


If you are tired of hacking together commands at the terminal or having to open a giant bloated IDE just to perform search and replace across a number of files, then Regexxer is the tool for you.


Reader Sergio turned us on to this great application geared towards programmers, but it could be useful for any hard-core geek, especially since it’s a nice little standalone package.


Installation for Debian/Ubuntu

Debian / Ubuntu的安装

sudo apt-get install regexxer

sudo apt-get install regexxer

The great thing about this utility is that you can step through and confirm whether to replace or skip for each file that is found. Just enter your regular expression or keyword into the search box and hit the Find button.

此实用程序的妙处在于,您可以单步执行并确认是否替换或跳过找到的每个文件。 只需在搜索框中输入正则表达式或关键字,然后点击“查找”按钮即可。

The application will find the first file and show you the suggested change in the small textbox below, and you can choose to replace or hit the arrows to go to the next file.



The only thing that this app is really seriously lacking is the ability to save searches for later use. It’s no PowerGrep, but it’s free and open source.

这个应用程序真正严重缺乏的唯一功能是可以保存搜索以供以后使用。 它不是PowerGrep,但它是免费和开源的。

Visit regexxer homepage at SourceForge








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