且正在用电源适配器供电。 即使它没有打开,如果不是电池问题,它也应该仍然亮着。

If you have a new MacBook with a USB Type C charger, it’s a different story. The USB-C charger doesn’t have the indicator light, meaning if your MacBook doesn’t turn on, you may have no idea if the battery is the cause, or if your cable is just broken.
如果您有一台带USB C型充电器的新MacBook,那就另当别论了。 USB-C充电器没有指示灯,这意味着如果MacBook无法打开,您可能不知道是电池造成的,还是电缆刚刚断开。
If you have a really old cable, or a third party one, you may be missing the light as well.
One way to check when troubleshooting a USB C cable without a light is to leave it plugged in for a while and check if the power brick gets warm. They generate heat while charging, so if it’s not charging, it will be cold.
故障排除时,检查USB C电缆不带灯的一种方法是将其插入一段时间,然后检查电源砖是否变热。 它们在充电时会发热,因此如果不充电,则会变冷。
Another thing you can try is shining a flashlight on the Apple logo on the back. If you can see something onscreen, it means your backlight is broken (a fairly common problem, often mistaken for it not turning on at all) and you should find an Apple Store. Or, maybe you’ve turned down the brightness all the way, and your MacBook is fine.
您可以尝试的另一件事是在手背的Apple徽标上闪烁一个手电筒。 如果您在屏幕上看到一些东西,则说明您的背光灯坏了(这是一个很常见的问题,常常被误认为根本没有打开),您应该找到一个Apple Store。 或者,也许您已经完全降低了亮度,而MacBook还是不错的。
Tip: Newer MacBooks make a sound when you connect the charger. It’s a ding that sounds just like the sound when plugging in an iPhone, but it’s quieter. You also won’t hear it if your laptop’s sound is off or if the battery is completely dead when you plug in the cable. Still, you can try disconnecting and reconnecting the cable to listen for the sound. If you hear it, then you know it’s charging.
提示:连接充电器时,较新的MacBook会发出声音。 听起来像是插入iPhone时的声音,但它更安静。 如果您的笔记本电脑的声音已关闭或插入电缆时电池完全没电,您也不会听到它的声音。 不过,您可以尝试断开连接并重新连接电缆以收听声音。 如果您听到它,则说明它正在充电。
屏幕可见吗? (Is It Turned On, With the Screen Visible?)

If so, the battery status is displayed in the top menu bar, along with apps using a lot of juice and warnings if your battery is old (and not holding a charge very well). If your battery is charging, it will have a lightning bolt symbol over the battery icon.
如果是这样,则电池状态会显示在顶部菜单栏中,同时使用大量果汁的应用程序也会显示在屏幕上,并会在电池陈旧(如果充电不充分)时发出警告。 如果您的电池正在充电,则电池图标上将带有一个闪电符号。
If you don’t see the icon in the menu bar, it may be turned off. Open up the System Preferences app and click on the “Energy Saver” icon shaped like a lightbulb. At the bottom should be “Show battery status in menu bar.” Make sure this is checked.
如果您在菜单栏中没有看到该图标,则可能已将其关闭。 打开系统偏好设置应用程序,然后单击形状像灯泡的“节能器”图标。 底部应该是“在菜单栏中显示电池状态”。 确保已选中。

You can also adjust other power-related settings from here, including how quickly your display will turn off when not in use.
If all of this fails and you’re still having issues with a busted MacBook, it’s probably best to consult your local Apple Store for repairs.
如果所有这些都失败了,而您仍然无法解决MacBook破损的问题,那么最好咨询当地的Apple Store进行维修。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/406253/how-to-tell-if-your-macbook-is-charging/