如何使Flash在Internet Explorer的64位版本中工作

You’re using the 64-bit version of IE 9 Beta and attempt to watch flash videos, and realize they won’t play. Here we look at fixing the problem by installing the new 64-bit version of Adobe Flash.

您正在使用IE 9 Beta的64位版本,并尝试观看Flash视频,并意识到它们将无法播放。 在这里,我们着眼于通过安装新的64位版本的Adobe Flash来解决问题。


入门 (Getting Started)

There are a few things to keep in mind when installing IE 9 Beta with a 64-bit version of Windows 7. First of all it installs both 32 & 64 – bit versions. Just like you had both versions of IE 8 with a 64-bit version of Windows 7.

使用64位版本的Windows 7安装IE 9 Beta时,要记住一些注意事项。首先,它会同时安装32位和64位版本。 就像您同时拥有IE 8和Windows 7的64位版本一样。


It replaces both the 32 & 64-bit version of IE 8 with IE 9.

它将IE 8替换为IE 8的32位和64位版本。


On a 64-bit Windows 7 system, the icon on your Quick Launch bar or Taskbar will default to the 32-Bit version of IE. You’ll need to go into the Start Menu to access the 64-bit version.

在64位Windows 7系统上,快速启动栏或任务栏上的图标将默认为IE的32位版本。 您需要进入“开始”菜单才能访问64位版本。


Then if you want easy access to the 64-bit version, you can pin it to the Taskbar, create a Desktop shortcut, or use whatever location that works best for you.



修复在IE 9 Beta中播放Flash (Fix Flash Playing in IE 9 Beta)

After installing IE 9 Beta and launching the 64-bit version, when trying to play a Flash video on YouTube for example, it will want you to install the latest version of Flash. No matter how many times you try it, it’s not going to work.

例如,在安装IE 9 Beta并启动64位版本后,尝试在YouTube上播放Flash视频时,它会希望您安装最新版本的Flash。 无论您尝试多少次,它都不会起作用。


In the YouTube example above if you click the link to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player, you’ll see the following message saying 10.1 isn’t available for IE 9 (64-bit). But notice you can download a preview release from Adobe Labs that is optimized for IE 9 32 & 64-bit versions.

在上面的YouTube示例中,如果您单击链接来升级Adobe Flash Player,则会看到以下消息,指出10.1不适用于IE 9(64位)。 但是请注意,您可以从Adobe Labs下载针对IE 9 32和64位版本进行了优化的预览版本。


You’ll be directed to the Adobe Labs page (link below) and it’s actually called Adobe Flash Player “Square”. If you do use it, keep in mind that you’ll need to manually keep it updated, by installing new updates from the Adobe Labs page as it’s still in the preview stage. First download and install Active-X 64-bit for Windows – IE only.

您将被带到Adobe Labs页面(下面的链接) ,它实际上称为Adobe Flash Player“ Square”。 如果您确实使用过它,请记住,您仍需要手动更新它,方法是从Adobe Labs页面安装新的更新,因为它仍处于预览阶段。 首先下载并安装适用于Windows的Active-X 64位-仅限IE。


Also, you’ll need to download and install the plug-in for 64-bit Windows – for all other browsers too.


Important: You need to download and install both Active X and the Plug-in files for it to work.

重要提示:您需要下载并安装Active X和插件文件才能使其正常工作。


Make sure you’re closed out of all of your browsers, and installation for both is very straight-forward and quick following the wizards.



Now that both have been installed, re-launch IE 9 Beta 64-bit, and you’ll now be able to play Flash Content. Here we can now watch the video we weren’t able to access before in IE 9. It’s playing successfully after installing Adobe Flash Square.

既然已经安装了这两个组件,则重新启动64位IE 9 Beta,您现在就可以播放Flash Content。 现在,我们可以在这里观看以前在IE 9中无法访问的视频。在安装Adobe Flash Square之后,该视频可以成功播放。


Again, remember that Flash “Square” is still in Preview Stage and will not update automatically. You’ll need to keep your eye on the page for the latest versions. Also, after the final version is released, they advice you will need to manually uninstall any of the Preview Versions first before using the final version when it becomes available.

再次提醒您,Flash“ Square”仍处于预览阶段,不会自动更新。 您需要密切注意页面上的最新版本。 此外,在发布最终版本之后,他们建议您在可用时使用最终版本之前,首先需要手动卸载任何预览版本。

Download Adobe Flash “Square” from Adobe Labs

从Adobe Labs下载Adobe Flash“ Square”

Our Screenshot Tour of Internet Explorer 9 Beta

我们的Internet Explorer 9 Beta截屏浏览

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/29179/how-to-make-flash-work-in-the-64-bit-version-of-internet-explorer/




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