


Camera App Chrome OS

Your Chromebook comes equipped with a built-in camera you can use to snap pictures to post to your social media accounts or share with friends and family. Here’s how to take a photo on a Chromebook.

您的Chromebook配备了一个内置摄像头,可用来拍摄照片以发布到您的社交媒体帐户或与亲朋好友共享。 以下是在Chromebook上拍照的方法。

如何拍照 (How to Take a Photo)

Google recently rolled out Chrome OS 76 stable, which came with a bunch of new features such as Virtual Desks and a redesign of the Camera app. Google moved the position of the shutter button and camera mode, added a landscape mode, and implemented some much-needed improvements to shutter speed.

Google最近推出了Chrome OS 76稳定版,其中包含许多新功能,例如虚拟办公桌和重新设计的Camera应用程序。 Google移动了快门按钮和相机模式的位置,添加了风景模式,并对快门速度进行了一些急需的改进。

For this tutorial, we will use the stock Chromebook camera app, though you can use any camera app from the Play Store that you prefer.


First, open the Camera app on your Chromebook. You’ll find it under the launcher menu. Tap the “Search” button on the keyboard and search for “Camera.” Alternatively, click the “All Apps” button and look for the camera icon.

首先,在Chromebook上打开“相机”应用。 您会在启动器菜单下找到它。 点击键盘上的“搜索”按钮,然后搜索“相机”。 或者,单击“所有应用程序”按钮,然后查找相机图标。

Tap the Search button, then type Camera to find the Camera app

Once the app opens, click the shutter button, located on the right side, to snap a picture.


Click the shuter icon to snap a pic.

By default, the photo is taken in landscape orientation. However, if you click “Square” before the shutter button, your photos will be square in shape with equal portrait and landscape dimensions.

默认情况下,照片是横向拍摄的。 但是,如果单击快门按钮前的“方形”,则您的照片将是正方形的,并且纵向和横向尺寸均相等。

Click on "Square" to take a square photo instead.

As soon as you hit the shutter button, a thumbnail of the most recent picture will appear in the bottom-right corner. You can press the shutter button to capture even more photos.

按下快门按钮后,右下角将显示最新图片的缩略图。 您可以按快门按钮拍摄更多照片。

Three additional icons along the left side of the window give you even further assistance when taking photos on your Chromebook. Click on any of these to do the following:

在Chromebook上拍照时,窗口左侧的三个其他图标可为您提供更多帮助。 单击任何一个以执行以下操作:

  • Mirror the Photo: Flip the camera’s perspective from left to right.


  • Use Gridlines: Add a grid to help you straighten your picture before you snap it.


  • Timer: Take photos with a delayed timer.


Choose between these optional settings to help you take a better photo. Mirror, Gridlines, and self-timer.

Note: If you have more than one camera on your Chromebook, or if you plugged in an additional one via USB, you will see a fourth icon to switch between the active cameras.


You can customize the size of your camera grid or timer length by clicking on the gear icon. This will take you to the Settings menu.

您可以通过点击齿轮图标来自定义相机网格的大小或计时器长度。 这将带您进入“设置”菜单。

Click the Settings cog to change a few of the Camera settings.

Click on either “Grid Type” or “Timer Duration” to change it to your preference. You can choose between 3×3, 4×4, and the Golden Ratio, and 3- or 10-second delays, respectively.

单击“网格类型”或“计时器持续时间”以将其更改为您的首选项。 您可以分别在3×3、4×4和黄金分割以及3或10秒延迟之间进行选择。

Change the type of Grid or the timer duration in Settings.

如何找到你的照片 (How to Locate Your Photos)

After you’ve finished taking images, you’ll need to find the photos on your Chromebook to view, edit, and share them with your friends and family. This can be done directly from the Camera app or from inside the Files app. Here’s how.

拍摄完照片后,您需要在Chromebook上找到照片才能与朋友和家人查看,编辑和共享。 这可以直接从“相机”应用程序或“文件”应用程序内部完成。 这是如何做。

Note: Your photos will be automatically saved in the Files app if your Chromebook is running Chrome OS version 69 or above.


使用相机应用 (Using the Camera App)

As mentioned above, as soon as you take a photo, a thumbnail of the most recent image will appear in the bottom-right corner underneath the shutter icon. Click on the thumbnail to view the photo in the Gallery app.

如上所述,拍摄照片后,最新图像的缩略图将出现在快门图标下方的右下角。 单击缩略图以在“图库”应用中查看照片。

Click on the thumbnail of the most recent photo to open the Gallery app.

After the Gallery app opens, you’ll see all of your photos at the bottom of the window. Click on one to display it in the viewing area.

“图库”应用程序打开后,您将在窗口底部看到所有照片。 单击一个以在查看区域中显示它。

Your photos, along with all other images and videos, will appear at the bottom of the window.

If you no longer want a photo, select it and then click the trash can icon at the top of the window.


Not satisfied with the video? Click the trash can to delete it

Click “Delete” to remove the file.


Click "Delete" to get rid of the photo.

使用文件应用 (Using the Files App)

First, open the Files app on your Chromebook. You’ll find it in the launcher by tapping the “Search” button on the keyboard and searching for “Files.” Alternatively, click the “All Apps” button and look for the icon.

首先,在Chromebook上打开“文件”应用。 通过单击键盘上的“搜索”按钮并搜索“文件”,可以在启动器中找到它。 或者,单击“所有应用程序”按钮并查找图标。

Tap the Search button, then type Files to find the Files app

The default directory for saved photos can be found under My Files > Downloads on the left side of the Files app.


Navigate to My Files > Downloads to find all your recorded videos

From here, click on a photo and then choose from the top of the window what to do next. Click “Open” to decide what app to open the picture, the Share icon to send it to a friend, or the trash can icon to delete it from your Chromebook.

在这里,单击照片,然后从窗口顶部选择下一步。 点击“打开”以决定要打开图片的应用,点击“共享”图标将其发送给朋友,或点击垃圾桶图标将其从Chromebook中删除。

Choose to open, share, or delete the selected video file

After you click “Open,” you can also select “Change Default” if you want your images to automatically open in an app other than Gallery.


When you click "Open," you can choose between any of the apps on your system that open images.







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