
专做国外采购的网站,seo的内容怎么优化,造价人才网,网站 项目方案同理心案例及故事分享“A good UX designer has empathy”.“优秀的UX设计人员具有同理心”。 This is something every UX designer has heard at some point in their career. Empathy helps us get into the mindset of the user and build solutions that solve real probl…


“A good UX designer has empathy”.


This is something every UX designer has heard at some point in their career. Empathy helps us get into the mindset of the user and build solutions that solve real problems. By having empathy, designers gain a deeper understanding of the user and can advocate for what’s truly important to them.

这是每个UX设计师在职业生涯中都曾听到的东西。 同理心可以帮助我们进入用户的思维定势,并建立解决实际问题的解决方案。 通过同理心,设计师可以更深入地了解用户,并可以倡导对他们真正重要的东西。

Neumorphism is the modern derivation of skeuomorphism, the concept of modeling designs after their real-world equivalent. Empathy is embedded in the idea of skeuomorphism. It’s about taking something novel to your users and designing in a way they already understand. This can be an excellent way for designers to help build a conceptual model that their users can understand and relate to. An example of this is the computer “desktop” as designed by Steve Jobs in the '80s, which uses the idea of a real-life desktop as a metaphor, complete with a trash can to move unwanted ‘files’ into, files as places to put content into and folders to put files into.

拟态是拟态的现代派生,拟态是在现实世界中对设计进行建模的概念。 同理心植于拟态思想中。 这是关于为您的用户带来新颖的东西,并以他们已经理解的方式进行设计。 对于设计师来说,这可能是一种极好的方式,可以帮助他们构建一个用户可以理解和联系的概念模型。 一个例子就是80年代史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)设计的计算机“桌面”,它以现实生活中的桌面为隐喻,并带有垃圾桶,可将不需要的“文件”移入文件中放入内容和文件夹以放入文件。

What started out as an effort to assimilate users into an uncertain environment has led to what we now know as “Neumorphism”, a low contrast, pastel color doting, minimalistic version of its predecessor. As designers, it is our job to design inclusive interfaces and as the golden saying goes, “You are not your users”. This is why the trend of Neumorphism has been so fascinating; it breaks affordances and sacrifices usability and accessibility for the sake of visual design. It tears down all of the empathy that went into skeuomorphism.

最初是为了将用户吸收到不确定的环境中而导致的,现在我们称为“ Neumorphism”,即低对比度,柔和的颜色点缀,其前身的简约版本。 作为设计师,设计包容性界面是我们的工作,俗话说“您不是您的用户”。 这就是为什么神经变态趋势如此迷人的原因。 为了视觉设计,它破坏了功能并牺牲了可用性和可访问性。 它推翻了所有进入拟态的同理心。

As new trends in visual design come into the limelight, we can sometimes be lost in their shiny newness and end up getting caught up in trends that can hurt our users. As humans, the things we cannot experience for ourselves are foreign and often reside in the back of our minds, but with 217 million people worldwide with vision impairments, it’s essential for us to design for accessibility and bring these problems to the forefront.

随着视觉设计的新趋势成为众人瞩目的焦点,我们有时可能会因为它们闪亮的新颖性而迷失方向,最终陷入会伤害用户的趋势。 作为人类,我们自己无法体验的事物是陌生的,通常驻留在我们的脑海中,但是全球有2.17亿视力障碍的人,对我们而言,设计无障碍环境并将这些问题置于最前沿至关重要。

By now, you’ve probably read many articles and comments detailing exactly why Neumorphism is an affront to accessibility. Still, I want to reframe the problem, bring in empathy, and put us all in the shoes of our users. Let’s experience the Neumorphic user experience from the eyes of people with visual impairments.

到目前为止,您可能已经阅读了许多文章和评论,详细说明了为什么Neumorphism冒犯了可访问性。 尽管如此,我还是想重新构想问题,带来同情心,并让我们所有人都为我们所接受。 让我们从视觉障碍者的眼中体验Neumorphic用户体验。

For this experiment, I used the No Coffee Visual Simulator. This is a cool web extension that lets you simulate what different visual impairments might be like.

在此实验中,我使用了No Coffee Visual Simulator。 这是一个很酷的Web扩展程序,可让您模拟不同的视觉障碍。

NOTE: These simulations may not be 100% accurate, but they provide an idea of what low visibility might look like.


白内障 (Cataracts)

A cataract is the cloudiness of the eye lens. The symptoms can also be double vision and blurriness. I set the cataract feature to 10, which is about 50% on the extension.

白内障是眼镜的浑浊。 症状还可能是双眼和模糊。 我将白内障功能设置为10,大约是扩展的50%。

Cataracts: Neumorphism vs Higher contrast interface — higher contrast is easier to see

糖尿病性视网膜病变 (Diabetic Retinopathy)

Diabetic Retinopathy is the vision loss associated with diabetes, and it’s characterized by spots and floaters in the vision. I set the diabetic Retinopathy setting at 50%.

糖尿病性视网膜病是与糖尿病相关的视力丧失,其特征是视力中有斑点和漂浮物。 我将糖尿病性视网膜病变设置为50%。

Diabetic Retinopathy: Neumorphism vs Higher contrast interface — higher contrast is easier to see

青光眼 (Glaucoma)

Glaucoma results from damage to the optic nerve. It is characterized by tunnel vision in advanced cases. I set the glaucoma setting to 50%.

青光眼起因于视神经损伤。 在晚期病例中,其特征是隧道视野。 我将青光眼设置为50%。

Glaucoma: Neumorphism vs Higher contrast interface — higher contrast is easier to see

低敏度和低对比度 (Low Acuity & Low Contrast)

This experiment tested blurry vision and low contrast at levels 4 for both settings.


Low acuity & Low contrast vision: Neumorphism vs Higher contrast interface — higher contrast is easier to see

As depicted, in every variation, the higher contrast design is easier to see. The low contrast colors famously used in Neuromorphism blend together and make it harder to understand the interface.

如图所示,在每个变体中,较高对比度的设计都更容易看到。 在Neuromorphism中使用的著名的低对比度颜色混合在一起,使界面难以理解。

This is just a cursory look into why Neumorphism is getting so much hate. Although I visually showed the visual accessibility issues with Neumorphism, there are other issues with affordance and cognitive load.

这只是粗略研究一下为什么同态性会引起如此多的憎恶。 尽管我从视觉上展示了神经变形的视觉可及性问题,但在负担能力和认知负担方面还有其他问题。

With 217 million individuals with moderate to full vision impairment and 1.1 billion individuals with near-visual impairment, it is vital to consider the needs of these users.


I hope these images helped you empathize with people with visual impairments and see why Neumorphism, although beautiful, is harmful in the long run.


翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/neumorphism-visual-accessibility-and-empathy-d1c5ed2a1f03







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